can't sleep, clowns will eat me
my judicial process test sucked ass; where the hell did he pull those questions from
on a good note, i got a 94 on my forensic science test
made a care package for zephrya and the slumber party girls; hopefully the post office will get it delivered in time sorry, but i forgot the porn at a friends house
why do people look at me funny when i wear a wetsuit to surf the internet?
my bio pic looks like i might have something intelligent to say, but we know better - just look at my journal entries
from me to you
my judicial process test sucked ass; where the hell did he pull those questions from
on a good note, i got a 94 on my forensic science test
made a care package for zephrya and the slumber party girls; hopefully the post office will get it delivered in time sorry, but i forgot the porn at a friends house
why do people look at me funny when i wear a wetsuit to surf the internet?
my bio pic looks like i might have something intelligent to say, but we know better - just look at my journal entries
from me to you
i can't wait to see wha thr goods are........