woo hoo!!!!!! Private PArty for L.A. S.G.'s this Friday !! Any L.A. S.G.'s going??? Ill be there after my show..Maybe we can convince them to do another tour!!!! yippie!!
We never did get to show in LA or Arizona..boohoo...Hopefully we still end up in Europe! That would be crazy fun! xoxox- x
oh yeah! My HOOPDANCE Classes are every Monday night in JUNE in NO HO @ 7 30 pm!
Ill bring the hoops, music, You bring your BOOTY and $15!!
MKM Dance Center
Corner of Tujunga and Chandler
We never did get to show in LA or Arizona..boohoo...Hopefully we still end up in Europe! That would be crazy fun! xoxox- x
oh yeah! My HOOPDANCE Classes are every Monday night in JUNE in NO HO @ 7 30 pm!
Ill bring the hoops, music, You bring your BOOTY and $15!!
MKM Dance Center
Corner of Tujunga and Chandler

Plus, I think you got a couple of pics of cherithebeat and her friend making out against the stage. lol