wow...the tour is getting closer and the pieces look fucking awesome!! I love working with these beautiful, talented, rockin' chicks!!! Get ready for some dirty hoola hoopin' by yours truly and some kick ass hot burlesque dance numbers!!! Of course with a little added suicide on top!!!! See you all very soon...xoxoxo. xiolita

You were all absolutely amazing and your hula hoop was definitely one of the highlights of the evening. Dear God is it sexy to see hips move like that! I just wanted to stop in here and say how much I loved the show and that you're a really wonderful performer.
P.S. Regardless of what you may think, I did notice the flower in your hair.
You clipped my hair a couple times with it, but I'm sure it was all part of the illusion-of-danger, aye?
Thanks for the best show I've ever been to!
Take care!