Since I am being active I guess I will put a new blog. Things are going well just been chillin and starting a new job flooring soon gotta get that skrilla some how. I have a new fight Sept 30th louisville gardens new pictures of my last one soon. late
FUCK YA!! I can't's going to be a blast
hahahah nothing to much up here too much drama this weekend oh well what can you do??
Well I got a call from jimmy mac and I have a fight this weekend I'm stoked and scared in all the same time. I feel like I will do good though. Wich me luck everyone.
So I hear you were in london..and you met the lovely hope...I was there but I didn't meet you...I was prolly off drunk somewhere..but next time you better say HI!
haha really?? I guess I must have been pretty drunk..was i turning in circles?? cuz i do that when I am drunk's great times..
let me know when you come up and let me see some of your work
let me know when you come up and let me see some of your work

Im having great fun in Jiu jitsu im learning and getting fit two good things. Plus I am bettering myself for my next fight coming up in lexington.
Well last night was my debute fight in WFC aka Warrior Fighting Challenge basically a amatuer ufc in kentucky. Any who I won with a TKO in the second and yes I have a couple of marks but I broke his nose so we are even haha. Im now 1-0 and im going into the gym to train up until now I only had 4...
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The Hornets Nest is moving to Baxter ave across from wicks so look for us this will be the best summer ever. I have a mma fight on the 22nd of this month and I also get my new honda 750 which I'm rolling stock for the summer but after next winter it will be all chopped out and we are either hitting up a...
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lol there is a little dog in mianus too. i was in the middle of that pit at the coheed show. i felt like a douchebad because i wore like platform sandals so i wouldnt be as short so i could see better....but i got stomped on lol. but it was still fun
Update sin oct. I have moved to louisville where I am a tattoo artist at The Hornets Nest Tattoo Studio. I havent met anybody new yet but I think its going to come to me I shouldnt look for it. Im staying busy with work and its making all the difference. Oh and I get my new bike after derby woot woot. Honda nugga.
Well I have been back from Japan for about 5 months now. I am on my way to being a certified piercer. I have also been able to work on my ink again which is nice. I've been single for about half a year but its all good I will find someone. Other then that I have just been going to shows and chillin with...
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Hey I am updating holy shit well Rotten Fucking Diplomacy is off the ground check us out at we will have the site up soon. laters
Well hey I am back after a long stent of work it sucks fucking ass but what can I say. Yeah later.
Holy Fuck another day has come again. Im starting to get tired of this shit some one come friggin save me from this nightmare. "Put on your danceing shoes baby CAUSE ITS TIME TO ROCK"
sorry i left like that i am avoiding someone who entered just then.... talk with ya later

Well today started off ok I slept in and got up eventually Im am so friggin sore today I ate it last night at the skate park doing a royal down 1 kink rail seven feet long good thing I was wearing a helmet or my brain would have been mush. After that I headed to the on base club and some SSgt tried to...
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Holy Fuck another day has come again. Im starting to get tired of this shit some come friggin save me from this nightmare.