I wish I had gotten better pictures, but who the FUCK cares! I was THERE!
I met Against Me and Reel Big Fish. Got their autographs.
Saw those 2 bands, Angels and Airwaves, Gym Class Heros, KATY PERRY!
and like 2 or 3 more that I don't think we got their names or I don't remember them lol
Wanted to see Say Anything, The Academy Is..., uhm and a few other bands, but we either got there to late OR they were playing while we were at one of the other shows. OR waiting in line for signatures lol.
It was bloody hot as hell too! OMFG.... lol.
I wanted to DIE! And my friend REALLY wanted to see Gym Class HEros, so we had to wait till the very end of the ENTIRE concert lol that sucked a bit, but it was cool.
He bought me a ticket, so what can I REALLY say? Right? Right.
I had a blast! Got to meet some cool people and would DEFF do it over again! *Just would bring more water this time lol*
Later guys!1
I wish I had gotten better pictures, but who the FUCK cares! I was THERE!
I met Against Me and Reel Big Fish. Got their autographs.
Saw those 2 bands, Angels and Airwaves, Gym Class Heros, KATY PERRY!

Wanted to see Say Anything, The Academy Is..., uhm and a few other bands, but we either got there to late OR they were playing while we were at one of the other shows. OR waiting in line for signatures lol.
It was bloody hot as hell too! OMFG.... lol.

He bought me a ticket, so what can I REALLY say? Right? Right.
I had a blast! Got to meet some cool people and would DEFF do it over again! *Just would bring more water this time lol*
Later guys!1


Glad you went out and had a good time