Hey there Sg Land! I hope life's treating y'all kindly 🥰
I've been willing to share Bilbo's story, so here we go.
A few years ago I saw a post on Facebook of a dog that was put up for adoption. The post said that no one saw 'Bruno' because he was "too old" and when adopting, people usually go for puppies. But this Bruno guy was a puppy! He was only 7 months old and he had already been hit by a car and had scabies. My poor thing 😭❤️
I didn't have much thinking to do, honestly. We already had two more dogs at home but that's that. There's a saying that goes something like "where 2 eat, 3 can eat" or whatever.
The point is that I reached out to the person that posted Bruno's pics and told them I wanted to meet him right away.
It was love at first sight, really.
And here we are, 5+ years later. He truly is the sweetest boy ❤️
He loves people and cats, but he's not that fond of dogs. Except for Gaia, his sister 💕
What about you? Do you have any pets? Any adoption/rescue stories? Lemme know! 💓
P.S.: adopt don't shop ✨
@penny @lemon @missy