Well, trash company calld me today, lol, they found my ID, Birthcertificate and debit card... so thats cool. going up today to pickem up..
kind of in an odd mood right now, Im sick, teird as fuck, yet i cant sleep... Going to start living in my dads ex girlfriends basement in about a week... I cant drive my car anywhere becouse It has some sereous issues right now....
but despite all that, Im in a great mood.. Im not letting any of it bother me, and im thinking of going out when I get payed next week to get me some peircings and a tatoo.. and now that my hairs getting a little longer(my pic on here is like 2 months old) im actualy going to go to a place and get it cut right, probobly gona get the sides shaved down and spike the hair on top, gona get it dyed black again aswell.. i miss my long ass black hair
.. lol Gona take some advice I got while ago and have something done with my eyebrows..
So yeah im good.
just sitin here, at 5 am, after waking up from 4 hours of sleep... listening to acid bath..
if any one has any cool Ideas for a tatoo I should get please let me know !!, and yes I have thought about and SG tatoo but I dont know if I want that to be my first..
kind of in an odd mood right now, Im sick, teird as fuck, yet i cant sleep... Going to start living in my dads ex girlfriends basement in about a week... I cant drive my car anywhere becouse It has some sereous issues right now....
but despite all that, Im in a great mood.. Im not letting any of it bother me, and im thinking of going out when I get payed next week to get me some peircings and a tatoo.. and now that my hairs getting a little longer(my pic on here is like 2 months old) im actualy going to go to a place and get it cut right, probobly gona get the sides shaved down and spike the hair on top, gona get it dyed black again aswell.. i miss my long ass black hair

So yeah im good.

if any one has any cool Ideas for a tatoo I should get please let me know !!, and yes I have thought about and SG tatoo but I dont know if I want that to be my first..
i could probably pick ya up!
plans are still up in the air right now...i wont know for sure till thursday!