Im a nice guy, why the fuck does this shit happen to me..
I just got back from xfest..
When i walk into the place, they have a no chain rule becouse of safety and shit, so they cut mine off..
and ofcourse I fucking loose the shit. which realy sucks becouse it has my ID,Birth certificat,SS card, and my bank card.. and ya wana know what the funny thing is, after i lost my wallet I found out they were selling chains for wallets there...
and i knew where it fell, and imidiatly went back and looked for it, it was gone, some one done jacked my wallet for $7...
This hole karma thing is bull shit, I was being nice to people the whole fucking night, even after I lost it..
People be crowd surfing and drop things like wallets/phones/camaras.. and I would always pick them up and fallow them up to the front or where they fell and give it back to em...
and during cold I was up front up against the gate and there was this like 14 year old girl next to me, and when the band started playing every one just pushing up against the fence, had her all squished up there and shit, people where like ontop of her and shit, so I got behind her to keep people from squishing her..
why the fuck do i even bother trying to be a nice guy..
It dosnt help you get a girl becouse girls like ass holes, and life fucks you over every chance it get, Im stuck in a crapy ass job and im homeless in 2 weeks..
and heres anothing thing, girls be crowd surfing and guys be grabbing there tits and shit just for the hell of it, That dosnt realy bother me all to much, I dont do it, but it im not gona realy compain all that much when other guys do it... what bothers me is these guys there are like 22, there with there wife/girl friend and be grabing the tits of these 14/15 year olds. I about got into a fight with some dude over that shit..
can some one tell me why girls like these assholes, Ill admit I grabed ass quit a bit today, but not for the purpose of grabing ass, its just when people are surfing the back and the ass is where they need the support..
But their be these guys that are intintionaly grabing up betwen the legs, riping off their shirts... I just see that shit as disrespectfull.. why the hell do you all like it?
ok enough of my pissed off rambling.. im going to bed
I just got back from xfest..
When i walk into the place, they have a no chain rule becouse of safety and shit, so they cut mine off..
and ofcourse I fucking loose the shit. which realy sucks becouse it has my ID,Birth certificat,SS card, and my bank card.. and ya wana know what the funny thing is, after i lost my wallet I found out they were selling chains for wallets there...
and i knew where it fell, and imidiatly went back and looked for it, it was gone, some one done jacked my wallet for $7...
This hole karma thing is bull shit, I was being nice to people the whole fucking night, even after I lost it..
People be crowd surfing and drop things like wallets/phones/camaras.. and I would always pick them up and fallow them up to the front or where they fell and give it back to em...
and during cold I was up front up against the gate and there was this like 14 year old girl next to me, and when the band started playing every one just pushing up against the fence, had her all squished up there and shit, people where like ontop of her and shit, so I got behind her to keep people from squishing her..
why the fuck do i even bother trying to be a nice guy..
It dosnt help you get a girl becouse girls like ass holes, and life fucks you over every chance it get, Im stuck in a crapy ass job and im homeless in 2 weeks..
and heres anothing thing, girls be crowd surfing and guys be grabbing there tits and shit just for the hell of it, That dosnt realy bother me all to much, I dont do it, but it im not gona realy compain all that much when other guys do it... what bothers me is these guys there are like 22, there with there wife/girl friend and be grabing the tits of these 14/15 year olds. I about got into a fight with some dude over that shit..
can some one tell me why girls like these assholes, Ill admit I grabed ass quit a bit today, but not for the purpose of grabing ass, its just when people are surfing the back and the ass is where they need the support..
But their be these guys that are intintionaly grabing up betwen the legs, riping off their shirts... I just see that shit as disrespectfull.. why the hell do you all like it?
ok enough of my pissed off rambling.. im going to bed
we should have a big ole box of the lost & found stuff here at the station in the next day or so. 101 Pine street Dayton. open 9-5. hopefully your wallet will be in the box here....