I don't have a long winded story for you. I found a old cassette case cover that'd been custom printed by a blood relative and updated the list a bit. If you're into dating, necking, and, that sort of nonsense, you'll probably dig the shit out of this list. But maybe you won't. Note to the audiophiles. This music is a blend of blues, punk, and, rock... most of it from the 50's to the very early 80's.
So if you've listened to it you've definitely noticed music from bands and musicians I haven't played before. The cassette tape belonged to my dad and was something he put together in, I think, his junior or senior year of high school. I took out the more scream-o punk tracks and changed up the opening. In a few cases the track changed because what was on cassette available wasn't available. The one I'm most sad to not have in is the whiskey in my tea cover by never mind the bollocks.
https://youtu.be/AHNQ4BGjskc Correction. The cover on the cassette was the Big Bad Bollocks. I don't think I have the cassette anymore. If I did I doubt it'd be a tolerable quality.