and I think I mentioned I was sorting through my collection of compact discs in the last months. I have a few vinyls and a few cassette tapes still. I was definitely one of the kids with a Walkman and sometimes a second tape in my backpack for the walk home different from the walk to school. Anyone else do that? When I was in college I got a portable compact disc player and ruined quite a few cd's by dropping them or scuffing them as I changed them out on the bus or bus stops.
I didn't make that many mix tapes. But I did inherent a few from my dad back in college. Let me tell you there's nothing quite like a blues or jazz fusion track followed by thrash punk or the cramp's unique sense of humor when your 16. But I did burn a lot of mix discs. One of favorite things about this was I had my choice of music for dancing! Dancing? Oh. Yes. Especially while waiting for the bus stop. One of these mix discs was labeled "Bloody Rhythm".
Regrettably I can't copy the track list in it's entirety with Spotify. One of the classical tracks sounds eminently familiar as I think it was my ring tone at one point, or, maybe an alarm. But I digress from presentation. Which suggests that I might accompany this with a dancing video. But I won't. :p
My instinct now is to have the mix start with Bush's track, Bonedriven. But I'll leave it alone since I'm recreating a playlist. Plus, I can definitely remember how important it was for the last song on the mix disc to loop back to the first track smoothly.