soo.. pretty good week yeah. sorted out in a nice orderly way:
+ despite totally forgetting when the test was [hence, no studying at aLL whatsoever] and falling asleep during lectures [cold + dark + bloody early in the morning = sleeeeepytime], i aced the art history exam. 95%, woot.
+ payday today, yay -- not as broke as yesterday. which was very broke. ow.
+ the other day at work, luke made me a sticker mini-mohawk. far more amusing than it ought to have been, and surprisingly actually looked decent.. heh. now i want to glue things to my dome.
+ my cd came in the mail from the u.k. [even though they warned me to expect it not for a loooong while]
+ my pictures from woods pierce/ shoot with Aubli came in the mail. yay
they are great.. i shall probably post some up here later. since i can't find people to show in "real-life" because of nekkidness.
+/- the art instructor mentioned perhaps me having a one-(wo)man show at the williamsburg campus in january. that would be rad, but.. i don't really have anything enough items, nor anything i like well enough to showcase.. but, it would be ubercool, plus would look good on transcripts outta here and resumes.. perhaps i shall have to kick ass in gear and whip up some hot pieces.. january's a little way away..
- everyone went to chicago without me.
[okay, not everyone.. my brother is still here, but he makes messes and does not clean up after himself, plus he is "looking for a job" and can't drive..]
- i have a shitload of friendsrequests [ie, 300] at myspace.. and i don't have the time or desire to sort them out.. and myspace makes my pooter DiE. it makes me very tempted to delete my account there.. but i won't..
- my chips are stale.. but i don't want to toss them out.. maybe i will feed them to birds..
+ i made myself a mapleymilkshake. it was yum. i think i shall have another while i watch a movie and crochet suprise things for TheMuffins... not much of a surprise if i ever so casually mention it here.. but hopefully it shall be liked.
shit, i just admitted to having my friday nights consist of me sitting at my house playing with yarn and watching the telly. and then i'm gonna do homework.. haha..
yeah.. i'm so cool.
eDit: i think i totally forgot to mention it here... but i found a fucking corset at the thrift store for $4. yeah. awesome.

+ despite totally forgetting when the test was [hence, no studying at aLL whatsoever] and falling asleep during lectures [cold + dark + bloody early in the morning = sleeeeepytime], i aced the art history exam. 95%, woot.
+ payday today, yay -- not as broke as yesterday. which was very broke. ow.
+ the other day at work, luke made me a sticker mini-mohawk. far more amusing than it ought to have been, and surprisingly actually looked decent.. heh. now i want to glue things to my dome.
+ my cd came in the mail from the u.k. [even though they warned me to expect it not for a loooong while]
+ my pictures from woods pierce/ shoot with Aubli came in the mail. yay

+/- the art instructor mentioned perhaps me having a one-(wo)man show at the williamsburg campus in january. that would be rad, but.. i don't really have anything enough items, nor anything i like well enough to showcase.. but, it would be ubercool, plus would look good on transcripts outta here and resumes.. perhaps i shall have to kick ass in gear and whip up some hot pieces.. january's a little way away..
- everyone went to chicago without me.

- i have a shitload of friendsrequests [ie, 300] at myspace.. and i don't have the time or desire to sort them out.. and myspace makes my pooter DiE. it makes me very tempted to delete my account there.. but i won't..
- my chips are stale.. but i don't want to toss them out.. maybe i will feed them to birds..
+ i made myself a mapleymilkshake. it was yum. i think i shall have another while i watch a movie and crochet suprise things for TheMuffins... not much of a surprise if i ever so casually mention it here.. but hopefully it shall be liked.
shit, i just admitted to having my friday nights consist of me sitting at my house playing with yarn and watching the telly. and then i'm gonna do homework.. haha..
yeah.. i'm so cool.

eDit: i think i totally forgot to mention it here... but i found a fucking corset at the thrift store for $4. yeah. awesome.

sucks about chicago.
as for myspace, i stay away from it with a 20 foot pole. i'd much rather be on facebook and SG instead. SG is a way superior community and facebook helps me keep in touch with people I went to school with and go to college with.
i've done homework on fridays because well i had to.
nice find on the corset, very nice find
& awesome job on the test. It's quite nice how things work out incredibly well when there has been no effort put into it, eh?
Definitely want to see the photoshoot pics. Can't wait.
AND THE CORSET IS FANTASTIC! Four dollars... holy wow.
Here's to finishing up homework so the rest of the weekend is wonderful. <3