right.. so.
the bunny was just humping stuffed animal.. it was damn amusing.
saw harry potter on the third as rae got free special preview tickets from her work. however, was late so i missed the first half hour or so, meaning that i will have to see it again.
dyed mary's hair blue. or rather, lower back half, as she has a haircut somewhat like mine, so the underside is now electric blue. and then we went with her boyfriend chris to the beach, where she got another piercing. *jealous* meh.. it would, of course, end up that i am still job-searching so am at a total lack of money for fun things such as new piercings + hair dye, but a job is required to get the money for such things, but for most jobs, they will not hire you if you have them.. what a bloody no win situation.
have realized the more i hang out with mary, the more inadequate i feel.. you know, one of those people who you adore.. but then start to realize how much they make your life seem like majorsuck in comparison. i love her, really do.. just a tad jealous i suppose..
and a bit depressed. oi.
and friend/quasi-ex who just broke up with other friend is telling me how much he misses me.. and i don't really want to deal with that right now.
current mood:
current music: unreleased remixes at killhannah.com
the bunny was just humping stuffed animal.. it was damn amusing.
saw harry potter on the third as rae got free special preview tickets from her work. however, was late so i missed the first half hour or so, meaning that i will have to see it again.
dyed mary's hair blue. or rather, lower back half, as she has a haircut somewhat like mine, so the underside is now electric blue. and then we went with her boyfriend chris to the beach, where she got another piercing. *jealous* meh.. it would, of course, end up that i am still job-searching so am at a total lack of money for fun things such as new piercings + hair dye, but a job is required to get the money for such things, but for most jobs, they will not hire you if you have them.. what a bloody no win situation.
have realized the more i hang out with mary, the more inadequate i feel.. you know, one of those people who you adore.. but then start to realize how much they make your life seem like majorsuck in comparison. i love her, really do.. just a tad jealous i suppose..
and a bit depressed. oi.
and friend/quasi-ex who just broke up with other friend is telling me how much he misses me.. and i don't really want to deal with that right now.
current mood:

current music: unreleased remixes at killhannah.com
Why not????