01. my computer is finally up + running with a new [and bigger] hard drive, yet still has the same issues. urgh. i wish it could stay connected online for more than three minutes.
02. i really hate this week already, and it's only sunday. it's portfolio prep time for my classes. i have a rather large drawing due [with the rest of my portfolio] on wednesday, and i really really don't want to do it. being utterly brilliant, i picked the gears of a windupmusicbox. ...yeah. i'm smart.
03. my boob itches.
04. i turned in my application to Hot Topic [i know
] + i hope they call back.. which means i have to keep the phone lines clear. i picked up an application for Barnes+Noble, but they are elitist-snobs who never ever hire anyone. which is incredibly annoying since i see new employees whenever i go in, yet they are never hiring ["we're taking applications, though"] whenever i want to get hired. and they guy who gave me the application had multiple facial piercings. multiple annoyance, since he seems to be the only one able to get employed with facial piercings. more application runs later this week.
05. new profile pic. dunno why.
06. web design projekt due tomorrow, plus oral presentation somehow relating to the projekt in ways i'm not entirely sure of.. probably just one of those stand-awkwardly-in-front-of-the-class and attempt to explain your process in a small amount of time. the assignment called for "a website consisting of at least 10 pages".. i'm already up to 92. take that fuckers.
i am the cool. erm... right. i ought to put it on a cd, but i keep messing with it. i'd rather mess around with it more than pencil in little gears + wheels .
07. i need to get my own domain + server space.. i'm completely mooching off my friend in england.. and i don't know how much longer she's planning on having hostees cuz she doesn't really have a site up + running and we're not as close as we were before. anyone have any suggestions?
08. i slammed my pinky finger in my "dresser" drawer. it's a pathetically small shelving unit that the parents gave me instead of actually buying a real one when they gave my + Aubli's dresser to our little sister. i firmly believe that's why my poor wee finger was smashed to bits -- i was trying to cram the clothes in and close the drawer at the same time, and BAM! *sniff* it hurt more than getting my nipples pierced, and that amused me. i think i'm getting gypped furniture-wise, though. i have a pretend dresser. i'm using bits of old senior-year toga + thrift store shower curtain for curtains. the parents are considering giving Aubli + my bunk bed to the little sister. they're taking away my loft bed to give to the brother so that he can have a fooseball table in his room. how is it that he can have a fooseball table and i can't just get dresser? they're also planning on giving the little sister my room. hi, i kinda live there. i mean, hopefully not for much longer, but still..
09. i have to make a final video for vidtech.. commercial critique is tues. mine sucks, but at least it's done. then again, i thought that my cause video was crap + i got a 10 [out of 10] on it. somewhat irked by that, as i believe it is solely because the professor likes me and really wants to keep me in the program. i mean, not complaining about grade, 10's are nice. but this commercial really is shite -- not my forte, so shall be doing another music video for the final. i feel severly limited by the capabilities of the program, so the output will most likely be no where near what i envision, and i shall be suitably disappointed. alas. c'est la vie.
10. ought to stop avoiding doing projekt. i would be stuck with the "i-don't-want-to-do-schoolies" on the last week before finals. meh.
to everybody
current music: new york city speed - the death starz, feat. mat devine of kill hannah
current mood:
02. i really hate this week already, and it's only sunday. it's portfolio prep time for my classes. i have a rather large drawing due [with the rest of my portfolio] on wednesday, and i really really don't want to do it. being utterly brilliant, i picked the gears of a windupmusicbox. ...yeah. i'm smart.
03. my boob itches.
04. i turned in my application to Hot Topic [i know

05. new profile pic. dunno why.

06. web design projekt due tomorrow, plus oral presentation somehow relating to the projekt in ways i'm not entirely sure of.. probably just one of those stand-awkwardly-in-front-of-the-class and attempt to explain your process in a small amount of time. the assignment called for "a website consisting of at least 10 pages".. i'm already up to 92. take that fuckers.

07. i need to get my own domain + server space.. i'm completely mooching off my friend in england.. and i don't know how much longer she's planning on having hostees cuz she doesn't really have a site up + running and we're not as close as we were before. anyone have any suggestions?
08. i slammed my pinky finger in my "dresser" drawer. it's a pathetically small shelving unit that the parents gave me instead of actually buying a real one when they gave my + Aubli's dresser to our little sister. i firmly believe that's why my poor wee finger was smashed to bits -- i was trying to cram the clothes in and close the drawer at the same time, and BAM! *sniff* it hurt more than getting my nipples pierced, and that amused me. i think i'm getting gypped furniture-wise, though. i have a pretend dresser. i'm using bits of old senior-year toga + thrift store shower curtain for curtains. the parents are considering giving Aubli + my bunk bed to the little sister. they're taking away my loft bed to give to the brother so that he can have a fooseball table in his room. how is it that he can have a fooseball table and i can't just get dresser? they're also planning on giving the little sister my room. hi, i kinda live there. i mean, hopefully not for much longer, but still..
09. i have to make a final video for vidtech.. commercial critique is tues. mine sucks, but at least it's done. then again, i thought that my cause video was crap + i got a 10 [out of 10] on it. somewhat irked by that, as i believe it is solely because the professor likes me and really wants to keep me in the program. i mean, not complaining about grade, 10's are nice. but this commercial really is shite -- not my forte, so shall be doing another music video for the final. i feel severly limited by the capabilities of the program, so the output will most likely be no where near what i envision, and i shall be suitably disappointed. alas. c'est la vie.
10. ought to stop avoiding doing projekt. i would be stuck with the "i-don't-want-to-do-schoolies" on the last week before finals. meh.

current music: new york city speed - the death starz, feat. mat devine of kill hannah
current mood:

Did you watch the season finale of Will & Grace?
[Edited on May 03, 2004 12:49PM]