ooo... let's see.
things i've been up to lately, not in chronological order:
+ last night was the cruxshadows show, very good, apart from freezing in my little skirt and top, because apparently november is COLD (who knew? hah) and finding the last table available, which was placed directly in front of the fan. but, all that aside..
also, alexx from ThouShaltNot was dj-ing and instead of me having to figure out a time + way to go over and say hello [which i suck at doing], he recognized me from online [myspace] and stopped over to say hello himself. hooray for my recognizability!
[go listen to ThouShaltNot, they rock]
+ i've been unwillingly pulled into a love.. quadrilateral .. or something. halloween was full of DRAMA. went to e+j's party [i <3 e+j] but the whole evening was full of people's drunken dramaticness. aL apparently has a giant crush on me, but also has a giant crush on aS. aS has just broken up with someone who was friends with aL, so in addition to being all "heartbroken," aS likes aL and they've been unofficially .. not "together," but hangin/making out + the like for about a month. but, to make things more complicated, aL also likes T [she sure seems heartbroken] and T likes her as well. T + i kinda-sorta-almost-ish-unofficially dated a while back [mistake, we were NOT very compatible.. at all] bahhh... so it's aL likes me and aS, aS likes aL and T, T likes aS and is a kinda-sorta-ex to me. and me, i'm just waaaay over at the one side of the quadrilateral going "FUCK! leave me alone and sort this out yourself.." i hate being unwillingly involved in drama.. i'm a pretty drama-free person. so they kinda made the whole evening a little more-down/less-party with this mess...
+ still trying to sort out the internship.. which really needs to get settled soon so i can start working and making some money. because i am tremendously broke. and i want money. to have. and to buy things. and to save up and move somewhere else. virginia is a cesspool. [or at least the area i'm in.]
eh.. i'm sure i've been up to more lately, but i don't remember. hope everyone had a nice halloweeeeen.
things i've been up to lately, not in chronological order:
+ last night was the cruxshadows show, very good, apart from freezing in my little skirt and top, because apparently november is COLD (who knew? hah) and finding the last table available, which was placed directly in front of the fan. but, all that aside..

+ i've been unwillingly pulled into a love.. quadrilateral .. or something. halloween was full of DRAMA. went to e+j's party [i <3 e+j] but the whole evening was full of people's drunken dramaticness. aL apparently has a giant crush on me, but also has a giant crush on aS. aS has just broken up with someone who was friends with aL, so in addition to being all "heartbroken," aS likes aL and they've been unofficially .. not "together," but hangin/making out + the like for about a month. but, to make things more complicated, aL also likes T [she sure seems heartbroken] and T likes her as well. T + i kinda-sorta-almost-ish-unofficially dated a while back [mistake, we were NOT very compatible.. at all] bahhh... so it's aL likes me and aS, aS likes aL and T, T likes aS and is a kinda-sorta-ex to me. and me, i'm just waaaay over at the one side of the quadrilateral going "FUCK! leave me alone and sort this out yourself.." i hate being unwillingly involved in drama.. i'm a pretty drama-free person. so they kinda made the whole evening a little more-down/less-party with this mess...
+ still trying to sort out the internship.. which really needs to get settled soon so i can start working and making some money. because i am tremendously broke. and i want money. to have. and to buy things. and to save up and move somewhere else. virginia is a cesspool. [or at least the area i'm in.]
eh.. i'm sure i've been up to more lately, but i don't remember. hope everyone had a nice halloweeeeen.

Yeah I would love to hang out with you, I'm always just so damn bizzy with school and working at the tattoo shop that I don't have much free time but you probably know how that is.
Are you going to the tattoo convention in Richmond? ..It's like the 18th-20th I might go...
my whole tattoo crew is going up there for the weekend.
Anyways my new school schedule that I made for the Spring gives me soo much more free time.
Let me know usually what days u arn't bizzy and maybe I can work something out.
(aLT +txie +asal +asxie + as + L +T)/(T+aS)=
(L(aT +1) + xie(t+sa) + as(al+1) +T) / (T+aS)=
Yeah, this look complicated. Unless an orgy takes place, I can't see this working out into anything shy of four pissed off brokenhearts.
Good luck.