That Elevator drill I talked about earlier today turned out to be more of a headache than I expected. I am glad I did not bring my camera with me, it would have been 75% useless. The 25% of photos I could have taken would have been shots of us just standing around or getting our gear ready before we headed out to the flight line. I am going to mention two things about what it's like to fly as a passenger in a MV-22 Osprey. Have you ever been on the Gravitron at a carnival? Have you ever been in one when it was waaaay up in the sky? lol, it was kinda fun, but right now I have a splitting headache ("and your stupid hip-hop isn't helping...,""It's not hip-hop, It's electro," Thanks Shaun of the dead) and I think I know why! Okay so the second thing is about the dismount. When you run off the back ramp, you are instantly pelted with tiny rocks in the face, haha, the propellors are kicking sand all over the place ("We call it brown-out), and to top it all off add the 70+ lbs of gear I have on... Tonight wasn't a walk in the park, but I have come to expect it in all my years of being a Reservist. That's right, my active duty devil-dogs, me a reservist doing QRF Helo ops
This morning I thought I was getting promoted, but apparently the 1st Sergeant didn't get the memo that I was at the top of the list for scores out of all of the marines with my rank... fantastic yeah? I will explain the USMC promotion system if you ask, but it's too retarded to explain.
I really want to go into more detail, but these eyes are burning so I should probably go close them...
I'll type something up tomorrow for you cool cats. I have the day off for the most part.
Cha-Ching Sha zaaam
This morning I thought I was getting promoted, but apparently the 1st Sergeant didn't get the memo that I was at the top of the list for scores out of all of the marines with my rank... fantastic yeah? I will explain the USMC promotion system if you ask, but it's too retarded to explain.
I really want to go into more detail, but these eyes are burning so I should probably go close them...
I'll type something up tomorrow for you cool cats. I have the day off for the most part.
Cha-Ching Sha zaaam