my head hurts. I went out last night drinking, for the first time, in a long time. Neon i saw the new pics in the SGNY photoset thing. Your kitten looks soo cute. I want to eat him.

this is not a real post. i need to go to bed again.
aaaaaah there's a little line going through your name on my friends list! does this mean you're gone forever?!
neon, talk to me about how to get a job. I can give you a website. Hope you are doing well. I still have comics for you. We need to see each other soon and chill.
hey you!! can you e-mail me the link. it's easy just click contact under my profile pic. smile thanks a bunch!
ok, worst update in SG history. I thought that i was gonna read an article with an opinion supported in some way by facts. Instead, we are given a piece that stereo-types, and gives no ethical argument either way, but instead, all too literally, relies on "you are with this group, or that." If the crux of an article is you are with this group...
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politics stress me out the only difference between that and gossip is that more people are invovlved, lives are at stake and il never really know the truth.
stood up! Audrey got drunk and passed out before we were supposed to meet. I don't know if i should be angry or, i just don't know... mad
eck that sucks! you could have come to the party!!! all kinds of funness happened! awww i'm sorry your night sucked frown
damn, i have been super busy this week. I want to talk to neon. MY PHONE IS NOT WORKING! arrrrrrrrr.

everyone should check this out: http://www.madhack.com/~madhack/frodo_has_failed.jpg


We had a big reception for the Freespace. It went well, but it was boring as hell. You don't realize when you are putting it together, but when you are actually reading out the power point and listening to...
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don't die. then you couldn't come to the party. call me tomorrow about it. alright?
i ate a lot today. It is my new high fat diet. I am trying to put on 10 lbs. Along with eating a lot i have been trying to be more active so that it doesn't all go to my tummy.

I have also been drinking soo much tea. I am one of those types that carries tea bags with them and instead of...
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i think it's funny that you're trying to fatten up. hahaha. you shoud take pictures as you go and one day look at the progress. hopefully you get fat and stuff. and then i'll make fun of you and point at you and stuff. ramble ramble and ramble some more.
today was one of those boring days where you intend on going out but never do. The type for this site is so small and i cannot see what i am typing. Does anyone know how to make the type bigger? The old bag of tricks isn't working.

i watched the daily show today, which i haven't seen in forever. It is soo good. They...
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your passwerd?? CGAHAHAHA thats great !!!!! i cant say ive never done that. but eh... i want a cake. im goan bye myself a cake this week.
at first it was the shoutout and then it was her commenting on other people's journals and then everyone fell in love with her at the party. wink
another update! I turned 22 yesterday. I am now offically 20 something. It is not that weird, but my mom cries evey year on my birthday. She doesn't like her babies to get old. I didn't do anything exciting. I didn't even get drunk. not a sip of alcohol for this boy because my wisdom teeth were killing me.

I want to see neon's apartment...
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HI HI HI!!!!

im so happy that people commenteed on my jopurnal im not used to so much freindly ness...im swwwwiiming in it...

neon told me that you were the recipient of the misdirected van and bed im last night. snicker...

your reaction was really funny.

your birthday is three days after mine...or wait three days less than one year before mine.... or somethin.

did you get a cake???

my boyfriend got me a hand held power sander.

not laughing during the simpsons. COLD!
The requim music in Two Towers equals me just thinking about adiction.

joining the NYC group now.
ok, yes, i am shamefull. I swear i like other girls besides tiny scrawny pale ones. Hehe, my taste in boys is the same, but add scruffy!

other tops:

i post on this thing exclusively for neon. i am lame! Being in the bug with nic, raven and neon... too much to think about! wink whatever
neon rocks!
thanks for the kitty story. soybean is one cute kitty!

where's the freakin' just-for-neon update?! huh huh?

Journal entry, take three!

so, i now know how to make journal entries. I have managed to fuck this one up twice, so let's hope that the third time is a charm.

This shall be an interesting week. On tuesday neon comes home to good ole brooklyn and is gonna live with Raven, from suicide girls. I have never met anyone that i have...
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two words. srawny and pale!
spelling error!