Another San Diego Comic Con in the bag! I wanted to update the last few days, but work, classes, and just being so damn tired has prevented me from posting a blog.

It's not a plane.... It's a car!

OG of Batmobiles

I take that back.... The true OG

This one sucked....

Image before the mayhem from the weekend took place

Twisted my ankle in the first 5 minutes.... I'll post my Go Pro video later...

Yaya Han cosplaying as Catwoman... Yes, she can do that to me all night

Oh Asuka, Lili, Tina, and Alisa... These cosplayers melted my heart. And yes they are part of this...

Sara Jean Underwood signing!!! $(%!#(%^*@($*

I made comic book themed shirt for her. I had a coworker of mine draw her as a zombie. When she saw me a few rows back in line, she actually recognized me and asked me if I had brought her the shirt I promised back at E3.

Made a shirt of our SG Kemper using the image of her with her Vader helmet

This is the image on my shirt. Says Temptation, the first step to the Dark Side

Bradley, Venom, Kemper, Ackley,Tristyn!

My boy's girlfriend is the Tim Drake Robin. This whole team is cosplaying the DC Ame-Comi costumes. She's known as Anit-Ai Chan cosplaying if you want to see her work.

Weird how small the world is. She's the girlfriend of one of my best friends and he's one of my friends I met in Japanese class and apparently, they know each other through the cosplaying community.

I knew that Wil Wheaton is a SG member, but seeing him there made me laugh


This is the image on my shirt for their Star Wars Saturday.

This is the image on my shirt for Friday with SG Rlei. Personally, it is my favorite out of all the shirt I custom made.

Coughing up the $60 for this Lupo statue by Square Enix ARTFX

Kirkman signing my #100 Non Platinum Walking Dead cover! This dude is sick as hell! There was a 1 item signing limit, but he said fuck it and signed everything we wanted him to sign! Of course, there were assholes who had him sign 50+ #100 issues, but I only asked him to sign my #100 of WD and #1 of Invincibles.

So I twisted my ankle Friday night during the Walking Dead Escape at Petco. I actually twisted it in the first 5 minutes, but adrenaline kicked in and I was able to finish it. I was seriously winded after the 2nd flight of stairs... I think if the zombie apocalypse ever happened and I didn't have a weapon or gun, I'll be dead in the first 10 minutes... I also went to the Iheartcomix/Suicide Girls party at 4th and B Friday after I ran at Petco, but I left early because my ankle was beginning to bother me.
Saturday I was invited by an SG to go hit up a strip club with the other SGs afterwards, but I really really really didn't want to intrude on their ladies night out. Any other night I would have gladly gone and got a $100 lapdance, but Con takes precedence. Con is there for one weekend while the strip club is there all year around.
I highly encourage those who have yet to attend a San Diego Comic Con to go even if it's just once. I had so much fun and I hope all those on this site and all the ladies who worked the Suicide Girls booth had as much fun as I did!
In other news, I'm officially done with work on Uncharted 3. I spent 15 months on it and now I'm on a new title!!! This one is going to be interesting...
Now, on slightly heavy note...
Recently, SG Bradley came under fire for an article she posted last week about a one night fling. She doesn't feel like she needs to defend her decision, but I feel like I need to defend not only her decision, but the "crazy" decisions I've made and the decisions of others. It's just that the responses to her article hit home with me...
Let me say this... I love Comic Con. I've been attending for 20 years. I've had people say I'm crazy for putting up with the crowd and that I'm stupid for getting Suicide Girls freebies when I can take them and sell them instead. Other people look at me and simply shy away from me because I'm a "geek" who loves comics, video games, and toys.
What they don't realize is that I love Comic Con. I love what I do there, I love making those girls happy, I love comics, I love video games, I love toys, and over all I love the experience. I have a love and passion for this event but they say these words and it hurts no matter what. Why is it that if you like something, why do others have to point out the negatives? Forget the negatives. Try to put yourself in that position where you want to cut loose and have fun whether it's Comic Con, a fling, drunken night out, strip club, or even a LARPing event. If you have a concern about that activity, say it respectfully. There's no need to tear the person a new one just because of their decisions. I still believe that old saying "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all" should be practiced.
I just had to voice my opinion about her Bradley's situation because it hit pretty close to home. Not the exact same situation, but you catch my drift (hopefully).
Now I leave you with this song! Totally feeling it.... And yes, it was in that Tekken Tag 2 Girl Power vid....

It's not a plane.... It's a car!

OG of Batmobiles

I take that back.... The true OG

This one sucked....

Image before the mayhem from the weekend took place

Twisted my ankle in the first 5 minutes.... I'll post my Go Pro video later...

Yaya Han cosplaying as Catwoman... Yes, she can do that to me all night

Oh Asuka, Lili, Tina, and Alisa... These cosplayers melted my heart. And yes they are part of this...

Sara Jean Underwood signing!!! $(%!#(%^*@($*

I made comic book themed shirt for her. I had a coworker of mine draw her as a zombie. When she saw me a few rows back in line, she actually recognized me and asked me if I had brought her the shirt I promised back at E3.

Made a shirt of our SG Kemper using the image of her with her Vader helmet

This is the image on my shirt. Says Temptation, the first step to the Dark Side

Bradley, Venom, Kemper, Ackley,Tristyn!

My boy's girlfriend is the Tim Drake Robin. This whole team is cosplaying the DC Ame-Comi costumes. She's known as Anit-Ai Chan cosplaying if you want to see her work.

Weird how small the world is. She's the girlfriend of one of my best friends and he's one of my friends I met in Japanese class and apparently, they know each other through the cosplaying community.

I knew that Wil Wheaton is a SG member, but seeing him there made me laugh


This is the image on my shirt for their Star Wars Saturday.

This is the image on my shirt for Friday with SG Rlei. Personally, it is my favorite out of all the shirt I custom made.

Coughing up the $60 for this Lupo statue by Square Enix ARTFX

Kirkman signing my #100 Non Platinum Walking Dead cover! This dude is sick as hell! There was a 1 item signing limit, but he said fuck it and signed everything we wanted him to sign! Of course, there were assholes who had him sign 50+ #100 issues, but I only asked him to sign my #100 of WD and #1 of Invincibles.

So I twisted my ankle Friday night during the Walking Dead Escape at Petco. I actually twisted it in the first 5 minutes, but adrenaline kicked in and I was able to finish it. I was seriously winded after the 2nd flight of stairs... I think if the zombie apocalypse ever happened and I didn't have a weapon or gun, I'll be dead in the first 10 minutes... I also went to the Iheartcomix/Suicide Girls party at 4th and B Friday after I ran at Petco, but I left early because my ankle was beginning to bother me.
Saturday I was invited by an SG to go hit up a strip club with the other SGs afterwards, but I really really really didn't want to intrude on their ladies night out. Any other night I would have gladly gone and got a $100 lapdance, but Con takes precedence. Con is there for one weekend while the strip club is there all year around.
I highly encourage those who have yet to attend a San Diego Comic Con to go even if it's just once. I had so much fun and I hope all those on this site and all the ladies who worked the Suicide Girls booth had as much fun as I did!
In other news, I'm officially done with work on Uncharted 3. I spent 15 months on it and now I'm on a new title!!! This one is going to be interesting...

Now, on slightly heavy note...
Recently, SG Bradley came under fire for an article she posted last week about a one night fling. She doesn't feel like she needs to defend her decision, but I feel like I need to defend not only her decision, but the "crazy" decisions I've made and the decisions of others. It's just that the responses to her article hit home with me...
Let me say this... I love Comic Con. I've been attending for 20 years. I've had people say I'm crazy for putting up with the crowd and that I'm stupid for getting Suicide Girls freebies when I can take them and sell them instead. Other people look at me and simply shy away from me because I'm a "geek" who loves comics, video games, and toys.
What they don't realize is that I love Comic Con. I love what I do there, I love making those girls happy, I love comics, I love video games, I love toys, and over all I love the experience. I have a love and passion for this event but they say these words and it hurts no matter what. Why is it that if you like something, why do others have to point out the negatives? Forget the negatives. Try to put yourself in that position where you want to cut loose and have fun whether it's Comic Con, a fling, drunken night out, strip club, or even a LARPing event. If you have a concern about that activity, say it respectfully. There's no need to tear the person a new one just because of their decisions. I still believe that old saying "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all" should be practiced.
I just had to voice my opinion about her Bradley's situation because it hit pretty close to home. Not the exact same situation, but you catch my drift (hopefully).
Now I leave you with this song! Totally feeling it.... And yes, it was in that Tekken Tag 2 Girl Power vid....
HAHA great video! made me laugh
wait wait.... who told you that?