E3 down and we got more to come this summer!
I couldn't take too many pictures at E3, most of the stuff there said no photos or video... oh wellzies
Got to play Tekken Tag 2 and I can tell this game willbring back some nostalgia from Tekken Tag
Probably the best game I got to demo at E3. I can tell it will be a great way to relieve some stress
Line for Borderlands 2 was always long, even in the morning....
4 player Pacman? Oh yeah...
Namco/Bandai Tekken Tag 2 booth. Booths at E3 make booths at Comic Con look like a toothless hogie...
The hall. There's space to walk!!!
They had a retro gaming museum in the other hall. They had all the old video gaming systems as well as some classic arcade machines.
Nintendo's CEO slummin' it with the regulars!
Sony San Diego representing front and center!
I took a photo from Sara Jean Underwood's Playboy pictorial and made a one of a kind custom shirt. Found her and she loved the shirt. Loved it enough she took a pic of it and tweeted it! Can be seen HERE!.
Sara Jean even asked me to make her one for Comic Con and so me and my friend are making a few comic/zombie themed shirts of her to wear. On top of that, I've taken on the task to make a custom shirt of our Suicide Girl Kemper. Hopefully they'll turn out awesome!
Comic Con is a month away and I can hardly wait! Who's going?
Also, I've created an event on SGSD and I'm working with my co-workers to make a group for the Walking Dead Escape!. We've made it for Friday the 13th at 8:20PM so any of you attending Con should join us! Bar and food afterwards anyone???
My friend's girlfriend was asked by DC comics to do a panel at Comic Con with Geoff Johns and Jim Lee. She does A LOT of cosplaying and she did an Anime-Comi female version of Tim Drake's Red Robin. They took notice to how well she made her costume and asked her to do a panel with them about the character designs. She's super stoked about it. I joking said to my friend, "Dude, she's going to be a booth babe and have a crapload of dude takes pictures with her!" He laughed it off. He said a few hours later, "Now you got me paranoid about the dudes she'll meet..." Ooops...
On another note, I'm still working at Sony on the same title now for the last year and a month (most testers at my work are on titles for usually 3-4 months at most). The last part I'm working on is going to be the last for the title then off hopefully to another title. I'm exhausted from testing the same project for the last year, but the guys and gals I work with make the trip easier to get through.
Ever find that girl or guy that want to be with, but you know you'll never be with them?
Song to leave you with that explains how I'm feeling about this girl at work.
'Til next time!
I couldn't take too many pictures at E3, most of the stuff there said no photos or video... oh wellzies

Got to play Tekken Tag 2 and I can tell this game willbring back some nostalgia from Tekken Tag

Probably the best game I got to demo at E3. I can tell it will be a great way to relieve some stress

Line for Borderlands 2 was always long, even in the morning....

4 player Pacman? Oh yeah...

Namco/Bandai Tekken Tag 2 booth. Booths at E3 make booths at Comic Con look like a toothless hogie...

The hall. There's space to walk!!!

They had a retro gaming museum in the other hall. They had all the old video gaming systems as well as some classic arcade machines.


Nintendo's CEO slummin' it with the regulars!

Sony San Diego representing front and center!

I took a photo from Sara Jean Underwood's Playboy pictorial and made a one of a kind custom shirt. Found her and she loved the shirt. Loved it enough she took a pic of it and tweeted it! Can be seen HERE!.
Sara Jean even asked me to make her one for Comic Con and so me and my friend are making a few comic/zombie themed shirts of her to wear. On top of that, I've taken on the task to make a custom shirt of our Suicide Girl Kemper. Hopefully they'll turn out awesome!
Comic Con is a month away and I can hardly wait! Who's going?
Also, I've created an event on SGSD and I'm working with my co-workers to make a group for the Walking Dead Escape!. We've made it for Friday the 13th at 8:20PM so any of you attending Con should join us! Bar and food afterwards anyone???
My friend's girlfriend was asked by DC comics to do a panel at Comic Con with Geoff Johns and Jim Lee. She does A LOT of cosplaying and she did an Anime-Comi female version of Tim Drake's Red Robin. They took notice to how well she made her costume and asked her to do a panel with them about the character designs. She's super stoked about it. I joking said to my friend, "Dude, she's going to be a booth babe and have a crapload of dude takes pictures with her!" He laughed it off. He said a few hours later, "Now you got me paranoid about the dudes she'll meet..." Ooops...
On another note, I'm still working at Sony on the same title now for the last year and a month (most testers at my work are on titles for usually 3-4 months at most). The last part I'm working on is going to be the last for the title then off hopefully to another title. I'm exhausted from testing the same project for the last year, but the guys and gals I work with make the trip easier to get through.
Ever find that girl or guy that want to be with, but you know you'll never be with them?
Song to leave you with that explains how I'm feeling about this girl at work.
'Til next time!
this one was $230 something!