I have to say I am totally blown away by how awesome SG land has been lately. So many amazing sets to take in. Just infreakincredible!
So I joined Periscope some time ago but never really did anything with it. A few days ago, there was a hopeful promoting in one of her blogs so I decided to see what it was all about. I ended up following the SG account and a bunch of SG's and hopefuls' accounts. I watched a stream from SG for the first time this morning...
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Not.... enough time... in the day... for.... anything...
So, I finally decided it was time to do something about how long it's been since I blogged. I'll start with a school update. Smoked last semester with a 4.0, got like an overall 3.93 right now. Going back in about 6 weeks... ugh where has my summer break gone?! I'm psyched about the upcoming semester though, got some really interesting classes that I'm looking...
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Exam week upcoming. I've been straight killing it, solid shot at a 4.0 for the semester. Next semester is looking awesome, loaded up with tons of programming. In other news, SG has become the slowest site on the net with this new format, feels like I'm back in the early days of DSL. Tons of crazy hot sets, though, no complaining about content, so keep...
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Anyone who follows me on here knows I'm extremely positive, so pardon me for a moment. This new SG site is a total train wreck. I'm not going to waste anyone's time listing all the tech flaws I've encountered, never mind the design issues, but this is absurd. I'm sure healthcare.gov will get its shit together... here's hoping the SG staff doesn't bury its collective...
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