Tattoos........................ stopped counting a long time ago
Piercings..................... none anymore, all gone.
Marriages.................... 1
Divorces...................... seperation
Proposals.................... 2
Children....................... 0
Surgeries..................... 2
Shot a gun................... many times
Quit a job..................... yes
100+miles in a car...... have over 10,000 miles in one road trip
Hit a deer.................... never...but 1 hit me.
zip lining...................... would like to
Cried over someone.... Yes
Fallen in love............... I don't even know at this point....
Watched someone give birth... no
Watched someone die............... yes
Been to Canada......... yes
Ridden in an ambulance..... yes, about a month ago
Visited Las Vegas...... yeahhh... not my favorite
Sang karaoke............. yes
Been downhill skiing...... snowboarding if that counts...
Ridden on a motorcycle... used to own one, currently still have an ATV
Ridden on a horse....... yes, as a kid
Stayed in a hospital...... never over night
Donated blood............. yes
Ridden in the back of a police car..... I never got caught!