Tattoos........................ stopped counting a long time ago
Piercings..................... none anymore, all gone.
Marriages.................... 1
Divorces...................... seperation
Proposals.................... 2
Children....................... 0
Surgeries..................... 2
Shot a gun................... many times
Quit a job..................... yes
100+miles in a car...... have over 10,000 miles in one road trip
Hit a deer.................... never...but 1 hit me.
zip lining...................... would like to
Cried over someone.... Yes
Fallen in love............... I don't even...
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I realize it's been many years, but how did a site that started with punk rock roots end up with so many right wing nutbags? I mean, I guess anywhere there are tits you'll eventually attract all kinds, but based on some of the stuff I have been reading in the groups...... holy christ!!! Isn't there like a site where you can go look at...
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Back at this, was here for awhile and was very active on the site.... then some things in my personal life happened, death of my dog/best friend, death of both of my parents, an accident, surgery, band breaking up... finally getting back on track and trying to reconnect with this community. Hi all!