Day 5 - October 5th
1) An American Werewolf in London: What would be the title of your personal diary? (Ethnicity and location you'd like to go on holiday)
An American Werewolf in Australia
2) The Wolfman: Practical effects or computer generated effects; which make a better/cooler transformation?
Practical effects. Computer generated effects can look cool and have worked in numerous films where practical effects wouldn't cut it due to the size and amount of activity a creature takes, but when it comes to werewolves the practical effects always feel so much cooler and give the transformation more emotion. You can feel the pain, see the strength entering the body, and get a better feel for the wolf.
3) Werewolves Within: You're sitting around a campfire with the last 4 people you've texted. One of them is a werewolf. Who is most likely the wolf in human clothing?
A fellow derby skater of mine, Holley. She could take out quite a few humans easily.
4) Black Sheep: Not every “Were-creature” film is about wolves. Name one of the most memorable transformation films you'd recommend to the rest of us.
I made the quiz and already chose Black Sheep as my idea before the question formed. It was a true black comedy and one of the crazier transformation films. There are others with bugs and beavers, though the latter is more of a zombie beaver human situation, but Black Sheep makes it for me!
5) WolfCop versus Robocop: Who would win this battle for supremacy?
Robocop. WolfCop was strong and crazy, but Robocop in the modern age would destroy a werewolf. There is a lot of firepower and strength behind that cyborg body.
6) Red Riding Hood: What's the best piece of advice given by your parents/guardians that you chose to ignore and wish you actually followed given the dire outcome?
Nothing has been more dire than heartache, fortunately, but I wish I actually accepted more advice from my mother about seeking out a partner. She is a little behind the modern age of dating, but we're both a little old fashioned and she gave some better advice than what I've heard from a few friends or acquaintances. I still don't really listen and remain single, though. 😅
7) Strippers Vs Werewolves: Don't underestimate the skills of an exotic dancer or the fight within. Who would win this battle of boobs and blood?
I vote strippers. I think, in most cases, werewolves would actually win the battle, but given some badass dancers with motivation (their children, the will to live, or just being pure badass) they could hold their own and most would probably make it with a few scratches and bruises.
8) The Howling: Full Moon or Full Moon? Which werewolf's tail would you chase given a positive romantic outcome? (Everyone is game no matter friend, actress, or fictional testosterone fueled god)
Tough. I could easily list about 20 actresses, quite a few musicians, a very large handful of Suicide Girls, and even a handful of friends I would love to chase around town like a rabid Ferris Bueller looking to show a lovely full moon lass a great time. I'm fairly easy going and open to a lot so my tastes are wide and I'd make a damn good moon mate, if I do say so myself!
9) Silver Bullet: It's time to fight the local pack of werewolves. How do you pimp out your wheelchair for battle?
A few pistol holsters, bandoliers, sharp edges and objects. It'd be the sex machine of Silver Bullet only the whole chair would be a collection of weapons instead of a cock derringer like in Dusk Til Dawn.
10) Ginger Snaps: The Fitzgerald Sisters brought their Canadian charms to a variety of film and television genres since the 80s. Maybe Katharine owns your heart as she does mine or maybe you chose a different Were-babe to crush upon. Name the horror film you think of first when it comes to Canada or your Canadian crush. (All genres permitted)
I have a fairly healthy obsession with Katharine Isabelle and, although Ginger Snaps is a minor favorite of mine, it's one of few that come to mind first because of her. There are several that escape my mind now, but (again) I did write this quiz and had some answers in mind when creating the questions.
11) Monster Brawl: It's a Mixed Monster Match-up for the century and you were chosen to coach the Wolfman's adversary. Which monster would you choose to win this fight for the belt?
Cthulu. You can really fuck with Cthulu. There's no way of surviving without going stir crazy mad. Forget any other creatures. There would be some healthy choices, but Cthulu would probably kill me or drive me mad as well.
12) Bad (Really Bad) Moon Rising: There are countless films involving werewolves in circulation, but some are so bad they shouldn't be seen by anyone you know. Which wolf feature turned you off so bad that you still spit up a hairball from time to time? (Please exclude the Twilight series if possible)
Red: Werewolf Hunter is all I can think of right now. I love Felicia Day, but the film was boring b-movie SyFy channel nonsense. There are worse zombie and vampire films due to the sheer abundance of both, but werewolves... even a few cheesy romance ones were okay. I wasn't turned off by many and might not recommend to anyone, but I wasn't disappointed. I wish I had a better answer because I hate spending a good half hour on a film then just turning it off like I do with 1 in 10 horror movies I watch. I try to watch a lot and find some really crappy ones with bad writing, bad effects, and bad acting.
13) Teen Wolf: It's time to go Back to the Future and review the first werewolf film that hooked you into the genre. Which film and why?
I remember Teen Wolf best of all because my family are not big into horror films, but I had a babysitter (when I was very young) that got me into movies like Lost Boys and other 80s treasures as well as a few friends into horror films. It might be a toss up between The Howling and American Werewolf in London, but I don't remember when I first saw them or which I saw first. They're both top choices for me when it comes to werewolves.
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