1) Introduce yourself: Hi! My name is Xander. I roller skate, play roller derby, and have been gaming since I was 5 years old.
2) Now that we've met, tell us about one hobby that really interests you: Skating/roller derby. It's freeing. I followed another failed attempt at love to find roller skates and although it isn't a true substitute for a relationship it's been the only other thing I've found to calm my mind and deliver a sense of freedom and control over the chaos that is my life.
3) Switching topics; Space travel or time travel? Tough. I eould love to visit outer space, but being able to see time unfold and hear music from some of the great artists while they were alive or even art while it was created would be amazing!
4) You're obviously making men/women swoon everywhere you go, but tell us what your true power is to winning over a lover (or fans)? Although I am often down on myself, I try to be a positive force of change and offer love, hugs, and smiles to evetyone I meet. I've been known to turn some frowns upside down and everyone loves that!
5) What turns you on about your current partner or would flip the love switch on if you were looking? Intelligence, kindness, humility. I always find myself perked up by appearance, but it's all heart and mind that makes me fall in love or even find friends.
6) So, are you looking for a partner? I gave up intentionally searching, but am always excited to try my hand at love again.
7) We're going to go Salt-N-Pepa here, so let's talk about sex, baby. Are you a wild child or more traditionally romantic? Probably more romantic, but I love to explore and expand so if a lover is into some kink I am usually okay to try it out.
8) Tacos or pizza? Pizza.
9) Beer or wine? I don't drink.
10) Breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast? I love breakfast foods all day long.
11) Sex playlist: Marvin Gaye or Lil Wayne (genre, not necessarily either mentioned artist)? Marvin, for sure.
12) Slow dance or twerk? I can't dance at all!
13) How often do you find yourself smiling each day? Well, I joke around a lot to cheer people up, but my normal smiles based on truer happiness has a pathetically low count.
14) Tell us about a not so hidden talent (ex: singing, dancing, grafitti art, looking amazing, etc): Uhhhmmmm, I guess writing? People like what I have to say. I'm not confident in my skills, however, so I haven't pursued anything.
15) It's karaoke night. What's your go to song? I can't really sing and parody lyrics so often that I would probably not be good at any specific song.
16) Favorite color combination: Purple and pink!
17) Name a photographer (on SG) that is on point this year and only making their way up. @sobelle
18) Close your eyes and name the first model that comes into view: @thimeow
19) Worst scar (emotional or physical) if it's not too upsetting to discuss? None are "worse". I get them all the time now that my body doesn't heal like it used to.
20) Favorite tattoo of yours? I only have one right now.
21) You are an inspiration to members, models, and photographers alike. You give more to your community than you realize. What is one thing you would say to someone that aspires to reach as high as you in their life? Never give up.
22) Biggest weakness? Lack of self confidence.
23) Biggest strength? Tenacity.
24) Soft or bruised lips? Are you a gentle kisser or intsensely passionate enough to draw a little blood? I'm a romantic, but have had my shared of exchanged bloody lips, hickeys, and downright action film sequence love that left both of us worn, battered, and happy. Depends on the lover and mood.
25) Tag at least 5 people you think should take this questionnaire: @redkaya, @romany, @elune, @olgakulaga, @naru_blu, @diamant, @phianixx, @gnomi, @chroi, @brisen, @marlene, @gladyce, @mandeelou, @aurralee, @ivyrose, @bookcouple, @ojtheviking, @lorry, @kungfury
Thanks for reading and (in advance) for taking the questionnaire I created!
@rambo @missy @sean