If you've read my previous post "What Is Happiness?" or kept up with the ongoing issues of me #0-10 then you might understand me a wee bit. I am definitely one to offer thanks a hundred times over and also I wrestle with mortality and crazy mental issues that put me into a state of "oh, sh*t, I need to thank and love everyone now because I'm a crazy idiot and I don't know what will happen tomorrow." That means it's probably a good idea to drop a quick "thank you" blog to mention some friends that went above and beyond.
I appreciate YOU because you always go above and beyond. Every time I am down I receive a little message. Whenever I get creative I am offered love and support. Whenever I am me you are YOU.
Before I divulge specific names and situations, I do want everyone reading this to know that I have appreciated all the love and support over the past year whether we've known each other since 2004 or just met a week or two ago. Time is history, but love is timeless. There is no measurement of love in relation to time. We could love someone wholly for a day or 50 decades and that love remains the same throughout, in fact, it is limitless and beyond definition. Go ahead, ask yourself if you've loved someone and what defines that love. Regardless of any "list" you may scratch down on paper, most of you do see that there is something different about love compared to typical emotions and actions. Love encompasses all emotions from happiness to sadness, all actions from gain to loss. It is the very core of our being and the only difference is how we act upon it. Some love might be more shallow (and argumentatively not true "love") while some may be well beyond comprehension or expression and continue to be the very fire inside our hearts and minds as we reach for goals, treat others with dignity and respect, or eat a slice of pizza. Love is transcendent of everything we understand about time or existence. It's the science behind chemical releases and fired synapses, it's the faith we have in a God or family, it's the motivation to accomplish bettering ourselves and encouraging others.
Every photographer that has released one set or a hundred, the hopefuls and official SGs that dropped one set or twenty, the members that spent their money to communicate with people from around the world and continue to do so to this day are all part of this big "thank you" post. I could spend all day naming everyone and share the things they've done, why I appreciate them, and throw out compliments like a boss. I could. Not everyone wants to read a hundred page tome, though, and I have a lot of living to do outside of here... so it won't happen quite like that. If you read this, you're included. If you know someone that should read this, tag them and they will be included. If you're named in this, it's because you've recently done something leading up to this post.
In no order of importance or timeline, I would like to toss some extra special thanks to the following folks:
@jacqui_daniels You went above and beyond with your not-so-little care package filled with prints, comics, and love. I truly appreciate the time and effort that you have spent with me as a friend since we first bumped heads way back... well, I don't remember when, but I know it was early in my comeback days. You warned me to expect something and I thought maybe it was a nice print and thank you card for sending you some cool sh*t in the mail to you over the past year, but it was more like an excavation dig at a Mayan site without any of the cool priceless artifacts. I'm sure stealing some Mayan artifacts would probably land you in some form of trouble with a foreign government so I'm glad you didn't go that far, but I still (and always will) love that whole body tattoo. That's where we connect. Right there!
@redkaya You were more excited about my birthday than I was over the past 10 years of birthdays. I remember we discussed world candies many months ago and you mentioned a few at the time and now I receive a box full of Russian candies that... well, I still don't know what some of them are! I enjoyed the message explaining them all and probably learned more about your history with some of the pieces than I did the actual ingredients, but I really appreciate the thought (and chocolate). I don't need to receive anything beyond a little love and friendship to be happy, but if I'm going to get something then I hope it's pizza or candy! I do always appreciate sharing more than indulging, but we may have to wait until the future when we can share a pizza or candy bar. I would love that very much. Thank you for thinking of my old butt and sending me sweet treats.
@hiptobes This is where I include @mandeelou and @aurralee because you initiated the reception of some rather cool prints and I know you've always been around respecting the ladies and sharing the love with some of the coolest members as well. We both share that @aurralee Babe Lair love for all that is she and her "harem" of lovely ladies so it was one of the coolest things to receive something from her because of you. Believe me, I wish I could afford more Patreons and support that Babely Canadian Province but it was really nice to get something not covered in 16 ounces of glitter that I'm still finding 3 full months past Christmas. Also, that shared love of @mandeelou is amazing. I'm not necessarily going to get into a French "favorite" commentary/argument here, but she really is one of my favorites across the board whether it was over her home country or across the globe. I always have girls like @gladyce backing me up (or maybe I back her up?) and @marlene dropping a ton of that French love, but I swear Mandeelou is royalty. I could probably go into a full-on blog about her so I'll just stop there. The love of beanies, freckles, Canadians, @nayru, and many other excellent women here is definitely bro-worthy and I love you all the more for being part of my life.
@ropers71 You helped set me on the right path with these appreciation posts and even hooked me up with a "gift" from @karanlit that contained some bonus prints and stuff which scored bonus points of love toward Karanlit herself, but you've always been there before and after that gift. It took forever to arrive and I even forgot about it at one point until it arrived at my doorstep. I dig the Walking Dead book, but even more I enjoyed @karanlit's bonus goodies because she is special. I don't even have words to describe her beauty and elegance. She's a mystery yet she opens her heart, she's a dream but she brings that fantasy into reality. She's something special alright and you helped bring her around into my life as you have offered everything plus the world as a friend, as a brother, as someone I truly respect and admire. Thank you for always being there.
@diamant I've been loving your sets for a while and enjoying the playful conversation for almost as long. You've even thought of my a few times outside of Patreon and always include me in on behind the scenes stuff. Before anyone thinks I have all the inside scoops or images, I'm actually referring to the heart behind it all. Although I'd love to be flooded with all the photos she takes well before anyone else sees them, I'm actually quite appreciative of the love and general conversation of the woman behind the person we see on SG, Instagram, and Patreon. She's a classy pin-up and great friend. I love that you're always around and I'm happy to be anything you need at any given time. All the love to you now and forever.
@nebula Didn't I just revel in all that is you in another blog post outside of here featured by a certain (@hiptobes) someone? Outside of the fun Snapchats and all the creative work with Patreon, the beautiful imagery and words shared by you have been a huge inspiration to me. I hear adventure and see beauty, I hear song and feel love. More than a few times have you shown appreciation beyond even the few words used or the Instax sent. All it takes is a few words or a light conversation and the full extent of emotion and love is felt. There are a lot of creative people on this site, as I'm sure you'll agree, but that person deep inside that beautiful shell we call @nebula is an amazing and wondrous person to respect, admire, and love. I blab and waste so much space discussing "dream girls" and all this nonsense, but the one truth behind it is that I could hope to find someone like you to share my life with. It's not about a relationship or marriage, but a partner to conquer the ends of the earth with on a regular basis. Hang out with a hundred cats after work many nights then go out and get that life, throw that sense of love and admiration to the wind and let it sweep around all that surrounds us. You are the type of human I want to be, the type I want to love, the type I wish there were more of within the world. Before you say anything humbling (because you are very much so a humble soul), that in itself is also what I love most. It's that vulnerability and conquering feats (marathons and such) despite injuries or not being afraid to chase adventure and art despite just being human. There is so much strength to your person and it's been amazing to watch pieces unfold from way too far a distance away. I feel like I should toss @fresa and @pulp into this category as well, but there is truth that I don't know them quite as well, yet I seem to see and hear enough to have a very deep respect and love for the two as almost sisters making a trio of truly admirable humans as vulnerable as they are strong and as professional as they are friendly, as loving as they are humble or even afraid at times. I could talk about this forever... best end for now. 😅
@marlene You are always one to sneak up on me behind the scenes to share a little love or conversation and recently you shared a little love for all my support, but you've been showing just as much support back to me and to all of your "French girls". I love so much that you've spent time thinking of me when I felt down or when you wanted to discuss games like "Life is Strange" and films like Donnie Darko. You see the best in me when I do not and stand up for me when I feel weak. I appreciate it more than you know.
@epiic I just want to throw your name out here even though we've only had the chance for limited conversation recently, but you did think of me and offer a cute Christmas card. We've not necessarily known each well over the long years we've both been here, but you're definitely one of the original girls from my days long past that stuck around and always remained on my mind. You never had to offer up Christmas greetings or pop up after years of separation, but here you are and I love the fact that you're still you and still here. I still owe you a piggy back ride from the long gone days of Columbus comic cons and big SG parties featuring @alissa and @sunshine. Those were some good days. I was way more nervous than I am now, but it was cool to meet ladies that are now (mostly) gone from the site after getting married, making children, and blending into the real world of homemakers and domesticated love and life. All the power to them, but it's great to see you still here.
@kaliva You came out of thin air to support me and show me love on just about everything as well as deliver so much love to everyone on the site and it's amazing to see someone offer so much. There are plenty girls (both hopefuls and official SGs) that do offer a lot of love and support, but there aren't as many that are as active in their support and love as you. It's been an honor to know you and a pleasure to speak with you. I'm still craving the day we one day actually meet up for a real time conversation. I appreciate the love I'm about to receive for winning one of your contests, but I have to say I'm more excited for my dear friend @gnomi and her "gift" for winning the contest. You offer love and continue to show strength and confidence that you said you once was a mere shadow. Now you shine on like a knight in shining SG armor as you turned pink and continued your crusade of love and community.
There are many others that I speak with outside of the site or within the site. I am also thankful for you @chroi, @bookcouple, @gpryme, @kaptaine, @silentobjectorx, @gadget, @phianixx, @nickstone, @lorry, @kungfury, and many others for the constant check-ins on Whatsapp or just little messages saying you're thinking of me when I drop some dark shadows onto the site in a blog. Don't think that any of you are anything less than great big pieces of awesome in my heart just because I elaborated on a few physical gifts above because I love you all the same.
Lastly, before I head off to skate, sweat, and celebrate with some post-practice birthday milkshakes with some of my teammates, I want to call out the crazy folks for tagging me in this "Favorite Photo" contest.
@ojtheviking, @sirena, @thimeow, @loz829, @elune, and @tallandspooky
I will get around to this photo blog thing I have been tagged in. I need to spend a little time finding the right photo, but things have been a little hectic here and all I find myself doing is a "quick" blog that takes up an hour or two of my time between work, sleep, eat, and all that so... don't think I'm neglecting you. It'll be here.
Lastly, @arroezze Thanks for being both awesome and crazy, so you get both worlds of this blog. Without you we wouldn't be chasing our dreams of making Cookie Curling a reality (and treat), Pillow Fighting an Olympic sport filled with only the toughest, most talented, super skilled, and ultra sexy ladies from across the world (or universe?), and trying to find someone to help make my dreams of turning Edible Pizza Underwear and Lingerie a reality.
By the way, if anyone wants to test out this Edible Pizza Underwear, I am looking for a personal trainer. There are plenty workouts that involve dipping down to take a bite or... well, @arroezze is the professional including food into his workouts, but I'm sure not eating banana chips off his lap. Sorry, my dude, but I eat bananas solo (I do love potassium) and I kinda want to look at some cute lady butt while training to have 6-pack abs like Chris Hem... errr... Thor. I'm totally like a Dwarven Thor... with less abs and almost as much beard. Ladies love Hobbits and Tolkien stuff, right? Anyone?
Thank you all. Seriously Thank you for everything from the candies to prints to private messages inquiring about my mental health and everything you have done to support and be there for me for sicker or porrer, in health and wealth. I love y'all. I guess that means I also owe thanks to the names about to be listed for posting me on the front page at times and supporting me as well on this site.
@rambo @missy @sean