I would like to present to you another edition of Love and Appreciation by Xander. Before I crack open the binding and continue another chapter as narrated by yours truly, I thought I would cast my usual line filled with ramblings and thoughts. I offer for interested parties as they gather a little knowledge about what's happening in the Midwestern State of Ohio, more specifically in the suburbs of Cleveland.
Work has been fairly exhausting and left me with very little energy to work on blog posts. It has hindered my ability to absorb inspiration to spout back out with flourished words and proper admiration. I don't like to do things halfway so I try not to pursue delusional love affairs with sleepy words when most of these sets deserve so much love for all parties involved. Hence, I haven't offered shorter posts on a more regular basis (my preference) and have to resort to these extended posts rather than plopping down 2-3 smaller posts all within hours of each other. I like things nice, neat, and collected.
Aside from work I have not done much of anything besides watch some MCU films while drinking tea and passing out on the couch. Not a very exciting life. A lonely life, in fact.
I have been coping with some increased anxiety. It hits me like an asthma attack during physical activity and lately spins my head around at strange times. On one hand, I am proud that I've not taken any medicinal steps and stuck with homeopathic and natural remedies like lavender essential oil, turmeric, and other such herbs and things that can ease moods. On the other hand, I really wish Cleveland offered non-married couples and single women so I could at least suffer a depressing heartache from getting dumped rather than having no one to hang out with and not one single woman to break my heart beyond the show of a ring finger. Lame, but I miss that sort of heartbreak.
I am glad that all of these very amazing Juliettes found some pretty awesome Romeos (not meant to be gender specific here, just using name references), but this self love situation always binds me to wish a little something fun and cuddly upon myself. The other sort of literal self love is another experience when it's temporary, but as soon as it becomes the only love you know on a permanent basis it's about as exciting as pampering yourself with a bath. If the bath water continued to run and eventually rose well above your restful head leaving you with no breathable air whatsoever.
The brighter news it that I'm going to treat myself to a damn good sandwich Saturday as a pre-Birthday weekend celebration. Pulled pork simmered in a Mexican sweet and spicy al Pastor sauce, refried beans, crispy chicharones, and pepper-jack queso sauce aptly named the Springtime War Pig. Plus, I usually get the vegan three-bean chili which is bomb. It might be 5,000 calories or some nonsense, but this virtual food orgasm is the closest thing I have seen to an actual orgasm in more years than I can count on my fingers. Luckily I do not have more hands otherwise that might be rather depressing. It stops at ten because that's all I've got to count on. Don't get me started on toes. First, that's even more depressing if I have to count higher. Second, the only toes I want to touch are the pretty painted toenails of a beautiful woman using me for my foot massage skills. No, there will be no lucky ladies getting foot massages from these hands. I'd gladly offer up a massage because it's as much a gift to me to give as it is for them to receive. Giving massages is relaxing. It's a lot like physically admiring a wonderfully crafted organic masterpiece of art. Close my eyes, feel every lump, curve, edge, and piece of biological wonder.
Let's get on with the part of the post you actually came to see. 😉
Oh, congratulations to @babal and @chalk, by the way for turning pink. There's another very special girl inside this post that deserves some congratulatory love but we'll get there shortly.Now let's get @redkaya and @gnomi on the front page, yeah?
@ergwath in (Not Your) Babygirl by @mariafox
I wish I could deliver a valid excuse explaining why I missed her six previous sets featuring the photography of @vanillaviking and the always classy @alexander_magnus, but maybe the simple fact that Suicide Girls posts a great number of new sets in MR every day is enough?! I can barely keep up and I, obviously, spend a lot of time here to extend lengthy compliments on sets and create these posts to share appreciation with you, my friends. No matter the excuse, @ergwath is a very lovely lass well worth visiting if you find a few moments to spare because she now has 7 available sets in MR. She's teased my interest with cute purple pigtails, but this sleek framed beauty also shares an interest in wearing black and makes it look so much sexier than I ever could! It's a very simple and cute set easily deserving the 2k hearts it's going to receive any day now. If I must shed a little artistic insight, I'd love to see her work with @akril, @a_popenko, or @ivylina because I do believe she's more than worthy of becoming pink and I think these photographers would create some great chemistry to really see her take off with the very obvious potential as seen within her sets and among other modeling outlets.
Let's see what we can do to get her on the front page, eh? #HelpHerTurnPink
@jupiter in Never Let Me Go by @natalia_randle
@jupiter may not deliver as many sets from behind the lens as some of the photographers that appear to take an impossible amount of photographs to gift us with a new set every few days (or weeks), but it's evident with @marlene's SOTD Even Artichokes Have Hearts and sets featuring @ivory, @clem, @cigno, and @fishball that she's as talented as she is beautiful. Looking much like the soft spoken girl girl next door, her appearance gentle and serene, she all but leads us by hand to a romantic tryst that will not soon be forgotten. Though I still favor @shaine's set as the deviously seductive fantasy coated with a layer of playful innocence, this getaway is the honeymoon perfect for the poet within all of us. Bathed in light, soft shadows caressing her petite curves, her eyes a couple kisses of chocolate to savor as treats that sweeten the soul. She's a Parisian dream fell to earth as she sweeps into our vision without the need to request the aptly named title. I'll surely never let her go and I doubt any of you would either.
Sa beauté est la lumière chaude du soleil. Son visage celui d’un rêve dessiné dans la réalité, les yeux comme la fondue au chocolat, les lèvres chuchotent des pensées captivantes au cœur. Chaque souhait est vrai, la beauté de l’élégance et de l’innocence entrelacées.
As for @natalia_randle, beyond featuring a few sets I cannot wait to review including @tribe, @prune, and @brisen, does she not look absolutely adorably cute in her recently posted selfies? I could kiss that woman without a single regret. I always enjoy seeing the artists that normally hide behind the lens. So much more personality is revealed in their smiles and style.
@snowyfeles in Camping by @natalia_randle
@snowyfeles in the set that turned her pink! Although we haven't shared much conversation between Summer Vacation (@skopintseva) and now, she continues to be one of my favorite models. The vibrant colors in her tattoos as illustrious as her ever changing hair, she exudes and bleeds color like a true artist. She may spend her days dressing up hair the hair of others so they, too, can look fancy with a new 'do, but I'm starting to wonder which came first, the art or the artist? Looking like a masterpiece of feminine form, every pose poetic and emotion gracefully displayed, she reveals a maturity and experience one might find with a model twice her age with hundreds of magazine covers and photo shoots littering her portfolio. Her smile as warm as her hair is bright, lips open gently as if whispering sweet nothings, her sleek body arched and curved as if influenced by a light Spring breeze. I already once posted a blog unveiling my love for this gorgeous queen and her magical sets, each shade of rainbow being touched upon across her many sets, so I won't linger too long strumming the chords of this bard's heartstrings, but I will say it's been as much an honor as inspiration to be part of this woman's rise to pinkdom. Her creative use of colors and ability to model like a professional are now part of SGs annals of history so please take a step inside and see how this breath-taking woman slowly but surely took the world by... gentle whisper and a wondrous palette of colors.
Ее тело уникальное сочетание цветов и гладкий дизайн, яркие, и по-настоящему поэтические. Я увидела радугу и посмотрел на Золотой горшок, но никогда не хотел, чтобы восхищаться такой красочной красотой, как это.
@sirena in Am I Distracting You? by @jaitjunior
I did tell you I would be back with another lovely @sirena set and this double dose of Brazilian hotness is the cure for any winter blues that lingered around the Midwest during the release of both sets. Although warmer weather started to settle in by the time I started this post, it's still great to see more of these amazing curves as they ignite a Summer heat upon unveiling. Her lips laced seductively with a smile, eyes electric with a molten chocolate hazelnut flavor, and her body a bonfire worthy of the gods setting flames to heart across the globe. I still worry I might get third degree burns on my heart every time she enters MR, but this volcanic beauty is well worth the amount of money spent on curatives to soothe the inflamed heart.
I knew she was trouble when she walked in. You knew the Taylor Swift references had to be remixed into a blog post after the lyrics were recited within the description. Don't act surprised if you start singing or humming along to "You Belong With Me" while sorting through this set.
I actually missed the Moira/American Horror Story reference my first time enjoying the set because things do not always click well in my brain. After that information collected into my brain I binged on a few episodes of @sirena and found the set to be a rather original tribute to the character she cosplayed. Alexandra Breckenridge is a beautiful actress, but Sirena put a lot of heat into her portrayal that far surpassed the character's now seemingly simple seductive ways. If there were ever to be a Brazilian remake of the show, I know exactly who I would cast. If I ever needed a hot maid turned permanent lover I also know who I would cast in that real life role. Sexy, creative, and super spicy. My vote for Cosplay Friday is as evident as my love and admiration for the woman baring her flames cultivated into curvaceous hypnotic flesh.
Meu coração arde com desejo nesta linda mulher esculpida em chamas. O coração amável é um lembrete delicado que a dança sedutor e as curvas luscious são iscas simples à beleza para dentro.
@acuarian in I Put A Spell On You by @fromlimbo
Argentina is another country that tends to produce some of the most gorgeous women to roam the globe and @acuarian is no exception. I discovered her through my interest in @fromlimbo's work as a photographer and was instantly hooked. Featuring some of my favorite models like @marlene, @camille, @venisons, @aelin, and @kpax and also exploring equally lovely ladies like @maleh, @dinhasun, @arkhaam, @deskicio, @durazno, @rainbows, @irana, @souffle, @licka, @helenarae, @hazee, and @kiwa you will see there is quite a bit to love about her photography from the featured models to the ways she poeticizes them in visual format. Acuarian is one such model that caught my eye and reminded me of the perfect melody combining sweet and sensual into a love song that transcended space and time. Her penetrating eyes filled with warm lingering in the tunes I hum to myself when I fall into my pillow for nightly rest, her lips a tender kiss of stars and dreams, her body elegant verbiage inked out in tattoos and sculpted of the softest and most beautiful flesh.
Her set easily grabbing 2.4k hearts and ready to be featured on the front page, this Argentinian babe is set to take the world by storm (and shower). If you've seen her shower videos then you know the storm that brews deep in your chest as that heart rumbles with lightning fast passion and admiration, beating with thunderous claps. The more time I spend gazing upon this beauty the more bummed I am to live so far away from those lovely arms and hypnotic eyes. I've fallen in love and I haven't even had the chance to exchange words or conversation yet! Despite the many named models above in sets I truly adore, this one may be @fromlimbo's best shot to date. I love a gorgeous model, but the chemistry between the two developed into something much bigger than the simple theme and more visually stunning than the neutral colors might let on. This is the story of sexuality and the timeless nature of falling in love.
Su belleza es el beso de una estrella, labios cantando canciones de amor, y el cuerpo de un baile que quiero participar. Conozco la poesía del amor, pero nunca me enamoré tan rápido como esto. Mi amor, mi sueño, mi poema, mi canción. Tú eres el aliento de la vida misma.
@velour in Out of Focus by @shaine
Lured to this set after seeing @shaine's name tagged as the photographer, I instantly fell in love with it. @velour was a fiery cutie before she decided to go back to her natural hair color, but in turn became an elegant creature of inspiration. I've already mentioned chemistry a few times within this post, but this is one set that definitely reflected the building of a relationship between photographer and model with ten sets between the two and just about half making SOTD. Although Shaine's work with @ceres is still my favorite, this set has proven to be tour de force of beauty delivering such warm and poetic beauty in a very simple and sensual way. Sure, @robynlee was the perfect girl next door, @amberlynnrose became my newest crush, @rouge, @brisen, @gladyce, @lorettarose, @octaviamay, @harmohh, @jupiter, @aurralee, @valkyria (that's just the past few months!), and many others shined gloriously under her direction, but none have kept up with that magic she and Ceres have put together until now. I could never say anyone was less beautiful or any set was less amazing than the next, but these tender moments gazing into kind eyes and upon sweet honeysuckle lips it not to be rivaled in romance. I could have fallen in love nine times over had I not taken a sabbatical from SG. Here now I sit in continued awe from that March 16th release date, in dreams, over the black and white set that was perfectly colorized by Shaine. Not literally void of color, this set may actually look equally fantastic if it were filtered of color so that the emotion could reign over all that voted this set to SOTD.
@milenci in Bubbly by @milkydame
May I ask a legit question to my readers? How does one not fall in love with the ultra cute @milenci? I recently shared my love of Daydreamer (@sobelle) with you guys and I could swear this love is an addiction. Beyond her beautiful petite inked canvas lies an energetic little vixen with a sultry essence and kind heart. Her eyes, however, are the true addiction as I have witnessed none of such color to cause such a visual orgasm and dangerous addiction. Her smile is bewitching but steals not the connection between iris to heavenly stars downsized to fit into the sockets of such beautiful treasure. I could speak days on end or stutter incompetent words that appear to make me a drooling fool were I to meet eye to eye, yet I stroke every lamp I walk past and count every shooting star wish hoping that enough attempts wishing upon the wishing stars grants me the chance to sit across and admire behind my tongue on it's pilgrimage to the back of my throat. I have claimed that @sobelle was the Queen of Sets recently, but this @milkydame set is one to set new marathon records as all the hearts rush in like fools. Sure, @lady, @saria, @cersei, @waikiki, @r_girardi, @thelabrat, @writeboy, @frani, @atlanticlungs (herself a new big crush constantly waving dreams in front of my very eyes), and @gossip have all created such beautiful content to fulfill our needs (whatever they may be to each individual), but this Bubbly masterpiece is about to crack open a bottle or two of champagne and party like a rap video because it's that good. All the love to each photographer that ever shared moments with @milenci, but I am gladly calling favorites in this case because Milenci only seems to get better with age... even if it's mere months. If this is the case, sign me up for an 80 year marriage because I'll spend every one of those hours actively engaged with her sweet cosmic irises.
I would love to thank @zen for this set as it not only introduced me to this hopeful, but feels like the perfect showcase for @thimble's modeling capabilities. In fact, this set is lined up to win the Stanley Cup along with an appearance on front page. The thing I love most about Zen's sets is the balance between candid emotions (usually evident with giggles and big smiles) and professionalism. One can always find a few smiles to lighten the mood intermingled with original design (by pose and angle). A few shots that earned my simplistic "wow, that's really cool" comment while viewing the entirety would be shots involving the removal of socks. Sounds simple enough, but the crossed legs, sock pulling, and foot unveiling stuck in my head long after I shut down for the evening. Her smile, however, is the MVP of this game. I could watch her skate along ice or playfully frolic in bed all day, but when those lips gleam like freshly smoothed ice with the sun dawning upon it my heart melts. I have to be honest and say the third shot from the end is going to be the one I will always think of when I see her name cross the blogs and lips of members across the site. That very smile may only be gifted to the lucky soul that kisses her goodnight, but that single moment would be locked in my mind forever were I said lucky soul. How anyone could not freeze and hold that moment in place until she decided to toss a slap and question if one had fallen asleep with their eyes open would be beyond me. I'll say it and likely earn myself some disagreements, but that smile is better than sex, last way longer, and even in old age is going to be the brightest feature to never actually age. Grow old with a smile that never leaves your thoughts and it will warm your heart until the last breath.
@jessacat in Welcome To My Sweatshirt by @just_sick
I don't know why Weezer continues to play in my head every time I glance through this set, but the love of hoodies is a definite shared experience. Nerdy shirts fill my dresser and hoodies fill my closet, it's a wonder I have any room left for pants or socks. @jessacat has been loving this hopeful journey more than anyone I know as her smiles show up in every set. Always switching up themes from the typical bedroom/bathroom combo (which are great, but haven't we seen A LOT of images in both locations?) and continuing to be 100% herself she'd make a great addition to the Suicide Girls roster. I love you, @just_sick and I definitely would share a hoodie or two with @jessacat, but I have to draw the attention back to the two @leemalee sets that are still a bit underrated and deserving of a lot more love! As a photographer she captured Jessacat perfectly and I believe both sets fit the woman that I've come to know. Each set is a piece of personality, but I'm going to be a bit selfish with some "me time" because I'm turning older in T minus 5 days so I think I can request a little extra love where I see fit, no?
Hoodies, smiles, and plenty of ink make up this lovely lass. In fact, I'm still trying to catch up with all the tattoos and catch 'em all. Even Kirby can only suck in one power at a time so inhaling every color and design to decipher isn't a one day task. See? Tattoo distractions. Honestly, she's a cool cat and definitely worth checking out. Stop by. Say hello. Leave some love. #HelpHerTurnPink
@evevalentine in L'amour Toujours by @sobelle
Have you had your fill of Sobelle yet? I hope not because I still have @valkyria (coming up), plus @clair, @souffle, @loveless, @blooma, and @kuroha coming up in later blogs. You'll be seeing at least one or two of her sets in every post, promise! I really do feel like it's going to be the Year of Sobelle at this rate and I'm pretty excited to see some of my favorite models along with a few others I've enjoyed (and have yet to know better) with sets shot by her. This Girl Next Door (@celine) followed up her crush-inducing set with a sexy tryst featuring @lilyt (shot by @prune) and now leaves us with a romantic escapade as soft and gentle as the heart that beats inside that Moogle inked chest. Blue eyes, smiles, and a soft touch. It's an aptly named set and perfect follow up to one of my personal favorite sets of hers. The honeymoon after meeting that girl next door type.
Avec les yeux bleus vient l’amour, son doux toucher l’éternité. To cherish her lips that provide warmth, the light that bathes her skin in a soft glow. To watch her walk past in elegance as a water massages gently stone in a babbling brook. Love always, until the end of this time that reaches long past forever.
@caustix just turned @calla, @chalk, and @laceyjane pink while also earning @valora their second SOTD together so it's only a matter of time before we see this set earn @cygnet yet another SOTD.
"I don't know what it is about blue eyes, neon hair, and @caustix's filter, but this ultra vibrant creature known as @cygnet looks beyond dreamy in her fantastically colorful and sexy new set... right here. Like some sort of sexy adult coloring book, the splashes of green, gold, and oceanic amount of blue transforms this set into a half-rainbow of lovely visuals stimulating both inspiration and general loving heartbeats. Every beautiful curve emerging from the ocean of blue like a sexy siren calling out with visual presence over vocalizations, this set trapped my mind in a whirlwind, or more accurately, hurricane of dreamy little love butterflies as I attempt to wrap my head around little nuance from the use of shadows, the escape into the lit window (which would have actually made a fantastic ending to this story that was almost told), the colors, and every pose. Fantastic shoot for both model and photographer. Truly impressive piece of art... or pieces?! Either way, the set is amazing." - per my own commentary.
I don't know if I could top my own commentary as I do believe I hit the nail on the head with my previously stated words. I'm still rooting for the ultra colorful C.C. by @sawa to hit front page not as a cosplay set but as a visually stunning piece of art celebrating her colorful personality. @zen's Aloe Ferrox is another colorful dance presenting the blue eyed queen of neon in traditional Zen fashion. Also, much like @lady's own Papillon (as shot by @coolicio) Electric Feel is a soft, beautiful set toned with earthen colors and that famous electric green hair that's almost as refreshing as a sip of Ecto Cooler Hi-C. Okay, so I enjoyed some Hi-C as a child and don't believe the beverage could live up to the hype of the woman with a hair color to match, but this petite drink of sexy with a jaw-dropping booty is just the thing the doctor ordered to liven up the place and cool down the upcoming heat waves in the coming Summer months. Every post I find an addendum perfect for my birthday list (it's April 12th, so get on this, my dudes!) and I do believe seeing Cygnet go front page with any of these four sets would be fantastic! #HelpHerGoFrontPage #SOTD
@miahblue in Drink Me by @kasha
Normally, I prefer a hot beverage over a conversation with a beautiful woman, but when you live in the heat of Brazil there is nothing that beats an ice cold drink to cool the internal climate. This Brazilian firestarter has flames in her eyes and a cool, crisp aftertaste. Sexy, bright, and as yellow as le-moan-aid, she'll drop a few jaws and quench that thirst just as quickly as she draws out the sweat to keep you wanting more. Blue is the coolest color, but sometimes it's just as warm as the ocean along the equator mid-Summer. Drop by to see why I have such a fascination with Brazilians and stick around because she still has her debut set sitting in MR as well. Also, pour yourself a cool drink because it'll be a hot one today! #HelpHerTurnPink
@mayumicorn in Chanoyu by @kasha
I did say Brazil was hot, right? This vivacious vixen with blue hair is another reason to keep a cool beverage in hand, but sharing a spot of tea or shot of espresso also suits me perfectly. Her hair sharing the colors of tropical waters, falling like waters upon shoulders and bosom. Her eyes dark chocolate with entrancing qualities that hooked me instantly. I don't know if she was somehow named after a unicorn or she just happens to be part unicorn, but this magical creature is the cutest thing to dance into my dreams. I'm excited to see what's next for this hopeful. #HelpHerTurnPink
@laceyjane in Tanager by @caustix
I did say that Caustix had some pretty amazing sets in MR that all went front page rather quickly, didn't I? The previously named Femmepuppy went front page with her third set and I couldn't be more overjoyed. I've always had a strange fascination with hair that usually found me chasing the cutest of short haired little minxes (and successfully dating two for a very short time) and drooling hopelessly over the real life Rapunzels that never turned into much beyond a nervous hello and trip on my shoelaces. Don't get my started on hair colors because it'll lead to my obsession with eyes and addiction to smiles. I'll save the for a blog all it's own (if anyone was actually interested). Here, however, we do have the very beautiful, the cute and adorable, the magical misfit unicorn known as @laceyjane in the set that introduced me to her petite inked frame and winsome smile. Had I any sort of confidence, closer proximity, and (most importantly) her availability I would be attempting to snatch her up for cuddles and giggles all day long. Unfortunately, all I can request is light conversation and perhaps a few giggles to see that smile light up my life like Christmas during this wacky Spring Midwestern weather. The set itself soft and sensual, shadows gently hugging her beautiful athletic frame that drives me to believe she's larger than life. In my defense, I always think most of these models are much taller than they are, yet many of the (now retired) models I've met have all been six inches shorter than I would have predicted. Tangent, right, the usual.
Her smile reminds me of a love I once knew and though we are not together, the warmer times remain a positive piece of dreams and memory.
@fishball in Imperfection is Beauty by @coolicio
Preaching about @fishball is like convincing members of her fan club all the reasons to fanboy (or fangirl) over the model/photographer/rapper/beauty queen. Featuring more SOTDs in four years than most models have released sets into MR over their history with SG, she's a shoe-in, but nonetheless still deserves all the love for her creativity on either side of the camera. Her eyes still remain at the top of my favorites list, inspiring way too many words and too much lost time any time I decide to revisit her old sets. This was @coolicio's first work with the Italian sensation and a bright set it is indeed. Warm, soft, and as candid as she allows herself to be in front of the Aussie's lens. Aside from @saria's Sun Flare, I don't think any sets even approached this style giving it an entirely original breath and view of the popular model. Time to light it up and enjoy the sun and beauty before us.
@valkyria in Iron Moon by @sobelle
Another Sobelle set I was looking forward to long before it hit MR. @valkyria is the sex metal goddess of my dreams come to real life. Like a modern day Julie Strain rocking a real life episode of Heavy Metal, the tattooed beauty is as much a rock star as she is the kind tattooed girl next door. Always ready with a smile and ready to drive your heart wild, she'll Street Fight, cast a spell, or take over the Spanish Mint without flinching and still be home in time for a home cooked meal. There are few that drive me as wild as she. This latest set steps away from the pool (@chinaski) and into the halls of sex and romance. Elegant and playful, this set is the perfect fit for a video vixen snake charming her way to my heart in the unending Megadeth music video playlist that lingers in mind many nights. Her heart as black as it bleeds red, with tender touch to equal tender words. There are many evenings that I've cast myself aside from the public eye to conjure up a genie that will grant the wish of a beautiful enchantress like this to seduce my days until my soul reaches the netherrealm.
Tough as iron with a glow bigger and brighter than the moon. Let her smile cast upon you dreams and never shall you crave another. Si tuviera un deseo, le pediría a una hermosa diosa como tú que me robara el corazón.
@skadhi in Freedom by @coolicio
The beautiful @skadhi in her debut is ready to take the world of SG by storm... well, maybe by gentle Spring breeze. Behind that lovely smile and warm eyes like fresh baked brownies ready to sweeten the lips of any souls in the kitchen, she swept in with the help of the one, the only, the beautiful and talented Coolicio. I don't think many could ask for a better debut beyond @kaliva's debut with @lady. Between two of the very well respected and loved photographers it's usually a toss up between who offers the greatest debuts, but then who would judge two best friends with distinct styles and shared love when both create such spectacular art. I don't know if the two are, indeed, best friends as the comment was symbolically speaking, but I do believe that you understand the idea. I have yet to sink my arms around @skadhi for a proper cuddle, so to speak, but if the debut set reveals anything about the nature of this Aussie girl next door then there is a lot to love behind her tender curves and welcoming smile. Freedom is all about the ability to express yourself and become the person your are deep in your heart. I do believe Skadhi is well on her way to taking that freedom to the front page and becoming part of the SG sisterhood to share her own brand of love with the world. #HelpHerTurnPink
@apollo in Check Me Out by @lady
She may not have won the game of Murder! At SG Manor (Part 1), but this board gamer is still a winner in my heart. Looking absolutely delightful in yellow, the sun shines on the Detroit native even indoors. Brushed with a smile, the solo debut (after an almost 5 year [set] hiatus) drops into the mix as if she'd never left. Looking better, brighter, and more colorful than any shades she's worn in her hair during her past lives she's ready to once again earn another SOTD along with the rest of the Murder! multi girls. If I didn't know better I would think @lady was creepin' on her booty with 1/3 of the set focused on @apollo bum, not that I mind as an admirer of the soft round cushioned portion of fine female form. Her eyes gleaming with wisdom, love, and confidence I do believe she'll be soon following the likes of @saturn, @skella, @sierhaus, @romany, @dojikko, @loveless, @penny, @sarelle, and @arriane with their more recent SOTDs.
I do apologize for falling off the radar myself, dear @apollo, for I have meant to keep up as promised after the Murder! set reviews but life has become so busy that my time is barely spent here beyond some blog posts that suck up a LOT of time. I hope you forgive me and we once again start up a conversation beyond this realm of too many hotties and not enough time. Hah! Okay, so SG is a little more than that, but there are an awful lot of gorgeous women here. That part was not far off.
@asxna in Stripe Tease by @tripodski
I'm still trying to come down from that caffeine high when @niallpatterson invited us along for Coffee at Dawn, but this @tripodski follow up to The Game Is Just Beginning is a great way to settle down and... who am I kidding?! How could one settle down at the sight of @asxn? She may be too cute to be a true Mortal Kombatant, but sharing coffee at any time of day over plentiful words would set my heart afire. She's just too damn cute and I know my dude @kungfury will agree on this one. Pod himself never settles down and always delivers some of the most gorgeous women whether it's for SG or Patreon and I can barely keep up. Many praises to Pod, but even the "sexy man beast" has nothing on Asxna. Sorry, mate, she's hella cute and seeing "Game Over" has never been as exciting until she walked her booty into view. The gentle, sexy, humble, and kind woman that once shared a cup of bliss at dawn is now kicking back as the sun goes down and the candles are ready to come out for a romantic little date. At least, that's what happens next in my dreams. #HelpHerTurnPink
@isas_ in Is It True That Pain Is Beauty? by @kalincamaki
Fairly new to SG, this hopeful is an absolute cutie. Warm smile, cute cheeks, and long dreads. I wish I could elaborate on shared conversations or sneaky blog post spying, but I'm in the same boat as you sailing these fine waters. I always love a nice @kalincamaki set and the pink and purple combination is one of the most adorable color coordinations to steal my attention toward a girl, but at this very moment I'm happy gazing in admiration at her smile. She has the cutest, most youthful and bright features. I'll quit now before I just run on like a skipping record on repeat. Too damn cute.
I wish I was able to provide two posts as promised, but things have been a little rough. I also hoped for a little more ooomph, but my brain has been teetering on a flat line the past week. I hope I've provided enough love and inspiration to readers old and new. I'm always happy to share as much love as possible when I can and continue to keep my doors open to all.
I leave you now to binge on some more Sabrina and deal with some of my own mental issues. Hopefully I shall be back soon for both conversation and more appreciation posts because this backlog is killing me! Hah! I might have to, unfortunately, cut my part short and do more of a general feature post to catch myself up so I feel a little less overwhelmed. I dare not cut anyone out from an appreciation post just because my head is temporarily under water. This self love thing might be about self, but every home is made and supported by more than a central pillar holding a roof overhead. Without you I wouldn't be who or where I am today and I appreciate all of you every day.
Quick shout out to @kungfury, @hiptobes, and @ropers71 for the blog posts and contributions. All the love to @nickstone, @silentobjectorx, @flare04, and @kaptaine for continual love. @chroi, @bookcouple, @naru_blu, @gnomi, @redkaya, and @phianixx - much love as well for all the support behind the scenes. @arroezze Thanks for all the humor keeping me smiling during a few dark moments that clouded my mind.
I'll be back soon and, hopefully, with a lot more love and sets to share with all of you!