1) If you were stuck on a desert island (or any remote location) with one Suicide Girl (or hopeful) who would you choose and why? @nebula, she kicks ass by doing a Spartan race every month (or so it seems) and always seeks out hikes and adventures. In other words, she pushes herself to be better then herself and to experience the beauty life has to offer regardless of injury or possible hindrances. My chances of survival would immediately increase significantly. Plus, she'd be pretty cool to hang with when not learning from her.
2) If you were a Powerpuff Girl which one would you be? @akiramai in Chemical X. That is actually one reason I created this question, but I probably identify most with Buttercup
3) If you were just beat up by a mutant gang and left with a black eye, some missing teeth, and a few broken bones but scheduled a photo shoot tomorrow you absolutely cannot miss which photographer would make you look your best? @mel_z for sure. Have you seen her sets featuring @valkyria, @allis, @bluedette, @leelou, or @lady recently? That's only naming a few, but the surreal beauty in all of those sets are the very reason I wouldn't think twice about my choice.
4) If I were to give you 1,000$ USD right now, how would you spend it? [Be completely honest.]: I admit I would try to find a way to get a date, just two people, some food, and conversation. It's been so long I would probably think selfishly first to entertain my own heart first then whatever was left I would probably treat a bunch of friends to lunch. I don't get out much so it would give me an excuse to meet up with friends I don't talk to nearly enough.
5) Name some of your favorite smiles across SG (models, photographers, members). Name as many as you like.: @catarina, @silver, @fresa, @juliju, @channy, @kettle... that was a real quick listing. I could probably name more if I thought a little more, but those were the first to come to mind.
6) If an artifact of (almost) unlimited power existed and you could use it to commit acts of kindness, but were aware it would eventually corrupt and destroy you would you take the risk? Tough decision, but I believe I would take a risk if I knew there was a chance I could stop myself in a worst case scenario from going to far when the corruption started to take place. I would hope I could be the Frodo/Peter Parker and sacrifice myself if it were for the greater good.
7) (For the models/hopefuls) Imagine you were single. Which member(s) would you take on a date? (Boys or girls or both):
8) Life is ending in 5 minutes. Who would you call and what would you tell them? My parents. I know I don't have a lot of choices in this matter, but they gave me life and it's only right I thank them for what they gave me for the time it lasted. I love them. They're my blood.
9) Which of the four elements (fire, wind, water, and earth) represent you best and why? I wish I could say fire which may be right to a point because I do have a temper that I keep under control and would love to be spicy, but I'm probably a lot more like the earth constantly stubborn in some of my own ways yet very accepting of new growth and changes. I also tend to feed new growth much like fertile ground.
10) Your life is a novel already written, which book closest represents your life story? I love this question which is why I chose it, but I have to say that I have not read enough books in my life to choose one that actually fit my life. The closest would be Romeo and Juliet because of the tragic love, but part of me is also on the tragic Edgar Allen Poe path. Truthfully, neither are accurate to my real life, but emotionally and mentally either would suit the deeper being inside this flesh suit.
11) Dinosaurs roam the planet, which would you take as a pet? Velociraptor. I watched Jurassic World too many times and Blue is a cutie.
12) A Suicide Girl (or hopeful) is going to read you a bedtime story. Who is it? There are many really good choices, but I think @kettle would actually smile just enough during the story to ensure I have a positive and lovely dream sequence. A healthy night sleep means a great day to follow, right?
13) Science or history, what topic is more interesting in conversation? I tend to remember facts randomly, but science and constantly evolving and growing theories and speculations is of much more interest to me. I'm not the smartest, but I'll listen to someone talk astrophysics any day of the week and love very minute no matter how much I understand.
14) Do you have any quirks that you are embarrassed about but your partner always tells you how much they love the quirk? If so, what quirks? Not that I know of. I haven't had any lengthy enough or solid enough relationships nor has anyone told me of any quirks. I know I have one or two, but to me they are very normal things so I don't consider them quirks and couldn't say.
15) If you ruled (or at least founded) your own planet what would you name it? I would choose either Pound Town or Titty City. Neither are mature and neither are apt names for a planet, but I would go full immature game geek and name my planet that and regret it later. Just being honest.
16) The last person you kissed in a dream (that is not your partner), who was it? Although I've kissed a large handful of girls that many of you might know from this site, the truth is I often have dreams that create these mash-ups of people so 75% of the population of my dreams might actually be people made up of 2 or 3 different people. It's like a weird science experiment. I don't know who it was, but she was blonde, didn't really like me much, and we had a very strange relationship.
17) If there was a dance off held tomorrow featuring all styles of dancers (exotic, strippers, burlesque, classic, hip hop, etc) and you were in the running to win against the top 5, what song would you choose and what style of dance? I already know I would lose so I would choose Iggy Azalea's "Black Widow" and I would just shake my butt a lot and go full comedian. I can't dance, but for some reason I listen to this song and dance like an idiot all the time.
18) You are stuck on a life raft in the middle of the ocean for the next 24 to 96 hours with a chance you will be rescued in that time frame and it's just you plus the person that tagged you to take this (or the person you "borrowed" this from if no one tagged you). What will you do to pass the time assuming you have a handful of supplies to keep you alive that entire time? I made this questionnaire so I don't know, but most likely a lot of conversation and flirtation. Hey, if I can maybe get some fun conversation to pass the time and a kiss I'm good. π
19) You're about to be covered in a fruit smoothie of your choice. What fruit would you choose? Mango. Probably. Most likely.
20) Snake or spider? I love snakes. Spiders still creep me out. I give them a chance. I think it's the weird ticklish feeling when they crawl on your skin that freaks me out most.
21) Assemble your Avengers team (crossovers allowed). Choose wisely because you don't know what comes next: Wolverine, Ghost Rider, Captain America, Iron Man, Bruce Banner, Deadpool, and Batman
22) Wonder Twin Power Activate. What form would you choose and what are you doing with your twin? Skateboard. I don't know why or what we're doing, but it would be fun to skate around so they could choose a bipedal creature or octopus and we'll go out and skate some streets!
23) Breakfast food for dinner? If yes, what would you like. I no, skip to the next question silly!: Sage fried chicken on vanilla waffles with slices of bacon in them. I had these in Vegas once and no chicken and waffles have ever compared!
24) Quark. What is it? No cheating with Google!: I created this questionnaire so I won't give out any answers, but I will say that there are multiple answers and they would all be right regardless of which was named "quark" first.
25) Who is a better role model Princess Zelda or Princess Peach? Princess Zelda
26) Name one thing that your grandparent taught you and you will never forget: Respect
27) Keanu Reeves - Neo, John Wick, or Ted "Theodore" Logan? I love John Wick, but Ted is my dude always and forever.
28) Your Avengers team was just called to duty to feed thousands left homeless by Thanos, what would each member of your chosen team be doing to help out? Wolverine would probably keep people in line. Ghost Rider would man the grill. Captain America would be in charge. Iron Man would help get people back on their feet with some innovative inventions. Bruce is the nerd in the group so he'll help figure out a way to get back on our feet while Tony Stark does most of the labor. Deadpool would be there for quips and humor. Batman/Bruce Wayne would actually help out with a combination of resources and heart.
29) The Missing Link: I forgot this question, but for the sake of integrity it will remain blank. Also, I wanted to edit to fix the formatting. It did not post with the intended spacing.
30) Vampire or Werewolf, which would you rather be? I've always been partial to vampires and despite a werewolf likely being a much better choice I think I'll stick with vampire. It's actually a harder question if you think about it philosophically.
31) You're living in a real life Dungeons & Dragons adventure. What's your character class? (Race and Alignment optional): Elven thief. Chaotic Good. It's my go to usually.
32) Tolkien Hobbit or Disney Dwarf? Choose a character that best represents you: Samwise. I like Frodo and probably share many features, but Samwise is likely much more like me personality wise.
34) "I kissed a girl and I _____!" (Fill in the blank): "was really excited it actually happened"
35) Gamer class? (Sniper, berserker, medic, etc): Berserker. I used to play more of a sniper back-up in the early days of Halo, but my sniping skills have become rusty and I usually rush into a fight and expose the positions of my team's enemies so they can take them out. I'm a sacrificial warrior through and through. It's usually luck that lets me survive versus actual skill being in the middle of a battle.
36) Zombies or aliens? Aliens may very well be smarter and deadlier, but they have cooler technology that would be awesome to play with.
37) Freckles, beanies, glasses, or big booty? Feel free to select one of those choices or create your own, but what one thing might you consider a fetishistic interest that lures you into being attracted to someone? This is a hard one for me because any one of these things draw me in. I always find myself checking out booty when girls walk by, but glasses may likely be one of the things that draw me into their eyes best. It's not just the glasses, but the lure to pull me into one of the best parts of a person, their eyes. I might fall for any of these and more, but a sexy pair of frames is heart melting.
38) The Konami Code. You've earned unlimited lives. What would you choose to do with your life? I would probably spend an equal amount of time donating organs, blood, and things to help people in need, helping go Punisher on the criminal syndicates that harm the innocent, and also spend some time chasing dangerous adventures like climbing mountains and going on forever long hikes/marathons. I could do it all. So why not?!
39) (Optional): Post a selfie of what you're doing while you take this. It can be clothed, nude, silly faced, sexy faced, no face, or whatever you want. Time to distract or encourage the people reading your answers. Go all out or just take a photo of your "almost bedtime" face as you finish this questionnaire and go to bed. We all want to see you. Let's be honest.
40) Tag 5 people you would like to take this: @hiptobes @kungfury @redkaya @kaliva @phianixx
This questionnaire was created by @xheartswornx. Feel free to love or hate him. Be as wild as you would like with the answers or be quick and simple. This is just a silly and interesting way to get to know you better and spread some humor into 2019. I hope it catches on!
41) (Optional) Add you own question for the people you tagged in question #40. Erase and create your own question for each person filling this out, yeah? π
@rambo @missy