I have the final round of sets prepped to finish off the 2018 blog set. I know I kept you all with the blog from just hours ago, but I had a little extra time tonight and wanted to finish off the year (a day late) right so 2019 can start fresh with all 2019 sets!
@leemalee in Belle's Library
I had some difficulty choosing which set to "headline" this post even though I don't try to play favorites and give everyone an equal amount of appreciation despite their line in this queue, but between a Beauty and the Beast themed set and @lady's latest I needed to have one at the top to kick off this post right. Having a long standing relationship with Belle and the Beast I thought it would be poetic to share first a tale as old as time. Ever since I was a child I always had a romantic streak and thing for love stories that transcended the typical romance tropes. It's not often that one finds someone like Belle in any real life tale, a person that can see through what most might perceive as physically ugly and feel the heart deep inside the angry beast of a man. Basically cursed for being a jerk, the prince was transformed into a physical manifestation of what he felt in his heart. Change isn't easy as anyone can tell you, but this humble and truly beautiful "belle" fell into the realm of this beastly prince and rather than treating him as he may have deserved she chose to love him for that hint of sweetness that was buried deep inside. I cry every time I read or watch almost any rendition of Beauty and the Beast based on the concept alone.
Here we find @leemalee portraying the sweet Belle in a little less than that bright yellow dress some of us might remember, but rather than just portraying a character from a story that she enjoys she appears to be living the life of someone who really can see what lies deep inside someone's heart. We see it all the time in her photography as she plays the role of Belle behind the camera and seeks to share the inner truth about every model that stands before her. Besides the concept holding truth, it's always a pleasure to see her smile and curves posing and playing with our imagination as we become inspired to love and, for some, become inspired in our craft. I wouldn't call what I do much of a craft, really, as I merely translate a little visual space into words that are plain to see if you just look, but I'm still inspired to share my findings in case someone might not see things the same way I do. Plus, I admit I love beautiful women and sharing any of these women is a pure pleasure to give them extra recognition for their work as well as have a little extra to talk about on the side to the folks that agree with me. I like a foolish schoolboy conversation about girls I'd love to date or just think are really cute.
In other words, this set holds a lot of personal meaning to me given the theme and I think she made an amazing choice because it was a fitting person to become for another lovely set on SG.
@lady in Petite Danseuse by @mel_z
"Petite Danseuse is the year end culmination of collective experience gathered through the years. The perfect visual explanation of who this beautiful soul is and how she can craft such lovely imagery with everyone she meets. Featuring bits of vibrancy and sweetness she showered us with in Quite Contrary by @smashbase only without the purple hair or extra boost of oxygen from the outdoor plant life to help when breath is lost. There's a deep sensuality often expressed in multis like the shared experience with @ivylina in Roulette, but this time it feels a virtual experience as if we become part of this love affair, her eyes gazed upon ours and every movement a calculated dance to sway and sculpt thoughts. There's a softness and gentle air of elegance as @coolicio shared with us in Papillon. I rave @mel_z up and down the streets like a fool over the amazing sets she's brought forth over the years, but these past few months have seen heaven's touch as she's offered a love so beautiful it feels too good to be true yet once the heart rate settles slightly feels so real that you can sink deep into the skin and feel the structure that stands beneath the glowing flesh, the pulse of the woman that sets worlds ablaze and layers cakes so sweet teeth will ache on sight. @lady transcends the model and photographer archetype as she offers Elysium through the hands that bear her name."
I had to steal my own quote because I don't have a better way to describe this set. There are a few sets that always come to mind when the topic of conversation is Suicide Girls or even simply put, beauty. Those sets include the above mentioned Papillon, @coolicio's Stay Awake, @akiramai's Adore, and a few others, but I think you get the picture. While I could create a large list of sets and people including @ivylina, @nayru, and even @rambo herself that helped define SG through these decades there are some that find the perfect line between creating art, beauty, and personality. That's not to say there aren't elements in all sets or that beauty isn't art or personality isn't beauty, but as with individual emotions that make up a person or colors in a crayon box they are all part of the bigger picture but each element is an individual piece of the larger puzzle. I honestly wish I had someone like @ropers71 or @hiptobes to steal a quote from because no matter how complex the description or simple there are always thoughts these two share that they can sometimes put into words what I cannot and they're two of my most trusted friends to offer the most honest words of love and admiration. That's not to say I don't love ya, Lady, but my heart is still processing this set days late and when it becomes this complex for emotions to unravel and thoughts to trace then you know the set is nothing short of a masterpiece.
@biancab in Thunder Shock by @nilo2anjos
Let's be honest, her prior sets were cute. They're all at or nearing 2k hearts for a reason. Between Stars and Mushrooms is the cosplaying cutie I would love to meet up with for game sessions regardless of who gets to be player 1 or 2. May the Force Be With You is super adorable and Star Wars themed. If she walked down the street wearing that shirt I would have asked her out for coffee and inquired if she was interested in watching a Star Wars marathon sometime. She'd be the cutest companion to watch just about anything on TV with, truthfully.
I'm even choking on words to describe this current set. I, personally, love her hair and the colors pop out vibrantly much the colors of her ink once she strips away the cute Pokemon bikini to reveal the art adorning her petite curves. Her eyes are a tall drink of something delicious because I find myself gazing into them in a few shots as if we were lovers waiting to take a dip in the hot tub and wash each other's backs. It's a nice little setting with a decent view and plenty sun shining outside. Really, I just want to sweep her off the feet and take her back to this place. The colors are bright and create a visual draw to this beautiful woman, the outdoors are almost whitewashed and out of focus creating this dream effect as if the surrounding area could be anything we wished, though most of us could care less what's going outside of the room at the moment, I'm sure. If her prior sets could hit 2k and this set is closing in on 1.4k in under a week then surely this must be a sign it could hit 2k soon and even front page at some point, am I right? Let's here some love for @biancab and this set that fits perfectly with all these other amazing sets I chose for this blog post.
@kaboommunster in Still Rocking by @acsebo
With the exception of a few sets in this post this fits right along with the rest that all have a bright pop of color featured within. I developed a slight bias on this set and the lovely lady because her hair happens to feature my team colors so I rep those colors a lot when I try to promote my team. Aside from inadvertently promoting my team from thousands of miles away it's actually a fun take on a rock/music set much like @eveowl's Let the Drummer Kick (@Fishball) which did make SOTD, by the way. This set has more of a punk rock video vixen style vibe if not a voyeuristic view of the hot singer in a female fronted rock group. There's a bit of a raw rock edge and even some of that musical heat that you can find in any @jacqueline set and, no offense to anyone else, but it's hard to reach that level of sensuality in rock because she embodies that dangerous delight of sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll perfectly. I don't expect anyone to steal her thunder as @kaboommunster has her own personality, but this rock set is as much a ballad as it is one that will have you headbanging gently while driving your car to work.
Rabbit by @lmdphoto is a fairly underrated set but was a perfect little lead up to the sexuality that felt more rock 'n' raw right here. Badass Moon by @adrianphoto_bcn was a really sexy take on Sailor Moon cosplay and though I love ladies like @howlite giving it a true to (anime) life feel with the costume, this set lived up to it's name and offered an original little twist that swept me off my feet and landed me on my head pretty hard. I'm still reeling from that one. Autumn Rays was the last set before this one and I'm a little surprised it didn't reach more hearts by now. I always love seeing multiple facets of the models here and this wasn't the badass babe or sex bunny but a rather beautiful and simple shoot. I absolutely love this new set and new look, but I could still see her walking through a beautiful field with the sun on her face and my eyes dreamily watching her every step. She is another hopeful that I would really love to see go pink in 2019. I wish I could say I knew more about her, but this is a pretty amazing set and I believe she will rock quite a few more hearts over the next week.
@stark in Catch Me If You Can by @saria
We've seen a few pretty amazing Misty and Pokemon themed sets here, right? Did any of them have @stark's smile? I think not. Though I'd love to catch her if I could I rather like this Wild Misty and enjoy the beautiful show she's providing in this set. Anyone representing House Stark must be one of the good ones so I think allowing her to roam might be better for everyone lucky enough to see her in the wild.
Stop the presses! I believe there's a Six Degrees of Harry Potter game in play here as both @channy and @amandaellen represented Slytherin and here we have the gorgeous babe from Serpensortia (@saria) in our midst! I might not be as big a Potter fan as these lovely ladies, but I appreciate the spells they wield and I think that combined with the House Stark ink and uber cute Misty cosplay instantly rank her up in my Pokemon Go game. For the record, I don't actually play because I don't have the battery life and also have a dangerous addiction to collecting things if I dare start anything new, but I have caught some for friends on their phones while they were off doing things like getting drunk and partying. Long story short I don't do either so I chat or game to entertain myself. ๐๐
I went off topic so let's rewind a little and talk about that super big and bright smile that must be a freeze attack because I stopped for a minute to admire, opening me up for a combo attack while distracted. The bright colors may be true to cosplay, but they also feel very fitting to her bright personality we see in this set. I'm going off topic again so just stick with it.The Supreme Being (@mrblonnd) is a pretty amazing and original take on Leeloo and cosplay in general, Serpensortia is sensual with a fun edge but I find myself enjoying that it wasn't as playful as some of the aforementioned sets which worked well for the given personalities behind the cosplays, Red Red Wine by @thelabrat is a multi that has just enough sweetness to keep it from being overwhelmingly sexy like many recent multis that left me a little too speechless, and The Morning After by @milloux is one of the fun super multis that we are lucky enough to see once in a while. In fact, it was meant for New Years 2018! Little coincidence? Here we have this set which is bright, bubbly fun. In short, I love the range @stark covered and might have to go more in depth as I don't have the time or space to cover it all here.
@evalareina in Memento Mori by @drew
Looking great in her first cosplay set, this Morning Brightstar (@fishball) is every bit as sexy as her Psycho Little Candy (@jonathanscarafile) counterpart. I'm not too sure I'm familiar with the cosplay despite the little hint she offered, but from my point of view she's almost fit perfectly into a Tarantino film not yet existing. Every bit a seductress with still a playful smile to share I've been loving everything she's shared with the community in MR since her debut. I might need a little assist to connect the cosplay and give a better overview, but even from the outside it's always fun to see those gorgeous eyes work their magic on the heart and leave us wanting to buy her a drink or two over a card game or conversation. Personally, I'm still rooting for O'sole Mio by @barriga to jump up in numbers and go SOTD because I thought it was a fresh little change from her other sets that allowed her to shine like the sun did upon her skin. Personal favorite, but this is my blog. ๐
@smoky in Ukulove by @drew
Patience by @drew may not have been the first set to expose me to this beauty, but along with @fishball's Melancholia it's still one of my favorites. The set reminds me a little more of @r_girardi's set Jungle City than Patience, but once the music starts to play I feel that Before a Long Journey vibe kick in. Visually it shares no similarities to @lucadenardo's but sometimes when music is involved I feel a deeper emotion more like the visual sequence in Journey and I start to imagine that playing out in her head as she shares a little Ukulele love. Although the time span was short between these @drew shot sets and my love for Patience will never chance there appears to be a bit of maturity that occurred between the sets that almost put me in Bradley Cooper's shoes if @smoky was Lady Gaga. There's a penchant deep inside for this muse and a sweetness that sneaks out if you see her from just the right angle. It's not the playfulness you might expect through laughter and careless posing, but there is a shadow of it in the way she romances the stringed instrument.
I'm having a harder time giving this a more intellectually pronounced commentary upon looking at it through new eyes on my fifth round (late at night), but the maturity and musicality of the set is undeniable. She may easily get SOTDs looking this gorgeous, but those brown hued eyes are full of love and sensuality so I hope this one earns a spot on the front page along with Not Like Other Girls by @milloux for being a little deeper and filled with plenty emotion beyond the surface. I admit, I didn't quite see it the first time around but I've developed a real love for this set by the time I came to this blog post.
@maripedrazzi in Wing of Angel by @msilveira
Though this set is not quite as colorful as Love Poison by @fishball and could have benefited from a few extra angles during the shoot, I do love @msilveira's style and believe he captured her sensuality and beauty quite well. I wish I had a little more to go on, but based on creativity alone Love Poison should be seeing a lot more love than it currently has because it was very well shot and featured plenty of @fishball's signature style. It's original and actually pretty breath-taking on the second look. This current set might be rather simple, but there is a maturity from her first two sets as well as a warm, romantic feel that hooked me quickly. There are a handful of shots that are really that good and, to be honest, she's a very attractive lady that stole my gaze with hers.
@maripedrazzi in Love Poison
@jessacat in Looks Like Barbie, Smokes Like Marley by @sirenerouge
"What can I say about the lovely @jessacat and her equally amazing photographer @sirenerouge ? A vibrant soul with equally colorful skin. Seducing your heart every step of the way up in Bone Daddy (@leemalee ) to sharing backyard love affairs in Garden Party (@heyklee ). Though my opinion that she shares no qualities with the plastic doll, her smile an actual emotive response electively shared from within her heart. The theme still fun and bright with pink shirts and a different high than I might prefer, but contact high off smiles and love is still a very real thing. She always comes in like a wildcat, but leaves with a smile and purr as she proves beauty is as colorful as you wish it to be." - to steal from my own commentary.
Lastly, I want to take a brief moment to mention (or mention again) some folks that I may have stupidly not given due credit recently enough. They've all touched me in some way and deserve all the love in this new year ahead.
@ohsammiii, love, you've been a bigger supporter of me than I ever have been of you and I hope this new year means a renewed chance to take back the stars and make you smile like you make us smile.
@teenarancore, you've always been as sweet as you are cute and I missed you during your brief absence, but I'm happy we had a brief interaction upon your arrival back. Hopefully that means we'll talk a lot more now?
@kwanon How is it you always smile and cheer me up all the time? Why do you have to be in France or maybe the better question is why am I in the US? You're too sweet and I wish I saw that smile and "can do" attitude every day in person. I'd be the happiest dude alive!
@romany Let's be honest, you're one of the coolest ladies I still haven't had the chance to meet, but it seems I might try to mix in some form of road trip or extended period of time during a trip to visit some of the Indy folks and even Illinois folks so one of these days we really have to mix it up at Kuma's, for real!
@phianixx I'm not even sure what to say. It's not that you haven't made me smile or been the friendliest person because... well, you've been awesome. I'm just speechless how to repay kindness and beauty with an equivalent exchange... or at least without saying silly stupid things like I normally do around women that make me smile
@autumnsky You reached out to me and have been cool as hell. Actually, I forgot with my mental absence to ask about the whole shootfest thingie you mentioned prior. What am I thinking? You were supporting my words yet here I sit admitting I stupidly have not given due credit recently to everything you do as a friend, hopeful, and organizer of the UK Shootfest! In other words you shouldn't hate me but should definitely fill me in!
@maleh All I really need to say is "daaaaamn" because you always look so amazing and you're always spreading some positivity and I am loving the vibe. I really am hoping for an amazing 2019 for you because you're killing it and I'm loving it.
@blaizee Honestly, I should be talking to you a lot more. Not only are you a fan-friggin-tastic human that happens to be so very cute, all I ever hear is good stuff coming from friends like @kungfury and @hiptobes. I feel so out of the loop when these guys say such great things and I'm just thinking, "damn, I need to be talking to this girl because she sounds even cooler than I thought based on these smaller interactions."
@brypunky Can I just say that you are incredibly gorgeous? @frani had you looking too hot for the kitchen, @fromlimbo proved to us you might actually be a goddess, and @aymi, well, she showed us just how well curves and curls went together. Plus, that smile is killer. Sure, there are tons of gorgeous women on this site, but you did make a pretty big impression upon me that has me coming back for more. It's just too bad I can leave a heart every time I revisit your sets!
@pink Vibrant personality that matches the bright hair, sexy as hell and leaves my heart feeling like I ran a marathon, and you're super sweet. Sometimes I wonder if it's actually cotton candy growing out of your head with the amount of sweetness you offer.
@epyk First, you're way too distracting every time you build those damn toys. I love the toys and... err... well, you're really fricking cute, but I'm just trying to riff off that shine when you smile and every time I refresh my feed I see dreams flash before my eyes. You distract me from horrible days at work by making me forget what I was even thinking because all thoughts lend to you. Just don't distract me too much so maybe I get a little work done properly, but keep up the awesomeness. ๐ ๐
@dariianity I know you've been busy and you've been an awesome human and supporter of someone who talks too much with not really much intelligence behind most of it and I love it, but I'd love to catch up again soon. It's awesome that you're kicking ass and I love your beautiful self for all that you've done for me and for other friends that also keep in touch with you. 2019 will be a good year for you. ๐
@chalk I talk about you all the time. Too much probably, but the truth is that I love ya and hope 2019 sees many great things your way because anything that makes you smile so you share it with us makes me smile. There's nothing I like more than a happy you. Well, I like that you're really cute, too, but that's beside the point.
@jacqui_daniels I don't even think there is anything I could say that I haven't told you privately or on your own blogs about how amazing you've been staying in communication and always ready to hold a lengthy conversation or at least acknowledge all the conversations directed your direction. You spend so much time being part of the community and offered me plenty love and support this past year that I couldn't have done any of this without someone like you backing me up.
I had two sets left to cover the final day of 2018, but I took a few too many breaks and actually only took about 5 hours of rest after staying up late and losing in every old school NES and SNES game I played to celebrate the end of 2018. Sleep might be important to keep the brain running correctly so I'll sign off for now, but stay tuned because I will likely polish off those two sets with some of the great new sets that hit MR the first day of 2019! Woo! Photographer Appreciation Post to happen this coming weekend. Stay tuned and spread that love in 2019!
Love always,
@rambo @missy