I decided to follow up my lengthy yet short blog from earlier this morning with the remainder of my intended list for the day. I'm not great at resolutions, but I do like to finish my intended goals whatever they happen to be. I already made plans for tomorrow's New Years Eve so this will be my last post for 2018. Later this week I will likely post the final appreciation post featuring the last sets of 2018 followed by the promised photographer appreciation post. What are my plans, you ask? Working then just playing some retro games until I'm too tired to stay awake with a friend of mine. Though she has better luck finding relationships she never finds great guys so we've spent the last few NYE's together just eating hummus, drinking too much soda and tea, and playing games until we had migraines from staring at the screen too long. Party animal, right?
What are your plans for New Year's Eve? Something fun? Something sexy? Is there someone lucky in your life snagging a snog at the stroke of midnight? I would love to be a stand in if you don't have a lucky guy or gal, but chances are I'm way too many miles away. Just my luck, right? I always wanted to be someone's NYE date, but the last one was in Las Vegas and before that would be maybe 15 years ago? Damn. I need to get off that depressive track so let's get on with part two of my intended blog!
@doncella in Obsidian by @davidrc
No offense to the photographers that were lucky enough to spend moments long enough to shoot sets with the lovely @doncella, but this latest set is "off the chain" as young kids might have said 10 years ago. I know I've never been hip to the lingo these days, but whatever words used there is no denying this is levels beyond her previous sets. Ephimere was great with that vibrant red hair. In fact, I love that hair color on her. Ember was simple, sexy, and warm. There's no wonder it made SOTD even with a lighter hue of hair. Bacon Pancakes had an Adventure Time theme and bacon pancakes which are actually fairly delicious treats not unlike the Spanish beauty herself. Cute Charm was as cute as Jigglypuff and I didn't mind being sung to sleep and dreaming of that orange hued hair floating among the clouds and reaching out to touch... ehem... you get the picture.
I think I should preface this next thought by sharing the fact that I actually have a preference to darker hair compared to almost any color (besides purple) and I actually really loved her previous hair color. I don't know if it's truly possible, but I felt as if her hair matched her personality and loved that shade atop her head. Here we see a darker and presumably natural shade that looks straight fantastic and matches her lovely eyes so well that I'm ashamed I didn't have a bigger crush on her before this set. It opens up with some fantastic shots through a glass door (which has actually been a very similar theme in many recent sets) and as we wander indoors to see a darker tiling and a few white stools it leaves the space wide open for her to steal the show with curves, smiles, and eyes that latch onto you like an addiction. It's hot, it's fire. There is no cosplay theme or bright hair to steal any show or line of sight and it's too perfect. She knows art (she has a book for sale, ladies and gents) and she knows sexy so she brings it together as she scripts the dreams you're going to have tonight with every pose another page.
I could, honestly, barely describe this set, but when I first saw it I immediately loved it. This is cranking a 10 to an 11 when leaping from her prior sets to this darker shaded beauty.
@channy in Tropical Heat by @waikiki
Who doesn't have the biggest crush on @channy? She has a smile that can lift spirits beyond the heavens and a free-spirited adventurous soul that'll leave your head spinning if you even try to keep up with her youthful heart. A simple gaze into her eyes sets my heart at a rapid pace and hearing about all her travels or seeing how much fun she has when she shoots her many sets takes me back 20 years ago when I would have been chasing after her a hundred times over. That heartbreak would have been well worth every single one. Her long slender frame designing such beautiful poses as she stretches, arches, and practically dances the sign language of charm into my thoughts.
In this case I'm going to steal something from my dude @hiptobes: "Such a great name for a set, @channy is crazy hot in this set, I mean sizzlin. What I like most about it though (and every set she does) is how packed full of personality it is. You always get an idea of what a fun-loving person she is, she's one of the first girls I followed when I joined SG and I think her video tab says more about her than I possibly could. She has made me laugh, made me smile, made me think, warmed my heart, I feel like she is the extroverted yin to my introverted yang AND she has the best scrunch face!"
He put it simply and perfectly. She's a beauty that puts shine in every step and aligns the stars in her image. I'd chase her Golden Snitch anywhere. That is simply a reference to her @captureofcthulhu set... so... minds out of the gutter. In fact, who wants to team up @sirenn, @channy, and @nebula for a Harry Potter wizarding multi? Anyone? Those are some great smiles and fairly different aspects that would piece together a pretty entertaining puzzle. It's true.
@shesuseless in Smitten Kitten
Though her name is polar opposite to her personality, I'm still digging this recently found beauty. As I've stated many times before, it is very hard to stay up to date on the latest sets and I would love to thank whoever inadvertently introduced us, but now I forgot already! I would give you credit @kungfury, but even before your own post someone posted previous to her set release and it caught my eye. Well, I hope they know this is a shout out to them.
There have been some fairly seductive kitty themed sets this year including one of my favorites by my dear friend @romany that I cherish and love with all my heart, but even this one caught my eye as a kitty lover myself. I love this particular shot I chose with her soft, adorable gaze, but there are so many great shots I wish I could have shared with you if I didn't try to keep it classy and mostly SFW with non-nudes. She's naked a lot... a lot a lot. No self-respecting cat beyond a Mexican Hairless or a Sphinx would be this naked. š Armed with a smile and a delightful curvature, I would gladly cuddle and offer to massage that back if she ever curled up on my lap. It might be awkward, I'm a fairly small dude.
The kitten ears were cute, but once the bedroom eyes kicked in and the cosplay became a mere trail to the bedroom my heart skipped a beat. I always said Aussie girls were beautiful and this one deserves all the attention she's about to get. I'd love to steal the show and keep her to myself, but no one puts kitty in a corner. Sorry, I have Swayze on the brain. š
@biahink in Good Morning by @kasha
Fresh of the release of Natural by @msilveira she released a sophomore effort that's every bit as sexy and has me starry eyed and locked in her gaze. I don't know what else I could add in such a short time because I haven't had the time to get to know her much better between my last post and this one, but it feels like a natural progression from bedroom to caffeinated wake up calls. Though just seeing her under bright light with a big smile across her face would have been more than enough to see me jump out of bed (and into her arms) the trip to the kitchen to pour some fresh brewed bitter beverage is about the only thing that might temporarily distract me. Every bit natural as @msilveira proved, @kasha is not one to shy from bringing out the beauty in individuals as she has with the curvalicious @majora, the perfectly adorable @babilina, the dreamy @mari, the heavily inked and perfectly curved @tatycamili, the sweet @lorry, the very bright and equally attractive @aelin, and, well, just look at her collection of sets.
The fairly simple color scheme becomes a hazed background as @biahink shines through every image with a smile, a simple gaze, or just looking adorable in her squared frames. Her curves as delightful as my last post mentioned and that Ganesh ink is still blowing my mind. I always mention how I would love to grab a cup of coffee someday with some of my favorite ladies from the site and what better wish to have than one that has a coffee themed set? She already went pink with her first set, but it appears this one may follow suit at this rate.
@krito in Orange Flower by @minuminula
I still remember the day Steel Cold came out, not perfectly, but I remember it. My memory is not the greatest and that might be a story for another blog post, but when it dropped into MR in 2010 I fell in absolute love with the set. "Gorgeous set! krito stuns and entices with a fiercely sexy smile and all around beauty. Her awesome hair, eyes that sparkle with with hypnotic passion, and amazing curves were captured beautifully in this bluish tone. There's a definite warmth emanating from krito herself amongst the cold, hard steel. I'm in love." Those were my exact words back in May of 2010 and a mere two weeks later it went SOTD. She rose to pink state rather quickly in her career and the staying power of this vivacious vixen that earns SOTDs quite frequently is rather amazing.
A real Columbian beauty as many stated in that very first set and 9 years later she's just as stunning as the day my younger and somewhat less mature heart fell head over heels for her. After a three year absence (it appears) she came back in full force with talents like @mel_z and @lucianamacedo to bring her back into the SG fold and every set has been magnifique! This set itself is as colorful as the ink on her skin with bright orange hair and a yellow seat that only delivers more attention to her stunning curves. It was a trip down memory lane to see some of the comments by friends long retired/inactive and how they shared the same thoughts as mine back then. If only they saw her now and the beauty she had become.
I forever love you, my dear @krito, and hope these days are just as beautiful as the days long past. You still steal my breath and leave me lingering for a gaze into those beautiful eyes. I don't know how many of these folks were lucky enough to know you back then, but I'm glad you never strayed far for long and remain as a solid part of what continued to build SG into the community it is today.
@darryldarko made anything but a Hot Mess of this rather attractive woman. @cdo shared with us a beautiful smile and a particularly jaw dropping Birthday Suit that saw her to the front page and gifted her that sought after pink status. Backyard Babe by @leemalee was, well, awesomeness in every sense of the word given the talent behind the camera as well as in front of it. Like a cool day in Autumn (for us Midwestern US folks) sweater weather brings out the hoodies on boys ad the cutest of sweaters on girls. Don't let me distract you with a slight stereotype because I already know it's not 100% accurate, but the point is that we get to see lovely ladies wearing cute sweaters however simple or exquisite they may be and it warms my heart. Just like a cuddly furbaby, a sweater can be a perfect cuddle mate. Whether we're borrowing our lover's sweater to smell them while they're away, using it as an alternative to our stubborn furbabies elsewhere in the house, or just want to feel warm and snuggled up because it's cold out (or we have a cold) there is always one reason or another to love sweater weather.
Her smile just as warm as any knitted shirt and her beauty as welcoming as the moment we open out dresser to find the right one to wear. She's not simply a backyard babe relaxing under the sun and leaving us a swooning mess in the garden, but sharing with us a story, a smile, and a love affair that will cuddle our thoughts just like that sweater I mentioned above. I'm a sucker for a smile and she has a killer one so for me this one is a no-brainer and it's all heart. What better way to end the year than on a smiling note?
How could you not fall in love with that smile?
@ashena in Lust by @andrealaz
I don't know whether I'm more hooked on that smile or those eyes. Either way this perfectly titled set offered helping hands to unearth the beauty below red wrappings this Christmas and the gift blew me away. She's a true rainbow with set titles (and hair) matching color schemes and each one is as beautiful as the last. As a matter of fact, I sorted through the sets for inspiration to write this (as I do for all my posts) and when I looked through Rose there was a particular close-up that stole many moments of my time as I locked myself in her gaze. Maple Ash also has a few shots that will take your breath and leave you falling for this UK beauty and that never ending smile. It's a wonder we aren't hearing more stories about strings of lads being left along the streets of England as she walks by on a particularly good day with a smile across that adorable face. To think I could be one of the lucky fellas left with weak knees after a walk by.
Even @valo and @gemmaedwardsuk had a hand in this hopeful's portfolio and it's a wonder she's still not front page. My vote would have been on Rose, but the sets that followed had no less smiles and plenty chance to admire those beautiful gems naturally occurring where eyes should be. It's bright, it's full of color as if she stole from her previous sets, a couple other girls make a very sexy appearance that may very well share with you the joys of this particular sin, and her smile. End of story. Forget everything else about her petite and adorable frame or some of the really cool composed shots about two-thirds of the way in and let's just focus on that curvature of her lips. Her eyes! Her lips! Okay, I'm in a distracted mood and I'm just sorting through her sets over and over again barely looking for words to write and just admiring the sets as they are with no intention of lending you guys proper motivation to love this set.
I'm not perfect and I love a smile as much as the next one so I'll apologize for this slightly lackluster appreciation of @ashena, but I assure you that every set she has is well worth a look. I'm also not going to lie because Rose is my favorite and so goddamned dreamy. This red heat and and culmination of every prior set is sure to win your heart but I beg of you to share my journey back to the first set and tell me how right I am and how perfect that set is. Though I love her hair now, that bedroom set is... okay, I need to calm down.
@killer_katrin in Bad Housewife by @natalia_randle
I think it just got really hot in here. Debut set and this Russian broke the straw on my heart's back. I don't know who spiked my coffee this morning but being a giddy little child in a man that has the height of a child's body is too distracting to keep up my composure and give a valid if not slightly biased and personal tour of some amazing sets. Besides, it's late and I did offer a decent selection of sets already this morning. @killer_katrin I both apologize for not being able to follow through with a proper appreciation post after offering this tease and hope this reaction of mine is proof how amazing that set is.
Think of this as a teaser to the next episode. I surely won't forget this bad housewife and how I almost slammed my chin into my desk sliding off my chair while seeing this set for the second (or tenth) time since it's release. Stay tuned.
I am signing off for tonight and although I wish I made it far enough to include every set up until tonight to close out the year right you'll just have to wait for this coming week (and January) to see the final blog post (or two) covering the beauty finale on SG. I hope all of you have a wonderful new year and may your dreams start to unfold and come true in 2019. I'll be right here if you need me, but if not then it looks like I need to close out the final hours with gaming and slightly healthy overeating. That doesn't work, but you understand. I don't drink so I find my ways to celebrate.
To making our dreams come true with hard work, a little sweat, a little blood, and friends by our side. May the strong ones guide us but may we also guide them when the blinds are down and they reveal they, too, are just as human as the rest of us. May the ones that require a little extra love and guidance find us so that we can cross any river together and climb the tallest mountains just so the sun can shine on their faces. I love you guys and hope the best parts of 2018 shine through you as you align the stars in 2019. We're in this together, through the struggles, the lonely nights, the happy times and the sad, the birthdays, the growth spurts, and the congratulatory days of achievement we will be here hand in hand. May love find you if it seems it left and may it grow stronger if it's already in your heart. To each one of you a hug, a blessing, and a clink of the chalice. Cheers.