I always start a royal rumble in my head every time I try to decide who is going to lead my blog posts because the honest truth remains that there are too many gorgeous ladies that are all so very amazing and each deserve that number one spot! Though it doesn't actually reference any favoritism, my head tries to tell me I need the #1 on the top ten music charts to draw in the crowd. Who doesn't love when their heart plays a love song that's easy to sing along with and great to listen to many times over? I know I bring up Pandora or Youtube to set up a little playlist (or random collection) to ease my way into words that I share with you on a semi-regular basis so using beautiful photos to conduct a song to play in your heart is a pretty big deal for me.
Without much of my ranting over thrown objects and how horrid a work day it was, I'm going to skip into the lovely affair that is SG and a reason to love. Sure, I could possibly maybe unlikely ever find love in my locale, a girl to swoon over while she completely ignores my advances. Speak words of stars and elegant romance to the air before realizing her ear is tuned to her friends as they grab eyefuls of the hot tattooed stud that just walked after a stint at the gym. Allow myself to be consumed by inspiration and emotions over women that are either very smart to ignore me or missing out on something good. That latter part has yet to be proven which is the proper truth, but I do know that some of my love, at least, is accepted here and I'm more than happy to share my admiration over this women with you. Thanks for putting up with my hopeless romanticism as I engage hyperdrive in my own mind when I rehash that love that grew over each set upon first view/commentary.
@chalk in Daylilly by @zen
I would love to take a minute to chat about the lovely @chalk and this is the perfect opportunity to do so. Starting almost a year ago I first happened across her set Sweet Dreams by @savannahbphotograph and, by no fault of her own, I actually thought she was going to be one of those "too hot to talk to you" type of women that are, surprisingly, numerous (or I'm just that unworthy). Though that particular set should have been front page long ago, I jumped back to Good Morning and that set became my favorite ever. Those times we find a first album, first film, or first something and think nothing could be greater than the original that started it all? It was like that... only it was over her smile. At this point I realized she was actually as friendly as she is beautiful and I proved myself an idiot to even think remotely she was too good for my anxiety-ridden self-conscious heart. She's been nothing but kind and thankful this entire time.
Why share my stupidity when I tend to be poetic and (at times) graceful with my commentaries and posts? Although I say and am quite easily in awe over all the amazing women I've seen and communicated with through this site since 2004, I have to admit an actual infatuation, a true to life solid crush over those beautiful blue eyes and genuine smile. Sure, this site is easily summed up as a small city run by thousands of beautiful women from cultures and locations across the world that I would gladly sell my soul over to have even a simple unromantic date with, but the love here is very real. If you're one of the many amazing women on the site, don't think I lost any love over you. If you could peek into my nightly dreams and day fantasies you might actually blush over my feelings toward you and how real they are.
This green haired vixen armed with a delicately bright smile and eyes that wash across my heart like an ocean sculpting the sands of my four chambers into pure art is likely one of the biggest crushes I've harbored for over a year. There are a few others that have earned the ears of friends as they stared deeply into their coffees feigning interest in my boyish obsession and lust over women they have zero knowledge of beyond the words that ramble off my tongue like a muscle car revving for a street race. Sorry not sorry, but when a release like this @zen set hit MR I found myself thinking some of the naughtiest and most noble thoughts all at once. Though I might bias myself toward her in a heartbeat I will tell you that she has many more than just one or two sets that deserve front page so bad I can actually taste it. Go ahead and check out Love Spell by @kezia, Chalk and Vinyl, Tiny Castles, Happy Daze, Morte Aeterna, Playtime, and This Time Imperfect. My heart is so in love right now that it's like the Holi-slay episode of Ru Paul's Drag Race and I just opened the best gift for this Christmas right here with this set. š
@rubyalexia in We Take Mystery To Bed by @tripodski
I always praise Pod for all the amazing women he gets to shoot and I'm sorely jealous with the amount of curves that reflect off his irises and gently craft his brainwaves on a regular basis. I would be going insane if I had the luck and misery of seeing so many gorgeous UK (and beyond) women stripping away their non-essentials to bare heart, soul, and their lady bits. Misery? Did I just say that? Imagine being surround by a bevy of beautiful women. Heaven, right? Imagine the anxiety of trying to focus and take in everything all at once with a sense overload over the sights, smells, and sounds. Ridiculous. Maybe you're superhuman and I'm too emotional?
@rubyalexia has the curves and smile in A Winter's Tale (by @niallpatterson) to leave the most gentle of person knackered and out of breath. Her beauty is bewitching and as She's Got Claws proves she digs deep into the heart and never lets go. You can walk away from the set, from a vision of her, and I'll bet that her red lips left such an impression upon you that when you meet your mum for tea she's licking her finger and wiping away the lipstick on your cheek. It doesn't need to be real to be real. Though her curves may be on your mind swaying about there is quite the addiction to be had when your eyes connect with hers in a deep gaze. Like a jeweler checking the authenticity of a diamond, you'll be fascinated by every facet of reflective color and pieces of her soul caressing the surface of such beautifully shaded irises. If ever there was a pretty girl to steal my breath, heart, soul, and time then it might be this UK dream that needn't barely whisper to cast such a bewitching spell.
@jelly in Beanie Season by @saria
I love a cute gal in a hat. This adorably sweet and sultry vixen churns that love and spits it back out into a fiery passionate romance of silent words. Speechless. That's how I felt when I dropped to the floor upon first glance and I hadn't yet taken note of purple socks and delightfully enticing petite curves. Purple socks, yes, I love them and am as jealous of her feet as I am of the socks worn in this very set. In fact, I would reverse the trend of girls stealing the "boyfriend sweater" and snatch up her pink hat and purple socks to wear around the house all the time... if I were the lucky in love type, that is.
No matter how adorable she might look in her cute little outfit she eventually turns up the thermostat to full blast and everyone ends up taking off their clothes in the sweltering heat by the end of the set. I guess I'm just trying to say she's the embodiment of fire, the goddess of sensuality, the very sexy dreams beyond my conception of sexy. She is a fire-roasted marshmallow, super sticky sweet yet hot and gooey as she burns your tongue when you try to take a little taste. I love s'mores and comparing her to campfire sweets is one of the best ways to describe my feelings toward her. Take up a seat next to the bonfire, grab a stick and a 'mallow, and let's have a toast to this beautiful hazelnut mocha eyed love affair. š
@gladyce in We Did It Rio, We Made the Robbery of the Century! by @akril
Though the title of the set is pretty lengthy for SG set standards, the words I would use to describe the beautiful @gladyce might fill a novel. Her lovely green eyes and red lips stole my heart less than a year ago and, if I'm in the spirit of being honest, she's also one of the biggest crushes I have among all of the SGs and hopefuls. Okay, maybe one of the biggest along with a particular someone mentioned at the top of this post across every woman I've met online or offline. You didn't ask, but there is a reason why I like to feature these two and give mention of them as often as possible. One of my long time friends of almost 20 years now gets to hear and see plenty of these two when we meet up for coffee, concerts, or just conversations about love.
Where Funny Duck by @shaine had plenty of cuteness and fun interjected into a set that @gladyce would ultimately turn into a sensual fire that no kiddie pool could cool off, this set is pure sexual romanticism featuring plenty of booty, a penetrating green eyed gaze, and just about every angle possible to see all of her wonderful ink. Her inked frame may entice some rapid heartbeats, but that platinum blonde hair that sweeps her goddess cheeks and the very curvature of her red lips inspires as much a speechless moment or two as it does a quick rapid fire word game of synonyms for beautiful, amazing, and sweet. How many can you name of the top of your head? Though I miss sharing my love with the awesome @aflalimo and have not been nearly active enough to see Gladyce swooping in to steal away my thoughts of admiration across the whole of SG as she usually does, I still love her dearly. She has some pretty amazing taste in... well, everything, and it's not just red hot lingerie or cute pink swimwear that ironically matches my GTA Online character that makes me schoolboy crush this wildly sexy sweet soul. In short, she's awesome. You know it. I know it. We all know it. š
@eirenne in Azure Ray by @saria
You had to guess that an admirer of smiles was going to post about @eirenne and her new set, right? I may have said it a hundred times before, but after seeing Aiguamarina by @lady I feel absolutely head over heels in love with the beautiful woman you see here. There's a reason that set was SOTD and if you haven't been there yet to see some of her earlier exposure to water (for SG) then it's a must do right now. Her smile is the sun kissing my face as the warms waters crash upon my feet on sandy shores, her cuteness is that off a favorite stuffed animal that followed from childhood to adulthood for comfort, her beauty is as much her shapely curves that write their own Shakespearean love tale as they are blessings from a heavenly goddess that thought our eyes deserved to be stricken with awe.
The sweetest treat, the greatest gift this holiday season, the very reason to enjoy living is right there in her smile. To fall in love, to allow the curve of her lips to speak in dreams like the Cheshire Cat appearing out of thin air, to breathe in the very essence of her beauty. Maybe it's late. Maybe I'm just that speechless. My sighs created in happy awe as I linger and sort through each of her previous sets stealing only precious beauty sleep I need so desperately. She really is quite the vision and not-so-secretly another pretty big crush.
Well, damn, I always have the greatest intentions, but I decided to screw around with Whatsapp and watch some Netflix so the time I originally set aside to dedicate to a much longer blog swiftly disappeared. My focus was also mostly lost as some crazy customer interactions from today lingered in my forethought while attempting to type this blog leaving me with a little less poetry and more unfocused wording. Though my intentions pure and my love still very real, I hope you enjoyed this post as I revealed too much of myself while sharing 5 truly amazing sets.
Apologies if it wasn't my usual quality nor length, but I still wanted to get a little love out there tonight.
Thanks again for reading and sticking with me. I promise better next post!
@rambo @missy