I briefly mentioned my love of music and I won't saturate your brains or dry your eyes out with too much text content, but I felt the need to cover some of the music that shaped my thoughts, feelings, and very soul. Most of us do have music to fit any mood whether we need some high energy music to fuel a workout or need something to cry along with after someone made the mistake of letting us go (though we all know it means we can now find someone better). Music is a key that allows us to open the doors to our heart whether we create it or admire the sounds already crafted by another. Whatever style of music we listen to or however we use music in our lives there is one simple fact; music is life.
Even without a digital download or vinyl plate sitting on a turntable we always manufacture these beats and sounds or find rhythm in the life around us. There's music in the beat of a heart, a beautiful song conducted through the very breaths of a lover, and serenity in the sounds of nature's orchestra. Music is all around us and one of the most timeless creations that exists today. Fashion changes, technology grows, the very standard of living evolves every single day, but music from well before our time and way after our final breath will always remain a constant, a synonym for our daily lives.
Though I was too young to fully experience punk in the 79s/80s, its been a huge influence on the style of music and my sensibilities from the DIY mechanic to letting out that raw emotion without any form of authority telling me how I should feel or live my life. It wasn't anarchy in the sense of a lawless self-governed state, but rather an open state of mind that allowed me to expand the person I was and could become without the restriction of anyone else or even myself saying what could or could not be done.
Minor Threat change my world forever when I first heard this album in high school. Everyone talked about The Ramones, Sex Pistols, and all of this punk music that was supposed to rebel against societal standards and be free, but instead created a new uniform of mohawks and drug use. It stopped being different as soon as it caught on and still people think they feel great being this "different" person because they don't fit in yet it seems a larger portion of the population now fits in while the true rebels are the ones not getting drunk at 14 or promoting their habits as if it were the only thing that mattered about them. I don't care what people do because life should be a choice, but when I first heard this rebellion against the rebellion to promote true self without any mind-altering or need to fit in with a leather jacket and green hair I was floored. There were people out there not following some party protocol and promoting strength of self.
There was a "Uniform Choice" (also a Straight Edge band) to promote this "straight edge" movement, but deep within the community it was about personal growth and seeing the world with a purity, a clarity. No beer goggles to see things differently, no cigarettes polluting the air with CO and creating a stinky smog when puffed in unity, no push to be anything other than self. This was my clarity, this was a group that believed in strong self yet also believe in a community where clear minds could build a strong foundation upon which to grow. Still, however, even in a society that accepts differences (for the most part perhaps?) I still end up the one who's out of step with everyone else. My beliefs in love and life never fit in. Maybe they're past a time when they would have meant something or they're ahead of the time and no one is quite there yet, but either way the true black sheep is the one who speaks their voice the loudest only to fall on deaf ears over and over again.
The lyrics speak for themselves, I believe.
I grew up listening to this song over and over and danced my tiny butt off... and still can't dance to this day. It's a classic, though.
I know I didn't understand the lyrics during my youth, but I loved this song so much growing up. I made a cassette with this song on repeat over and over with a few other songs. I wore a few tapes out listening to them over and over, but I still love this song to this day and now understand the actual story behind the song so it holds a deeper meaning these days.
Plain and simple, I always wanted to be a hero. Whether I grew up to be a cowboy, a superhero, a soldier, or doctor, I just wanted to save lives and win a girl's heart. This is also why Saints row the Third will be one of the greatest games ever because it uses this song for the final battle and I played that game a hundred times just to complete that final sequence of events. This is the song my future wife will karaoke or sing a capella before I don the cape and the love making magic happens. 😂 I'm just saying.
Why can't all rap music be conscious? Every time I turn on the radio it's more shit about guns, drugs, and misogyny. I'm tired of it and can't relate. This song is legit. This song is sex. Just listen.
I was having a little technical difficulty getting a decent quality Elvis version to post so I took this cover song to replace it in this blog post. This is romance. This is love. I cry every time.
We covered this track once before. It's so good. I won't bother explaining because you absolutely must feel and experience this yourself.
True love. True friendship. Simple as that. Such a beautiful song.
Hope you enjoyed a little music you may or may not be familiar with and learned a little about what shaped me over the years.
Thanks for reading/listening in.