I never finished my Eve of Beauty series so here are the final moments intended for that series as well as more exciting sets you really must see if you have not already. I wish I had all the time in the world to check out and review every single set this site has to offer, but until SGHQ can find a way to bring me into the mansion where a murder or two may have happened (See Murder! at SG Manson: The Game of Your Dreams) so I can exorcise a few ghosties and replace them with the real life beauty the world may not yet fully deserve then you'll have to settle for what little I can toss together in short time. Sorry, folks. That's the way the cookie crumbles. I wish it was in my mouth because I love cookies, but let's just get this thing started before I start a food blog. I leave the food blogs up to people like @chef who actually know a thing or two about bakery and other delicious foods. I just bake now and again, eat a lot, and look at SG too much. Go me?!
Before I forget, I wanted to once again mention that I would really love to send out some Christmas cards to all my God-fearing and heathen friends and family alike. I don't care if you like the holidays or not because I just wanted an excuse to send out some sentiment in physical form since I can't very well hug all of you and say thanks in person. If you have not already responded with a private message through SG or contacted me through Facebook Messenger (or text message from my local homies) please feel free to hit me up and we'll arrange a nice little something sent your way. Sorry, no sexy instax photos because... well, I'm most definitely not one of the gorgeous SGs here that make the photos worthwhile to drool over. All you get is a card with my warm thanks. If you're okay with that then send me your mailing address and I'll make sure you're on my nice list... or naughty list. I guess that's up to you which you prefer to be on. If you want to be on the naught list then make sure you Send Nudes like @karanlit. (*I am not actually serious about the nudes. I'm a smile guy so I prefer silly selfies anyway.)
@foxieheart in Wisteria by @coolicio
I wasn't quite sure who might headline this blog post, but after a large Australian presence in one of the previous Eve of Beauty posts I realized @foxieheart was the best choice. She's cute, Australian, and she's cute, too. I'm not sure how I missed Baby, Come Back to Bed (especially with an inviting title like that) or In the Twilight, but I was not going to miss this set with @coolicio behind the lens. Who could ask for a more beautiful view with the option of peeking outside the windows if you needed to collect your breath?
You already know I'm going to say that I love the hair with the blue and purple tones, right? Thought so. Those gorgeously sweet eyes like fresh baked cookies luring me in for a nibble of that heart reflected. Her curves a delightful experience to draw by sight, tracing over the lines again and again like a sketch artist promoted to inker. Her smile an addiction and that outfit covering just enough as the bright light pours in to highlight every ounce of dreamy beauty that fulfills fantasies I can barely comprehend as they overwhelm the senses. If I start swimming to Brisbane now, do you think I could treat myself to the gift of a three dimensional view of this beauty for Christmas? Maybe? Reality may say "not a chance" but my wish list is submitted to Santa for the year and this set getting SOTD might happen to be on that list. 😏💙💜
@ivygehenna in Red Hot by @tripodski
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to play Nathan Drake or Lara Croft with a bodyscape like that? Before you start with the crude tomb raiding jokes that fit perfectly in any Jonah Hill film, let's just try to keep it a little clean shall we? I would love to explore curves as bodaciously beautiful as hers in a heartbeat, but let's dig a little deeper into the heart of the red haired matter. Heck, if her bosom and smile are any indicator then this lass has quite the big heart and I have my pen in hand to script out some nice prose over each beat.
I always love to give props to my brother, Pod, for somehow being one of the luckiest men alive to be around such beautiful women but that also means that these lucky ladies get a great photographer behind the camera to help share their sexy stories. Oh, it isn't just boobs and booties, my friends. Though girls like this will hypnotize your heart and base desires equally, the best of us know deep down inside those dreamy eyes and below the inked stories lies a spirit worth admiring. I just happen to drop my jaw a little quickly before realizing it in this case, but it still happened. I picked those chattering teeth off the floor and... well, I'm still tripping over this beauty. Metaphorically and quite literally. I can barely concentrate on sitting still and composing a straight back against my chair. Dammit, @ivygehenna, why is it you have to be drop dead tempting? I can barely put together this post with Foxie and yourself breaking my heart into 16 pieces and I barely started!
I really wanted to wax poetic on this beauty and instead became more a drooling fool, but know that I tried. In my stead you can show some more love and get this lady FP as well. Maybe then I'll have had time to get my head straight and keep my eyes from swooping along the curves like an eagle among the Grand beautiful Canyons. 😅❤
@trece in Chrysalis by @r_girardi
Whether she's making ultra cute sets like Hydro Pump by @gossip or sets like Glazed by @saria that are captivating visual honeymoons she always seems to have a a bit of youthful energy and playfulness that glides through like a bird chasing freedom. She's a stunning stealer of breaths that I feel may be a whimsical unicorn in human disguise most of the time. There's a poetry to her curves deeply sincere and rhythmic. She has a beauty touched by the heavens and rooted in the house next door. I'm barely able to form words proper as if she defies the simplicity of language and ascends upon the clouds with golden halo inches above the hair that perfectly frames the face I dream about regularly.
There may be a slight chrysalis as she evolves like the Pokemon she portrayed into a beautiful butterfly ready to flap it's wings in full vibrant color, but that youthful and down to earth personality remains. I know she may not need any help from me (or us) to surpass her SOTD status with this particular set, but Pillowtalk by @waikiki is still waiting for a few extra hearts to help it hit that 5-6k range of hearts her other sets hit in the blink of an eye. After this mere mention of the set I feel an urge to do a @trece themed blog post just to relive every moment of her beauty from beginning to new beginning. She's a dream, am I right?
@robynlee in Paradise City by @just_sick
How could any of you let me forget this set? After praising the trifecta of @akiramai with Seek and Destroy, @jacqueline with Hard Rock Babe, and @jessieoops with Hot Summer I somehow forgot I even loved this set as much as I did. It's a shame and embarrassment to myself because Miss Robyn here is a stunning model that already went pink with her set Till Dawn not long ago. I'm always been a fan of G'n'R since Appetite and Super Mario 2 debuted in my youth. Have I told you the stories of sleepovers that resulted in wearing down Appetite for Destruction on cassette and many hours of sleep lost replaying Mario 2 with all the different characters and trading levels between a group of close knit friends? Well, I've lost touch with all of those friends since then, but I'll never forget my love of gaming and rock.
She's like the lost member of our tribe, looking adorable yet approachable. She's that moment in time you want to hand over the controller just to watch her play without seeming the weirdo admiring her in awkward silence or watch her rock out as Welcome to the Jungle or Paradise City plays. Losing yourself in her beauty and thinking of that smile when you crashed on the floor for an hour or two of sleep before having another day to repeat the same behavior one last time as the hours to schoolwork count down. That's what this set means to me. Luckily she wasn't part of our crew growing up because there would have been a few bloody noses fighting over who wanted to be the first to kiss her and likely a few broken friendships. Plus, I would have been one of the bloody noses walking away in shame as the meek little nerd surrounded by 80s metalhead grade school kids. Well, I can still dream of a youth that could have been and relive through her beauty what could still happen, right?
@kezia in Cold Water by @mewes
Where have you been, @kezia? It's been a year and almost a year before that! Here you go playing in the creek and you neglected to invite me. 😏 Well, it's great to see you back for more fun in the... water? After quite a few pool sets across the years it's nice to see a different take on sets involving water, actually. Obviously I love the hair as we've had this discussion throughout my blogs and just moments ago in my Foxie commentary! The colors look great together and suit you well.
Those dreamy eyes that usually spend a lot of time behind the lens find their way mystifying and alluring gentlemen (and lady) callers with seductively warm lures. Those curves and colorful ink a siren beckon to onlookers. We may see a couple smiles linger on those lips, but if any popped up as big as that recent (but not actually) selfie with @leemalee then you'd be left picking up a few broken hearts or so. I wish I could find my older tribute blog post to her and link it right here because there's a lot more than just this set to see her both in front of and behind the camera, but you'll just have to seek it out yourself or believe me and do a little research yourself through her profile. I definitely recommend taking a dip into her creek because she offered up some great @silvery, @chalk, and @sarahmoon sets that are worth a look. I don't know how @sarahmoon ends up being discussed in so many of my posts even when I don't feature a set of hers. She's a devious one. 😉
Don't confuse Paradise City with Paradise, boys and girls, but @kpax is paradise indeed. I don't think they titled was referencing the out of this world beauty she offers, but I think most of us would agree paradise is where the heart is and the heart happens to be with Kpax. It's Undeniable (@sobelle) that this Space Oddity (@madnessphotography) is a Good Feeling (@brooklyn) Just Like Heaven (@flvffz). More sets to check out. You're welcome.
Oh, did you see this just arrived as well?
Meet Me In the Morning by @fromlimbo
I don't know if I want to be the coffee pressed against her lips or sharing a coffee and conversation with her more, but this is the the SOTD that needs to happen tomorrow. Everyone loves coffee and it's pretty evident the love she gets over her sets and blogs so it'd be a shame to waste a fresh brewed cup on MR when that wake up call will be bringing the noise of a thousand swooning bodies. What does it sound like when a thousand bodies all fall to the ground at the same time? Hmmm... Well, I already had my cup a few hours ago and I'd brew another mug or two, but it's late, I'm old, and my grumpy butt needs some sleep. I have to be the social one tomorrow for a friend's birthday at a brewery. What does one do at a brewer when one doesn't drink? At least I can still provide some love to my friends and hope this place serves a snack or two so I don't sit awkwardly empty handed, eh?
This would be a great time to pour yourself another if you're still reading and loving along with me. We definitely have a few more sets to go before I finally take leave for the dreams starring most of these lovely ladies. Who are you dreaming about tonight, I wonder? Care to share? What's your favorite brew (coffee)? Columbian? Death Wish? Come on, share with me a bit more about you, my friends! I do this to share my appreciation for these lovely ladies but I want to know more about you as well!
@elaena in Berries Tart, Lilac Sweet by @cersei
If she didn't steal your heart with What's New Pussycat? by @chinaski she surely had your heart pumping with Onde Sensuelle by @r_girardi. I know she's been around a few years, but hot damn has this been a good year for her. Unfortunately it has only been one SOTD, but for the lovers and poets alike there's been plenty @elaena to jump start that heart. Personally, I'm a fan of Black Cat so I enjoyed that cosplay enough to fantasize about her taking up the role of the bodacious cat thief in more dreams than I should admit.
This lilac-eyed raven-haired beauty took seduction to a new level with this set. I rather enjoyed the blonde hair and natural eye color, but my mind went 50 Shades of Grey all over the set when I first read every page of this picture book and my heart continued well past the finale. How can you beat green eyes or gorgeous curves? A little purple tint and some dark seduction of course. I can't be the only one that had to do a double take to see if it was the same delightful vixen that has me craving a French vacation. Can I? Lilac love. I think I'll rename it Lilac Love before my next dream sequence to properly identify the emotions stirring. 😍💜
This is that dream girl next door set, right? Bright orange hair, adorable glasses, Batman shirt, kick ass posters on the wall. Forget Netflix and whatever the hell people actually do because I'm ready for Netflix, gaming, or whatever and complete and utter admiration with this lovely lady on that particular couch. Short shorts, fiery hot booty, and some smiles to keep that fire lit under your heart. I'm loving these warm nights in. Let's call it a weekend and do this again sometime soon, eh? 😍
@lure in Purple Beach by @alex_taiga
If you can't make your way to the real beach just find yourself a purple dreadlocked babe with a pink flamingo bathing suit and killer curves... wait, here comes @lure. I don't need the sun when I have that smile of hers nearby or her beauty radiating warmth like a seductive rainbow of passion upon my soul. I think this might actually be the best indoor beach party I've witnessed in... well, forever! Before you judge and tell me indoor beaches are not a thing I believe you might want to finish of this set. Finished yet? Aren't you glad you dropped by?
I know she wishes it were a real beach so she could enjoy some fun in the sun herself and to give it that sexy sun-kissed look, but whether she's D.Va'ing it up, "Poison"ing Cammy, baking delectable cupcakes, or running around waiting to be caught as the most rare and beautiful Pokemon she still makes everything look gorgeously perfect. Plus she has a killer flamingo bathing suit, right? The only beach I need is the one with her on it so if that means a handful of sand on a couch in the living room then that's the beach I yearn to enjoy. Keep it purple and keep it beachy.
@marlene in Wet Dreams by @fromlimbo
This is the moment before the title makes complete sense in your fantasies turned reality. Anyone unfamiliar with @marlene is about to get very familiar and be taken completely off guard. Those familiar with her might expect some of those fun Buffy, Stranger Things, or Donnie Darko themed sets that are equal parts sexy and true to their inspirations. Just like that @mandeelou set I (Just) Wanna Get You Wet, also following a "wet" theme, it was a transformation, a chrysalis, a expansion of thought and heart. As two of my favorite turtle ninjas it might be fun to revisit both @marlene and @mandeelou in another upcoming blog post, what do you think?
As for this very wet and very hot set, I'm surprised the camera wasn't constantly fogged up like car windows up at Make Out Point just like in the movies. Nobody is making out here though most of you will surely have those fantasies following this wet, hot... summer? Winter, summer, day, or night, it doesn't matter when this took place and no amount of film references can distract me enough to take away that awkward squirming sensation I have when sliding around my chair. I would love to quote myself on this set, but who wants to read words when they can take a dip into this "hot" tub? Anyone else having some puns to distract me? 😏
I really must end this post for now. I wish it were a little better, but about 1/3rd of the way through I was having technical difficulties with this site (linking/attaching images) and once it started to function properly again I realized my head wasn't as committed as my heart was in appreciating these sets (for this blog post). It was a long week and things started to turn around a bit so it's been a slight roller coaster of emotions and events. I apologize for the lack of attention I intended on these sets/ladies because I did enjoy them all very much and prefer to offer the best. If you still enjoyed my attempt at a great blog then I thank you for reading. If it seemed a bit lackluster, I'm sorry, and I'll try to revisit some of these sets to give them the proper blog love they deserved as evident with my actual set commentaries on all of them.
I even tried drowning myself in a pot of Death Wish coffee to motivate myself into a few hours of dedicated lady love, but I think my lengthy conversation with @nickstone on love and growth this morning followed by a rough work day short handed and finally getting some headway with the insurance in regards to my auto accident left my mental state elsewhere. My heart is not as great with words when my head isn't there to translate it into something more whimsical and honest. Hope it was enjoyable anyway.
Love always,
ps Another blog post coming soon featuring more sets from the past week (or so)! Don't forget to send me your address if you would like a Christmas card! ❤