um, so my little brother's friend was driving to work and almost hits a dog out in the middle of nowhere.... so he stops to see if it's okay and so he get's back in his car and the dog follows him... so he stops again to see if it has a collar... no collar, and she looks lost... he looks around and there is nothing out there... so he puts her in the car and takes her home... now he can't have a dog, so my brother takes her to my parent's house... they have two dogs and didn't plan on another... well they got one... my brother bathed her, took her to petco and bought her a bed and a new collar... she's all spiffy now.. my mom put up signs today and took her to the vet to make sure she didn't have a microchip... of course not, so they will just keep her if nobody calls... the vet says she is about 2-3 months old and is half pitbull and half queensland heeler... she's such a good, sweet dog and gets along great with their other two... they named her bella today... i looove her... tatteddevil and i just got back from playing with her...
Introducing... Bella!!!!

Introducing... Bella!!!!

the ranch is out by indio in BFE. a good place to forget about the world