Well just got home... and I am damn tired... But you know when you get home from going out and you are dead tired but your mind is still racing??? Well now I have to wind down... We went down to the gaslamp quarter and went to this bar called Henrys... Met up with an old friend and had a good time... But now I am tired... and hungry... I wonder if Paulie will make me a grilled cheese sandwich... mmm sounds yummy! Oh wait, I hear him snoring alraedy... guess I will have to wait til morning for some food... Have a Happy Easter everyone!!!
oh yeah and i got a new luis purse today!!! so cute, i love it.
oh yeah and i got a new luis purse today!!! so cute, i love it.
And make sure you stop all those damn easter bunnies from doing there thing.
Damn long ears trying to take easter away from jesus!
Happy Easter!!!