after being car-less for 9 months, i finally got a damn car!!!!

thank the lord.
Why were you carless?
dear jess,

you need to seriously quit drinking once and for all.
you feel like crap the next day, and you get anxiety.

thank the good lord that i have off tomorrow.

after work, me and katie went tanning.
i did the regular bed for 10 min and then the spray tan. that shit smells so gross, and i can't shower for like 3 hours or so.

as of this week, i don't have to work fridays anymore.
i'm glad.
it was so pointless coming into work...
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tonight was wonderful.
dripped sweat.
my faves were present.
didn't get TOO drunk.

life is alright.
nice wink
embrace yourself and all that you are.
don't change for anyone.
be you, do you, only care about you.
it's all about you.
(well, me, in this case)
everybody's gotta learn sometime.
don't take the time to explain yourself.
don't take people's shit.
don't adjust yourself for another.
don't take others' advice, unless you feel the need.
love yourself and only love those who love...
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nobody really cares about me.
well, not the people i want to care about me anyway.
i wish i was a skinny little glamour girl.
i'm looked at as one of the guys, usually.
i love my boys, but all of them are like "oh you're friends hot, hook it up".
i'm fucking pretty.
just b/c i have short hair, tattoos, piercings and dress different...
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you're fucking perfect the way you are.
and for that matter whatever way you are tomorrow.
fuck those bastards.
i tripped/fell and cut myself on the rabbits cage.
i need stitches in my arm.
it's pretty nasty.
i'm gonna get on that now.
this cut is pretty deep, it's kinda nasty.
i got queasy and almost passed out when i saw the blood.
maybe cuz i never bled that much before.
I love the NY Dolls too, let's fuck!
Yesterday, I have come to the conclusion that I really don't care much about anything anymore. I've become so apathetic in the past few months.
I guess it can be looked at as a good thing.
Maybe now, I won't get hurt.

I can't stop listening to She Wants Revenge, either.

I'm bored.

entertain me, someone.
alright so i like my hair now.
looks sick as usual.
just didnt know it was going to be so short.

pictures soon, yes?
Whooo those few days where you're worried about hating your hair are very stressful haha.

for once in my life, i absolutely despise my hair.
i got it cut and colored.
the color looks sick.
the cut is real short pixie how i used to have it, but i didnt want it short like this, but she just kept cutting.
i've been crying all morning.
I quit smoking!
Haven't had a cigarette since Friday night (cinco de mayo).
was having horrible chest pains, so bad that i had to go to the hospital.
it was a wake up call.
i'm not going to drink really anymore, either.
maybe a glass of wine, or a beer or 2 every once in awhile.
something needs to change.

work is going well.
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congrats about quitting, thats awesome girl!! kiss
Got a 12 hr work day tomorrow.
i love my job though, and hopefully I'll make some decent tips.

I ordered a new ipod and it's coming on thursday or friday.
very excited for that.
my other one, got stolen in florida. lame asses.
then i got the gay shuffle, but i have over 5000 songs, so i just got the new one again....
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ya get a chessy engraving?