Friday: Got rudely awoken by the builders working in our bathroom at some obscene hour in the morning. Was going to spend the morning looking for the place Ive got an interview at on Monday but decided to leave it til Sunday as it was pissing down outside. Got a text from Hayley asking me to DJ out of the blue some time in the afternoon. Was meant to be DJing the week after when everyone is at Reading so I thought great people will actually be at the Manor. No they werent, played some Punk at the beginning of my set and it went down like a fucking lead zeppelin with the few metal heads in attendance. Aside from that my set went down quite well (played Desecration and had five different people ask who it was, which makes playing obscure stuff worth it when people come up and say ooh, I like this, who is it). Chris started about talking about getting into a fight with some guy who had been spreading lies about his brother so I decided to leave so I wouldnt have to get involved.
Saturday: Tried to gather some people to go down the Tap and failed, so I stayed in and made a mix tape for Mills and read a couple more chapters of The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things (cant get over how good this book is).
Saturday: Tried to gather some people to go down the Tap and failed, so I stayed in and made a mix tape for Mills and read a couple more chapters of The Heart Is Deceitful Above All Things (cant get over how good this book is).