That weekend was better by comparison.
Friday morning went to an interview at the arse end of Medway City Estate for a job I didnt really want to get, did think about intentionally ballsing up the interview but decided Id make an effort at the last moment. Spent the afternoon panicing because Hayley hadnt texted me about when I was DJing until an hour before I was getting ready to leave my house. Had fun playing Uno and sharring insults with Isobel, Emily and Mike in the Tap. Played a really good set (in my own opinion) in the Rock Room (the floor wasnt completely empty for any one time). Came back to the Tap and gave Hardip some shit for missing my set after she was asking me about when I was DJing for the last couple of days (I know it wasnt your fault that your friends didnt want to go if youre reading this by the way), Then got into an insane conversation with Matt and some other drunk guy about the Big Bang, aliens, Norway, Holland, Wales, Chatham, Strood and Vikings.
Saturday, watched Irreversible (hard, hard film to watch). Went down the Tap which was shit until Chris from Sounds Perfect showed up completely wankered, saying everyone in there was a cunt and just generally behaving like a drunken buffoon. I ran into that fat girl from Gravesend that Steve knows, I think she may have been trying to chat me up so I just kept blanking her when she tried to talk to me. When we were leaving we found Chris talking to people and complaining that no one was letting him leave, so Matt got him in a headlock and dragged him out of the Tap. We then started walking up to the taxi bay with Chris complaining that he has to be seen with grebos and loudly telling passers by that he wasnt with these grungers. Me and non Sounds Perfect Chris got the first two taxis leaving Matt by himself. As my taxi was pulling away I noticed Heffer (who Sounds Perfect Chris told us that evening, was once caught in the Tap with her hand down the u-bend of one of the Tap ladies toilets because she managed to block it with her own shit) walking up to Matt, so me being the evil bastard that I am I phoned up Matt and told him gowan, get in there, my son to which Matt replied fuck you, man through stifled laughter. Bring on Download.
Friday morning went to an interview at the arse end of Medway City Estate for a job I didnt really want to get, did think about intentionally ballsing up the interview but decided Id make an effort at the last moment. Spent the afternoon panicing because Hayley hadnt texted me about when I was DJing until an hour before I was getting ready to leave my house. Had fun playing Uno and sharring insults with Isobel, Emily and Mike in the Tap. Played a really good set (in my own opinion) in the Rock Room (the floor wasnt completely empty for any one time). Came back to the Tap and gave Hardip some shit for missing my set after she was asking me about when I was DJing for the last couple of days (I know it wasnt your fault that your friends didnt want to go if youre reading this by the way), Then got into an insane conversation with Matt and some other drunk guy about the Big Bang, aliens, Norway, Holland, Wales, Chatham, Strood and Vikings.
Saturday, watched Irreversible (hard, hard film to watch). Went down the Tap which was shit until Chris from Sounds Perfect showed up completely wankered, saying everyone in there was a cunt and just generally behaving like a drunken buffoon. I ran into that fat girl from Gravesend that Steve knows, I think she may have been trying to chat me up so I just kept blanking her when she tried to talk to me. When we were leaving we found Chris talking to people and complaining that no one was letting him leave, so Matt got him in a headlock and dragged him out of the Tap. We then started walking up to the taxi bay with Chris complaining that he has to be seen with grebos and loudly telling passers by that he wasnt with these grungers. Me and non Sounds Perfect Chris got the first two taxis leaving Matt by himself. As my taxi was pulling away I noticed Heffer (who Sounds Perfect Chris told us that evening, was once caught in the Tap with her hand down the u-bend of one of the Tap ladies toilets because she managed to block it with her own shit) walking up to Matt, so me being the evil bastard that I am I phoned up Matt and told him gowan, get in there, my son to which Matt replied fuck you, man through stifled laughter. Bring on Download.