That was a fucking nightmarish weekend, I had to stop my friend Chris from getting into a fight with a girl on Friday. She told him his ex cheated on him while she was going out with him, he texted her to ask if she did, she of course denied it, told the girl she followed him into the mens toilets asked if he was calling her a liar, pinned him up against the wall and dug here fingernails into his throat and told him no one calls me a liar at which point I had to separate them she fucked off while I was trying to calm him down which didnt work as he spent the next half an hour looking for her and when he did I had to drag him away and outside the club. While we were walking to the Tap he punched a wall and cut up his hand quite badly (he needed the bouncers in the tap to bandage it when we got there). Oh fuck, I hope I never have to go through that again, hopefully Ill be DJing next week Chris has wisely decided not to go back for a while.
Thankyou for the comment on my set xoxox
haha...Sounds-interesting? Sounds like you had a pretty exciting night.