Well that was fun (and god my head looks weird). Only fucked up a couple of times (not knowing how to work the fader, the two times I pressed a button that made the decks play only the last 30 seconds of a song) and the dance floor was only empty for twenty minutes in the middle of my set. I was a bit annoyed that people were only asking me to play metal (anyone who knows me, knows I like my punk just as much), I did manage to get some people on the floor for Ramones and the Misfits. Also not a lot of people were actually asking me to play things and I had to guess at times what people wanted to hear (I guessed good, I played Soulfly and Stampin' Ground for my last 2 songs and got the biggest reaction for my whole set). One thing that annoyed me was apart from my friends that asked me to play stuff, no one said thank you apart from that one guy who asked me to play Lacuna Coil and told me he loved me after I played it. The best bit was when this short fat guy with long hair and a beard came up and said "Can you play track ten off Disturbeds album?" told him I didn't have any Disturbed, so he asked for Soil I told him I had one Soil song and showed the CD to him to make sure he wanted to hear it, he snacthed the CD from my hand stared at it for a second then handed it back to me saying "Can you play Two Skins by Soil, it's track ten on that".
Got an interveiw on Tuesday for the Citizens Advice Bureau, if I get the job they wont pay me for it, but at least I can say I've had some experience in Administration.