Friday: Made it to Leeds in Four hours beating Matt and Nick by two. Leeds struck me as a lot nicer than Birmingham.
My hotel room is really nice too.
Meet up with Matt and Nick later, go into town to get something to eat, then make the trek across town to the Fenton to watch a French Metalcore band who were very good followed a crap local band who we dont bother to stay a whole song for. Went to a Metal club at Rios, 12 on the door but you get free drinks all night, being a non drinker I was getting pints of orange juice to get my monies worth. Went back to the bar at the hotel, me and Matt talked bollocks while Nick fell asleep into his beer.
Saturday: Got up early and had a look round town.
Met up with Matt and Nick to walk over the University, got our wrist bands and explored the venue, I had different bands on my agenda so I told them Id meet them later.
Rinoa: The singer from Bossks new band if Im not mistaken, they sound like a cross between Post-Metal and Metalcore (a worrying new trend that is arising) but still very good.
Went over to watch Charger only to find Ive missed them as they swapped places with a Black Metal band, so I had a look round the merch stalls, picked up a few things, watched the rest of the Black Metal bands set, they were alright, just wanted to see Charger is all Watched Firebird, they rocked.
Manatees: I like them on record but theyre a bit dull live, apart from the bass player the other two dont really do much, the guitarist moves really rigidly like hes shat himself, only really got into it when the heavy parts of the songs kicked in.
Walked into Electric Wizard just as they were playing Dopethrone (the last couple of times Ive seen them thats all I really wanted the to play), watched them for another song then walked off for Mistress.
Mistress: Fucking mayhem, Dave Cunt encouraged people to stage dive and offered a free shirt to the first person who came onstage bleeding, someone spilled their beer down my Hello Bastards shirt but I was so happy I got to see Mistress last performance I honestly wasnt upset (plus I could enjoy the irony of wearing a Straight Edge bands shirt and smelling of beer), used that as an excuse to get a sweet Heresy shirt, they were doing two for 25 so I got an Iron Monkey shirt and got changed into that.
A Storm Of Light: This band surprised me at hoe fucking awesome they were live, it was like watching Neurosis play a basement show, so glad Im going to see them in London this Wednesday.
Walked over to catch the end of Destructions set and found Matt and Nick, afterwards they went over to watch Rotting Christ and I had a sit down while Therapy? set up but pissed off before they actually played.
Jesu: I love this band, they changed the way I listen to music after hearing their first album, but they can be fucking dull to watch live just being two blokes and a laptop, it was a bit testing at times but it wasnt too bad, some of the heckles were genius (Do you know any Napalm Death? Play something fast! SLAYER! and possible the best from a Scottish guy behind me come on, play a tune and make me a happy cunt!).
Met up with Matt and watched the end of Lock Up, walked back to the hotel, wanted to check out a Metal club night at The Cockpit but Matt talked me out of it, just as well, I only managed four hours sleep the night before and my back was ruined. Saw this shop in the city centre.
Sunday: Someone set off the fire alarm at half six in the morning, I did what any middle class Englishman would have done, I packed up all my stuff looked out the door, saw that no one was actually leaving the hotel (the alarm only went off for a few seconds anyway) and went back to bed. Checked out at ten, my train wasnt til twenty to one so I took a long walk around Leeds, trying to go down roads I hadnt before.
Eventually it was time to get my train, when I got to London I encountered something I realised I hadnt in Leeds, people rushing past you, not apologising when they smacked into you, in that second I caught myself thinking I could move to Leeds, I really could). Took a train to Rochester, got Dad to pick me up, unpacked, wrote all this.

My hotel room is really nice too.

Meet up with Matt and Nick later, go into town to get something to eat, then make the trek across town to the Fenton to watch a French Metalcore band who were very good followed a crap local band who we dont bother to stay a whole song for. Went to a Metal club at Rios, 12 on the door but you get free drinks all night, being a non drinker I was getting pints of orange juice to get my monies worth. Went back to the bar at the hotel, me and Matt talked bollocks while Nick fell asleep into his beer.
Saturday: Got up early and had a look round town.

Met up with Matt and Nick to walk over the University, got our wrist bands and explored the venue, I had different bands on my agenda so I told them Id meet them later.
Rinoa: The singer from Bossks new band if Im not mistaken, they sound like a cross between Post-Metal and Metalcore (a worrying new trend that is arising) but still very good.

Went over to watch Charger only to find Ive missed them as they swapped places with a Black Metal band, so I had a look round the merch stalls, picked up a few things, watched the rest of the Black Metal bands set, they were alright, just wanted to see Charger is all Watched Firebird, they rocked.
Manatees: I like them on record but theyre a bit dull live, apart from the bass player the other two dont really do much, the guitarist moves really rigidly like hes shat himself, only really got into it when the heavy parts of the songs kicked in.

Walked into Electric Wizard just as they were playing Dopethrone (the last couple of times Ive seen them thats all I really wanted the to play), watched them for another song then walked off for Mistress.
Mistress: Fucking mayhem, Dave Cunt encouraged people to stage dive and offered a free shirt to the first person who came onstage bleeding, someone spilled their beer down my Hello Bastards shirt but I was so happy I got to see Mistress last performance I honestly wasnt upset (plus I could enjoy the irony of wearing a Straight Edge bands shirt and smelling of beer), used that as an excuse to get a sweet Heresy shirt, they were doing two for 25 so I got an Iron Monkey shirt and got changed into that.

A Storm Of Light: This band surprised me at hoe fucking awesome they were live, it was like watching Neurosis play a basement show, so glad Im going to see them in London this Wednesday.

Walked over to catch the end of Destructions set and found Matt and Nick, afterwards they went over to watch Rotting Christ and I had a sit down while Therapy? set up but pissed off before they actually played.
Jesu: I love this band, they changed the way I listen to music after hearing their first album, but they can be fucking dull to watch live just being two blokes and a laptop, it was a bit testing at times but it wasnt too bad, some of the heckles were genius (Do you know any Napalm Death? Play something fast! SLAYER! and possible the best from a Scottish guy behind me come on, play a tune and make me a happy cunt!).

Met up with Matt and watched the end of Lock Up, walked back to the hotel, wanted to check out a Metal club night at The Cockpit but Matt talked me out of it, just as well, I only managed four hours sleep the night before and my back was ruined. Saw this shop in the city centre.

Sunday: Someone set off the fire alarm at half six in the morning, I did what any middle class Englishman would have done, I packed up all my stuff looked out the door, saw that no one was actually leaving the hotel (the alarm only went off for a few seconds anyway) and went back to bed. Checked out at ten, my train wasnt til twenty to one so I took a long walk around Leeds, trying to go down roads I hadnt before.

Eventually it was time to get my train, when I got to London I encountered something I realised I hadnt in Leeds, people rushing past you, not apologising when they smacked into you, in that second I caught myself thinking I could move to Leeds, I really could). Took a train to Rochester, got Dad to pick me up, unpacked, wrote all this.
Aww man, a Storm of Light, Jesu and the Wizard! I'm extremely jealous of you right now. Are you going to the Causing Chaos for Cancer festival in February?
Pretty views. I lived in York for a year and didn't visit Leeds!