EyeHateGod logo worked into my sleeve
Took an hour longer than planned but they only charged me for the original two hours (either because I'm such a regular customer or they forgot). Rushed home, ate then went straight out to Sheerness (eeriest train journey I've even taken), got to the Ivy Leaf in time to see the last two songs of Flowers Of Flesh And Blood, got their demo off the singer/guitarist Keith, who recognised me off the old Bizarre messageboard, forgot to mention I'm seeing them again in February with Witchsorrow. Avenge Thee sucked. Bender Crack Corn were funny. One Day Elliot were fatter and hairier than I ever remembered them. Sons Of Alpha Centauri were great but I had to run out after half an hour to get my train. When I changed at Sittingbourne I saw some pissed up Pikey teenager who could barely stand try to offer three grown men out for a fight (and they looked like the could have had the little twat an all) but the idiot was saved by a member of staff escorting him off the platform. Took the train to Strood and got a taxi home.

Took an hour longer than planned but they only charged me for the original two hours (either because I'm such a regular customer or they forgot). Rushed home, ate then went straight out to Sheerness (eeriest train journey I've even taken), got to the Ivy Leaf in time to see the last two songs of Flowers Of Flesh And Blood, got their demo off the singer/guitarist Keith, who recognised me off the old Bizarre messageboard, forgot to mention I'm seeing them again in February with Witchsorrow. Avenge Thee sucked. Bender Crack Corn were funny. One Day Elliot were fatter and hairier than I ever remembered them. Sons Of Alpha Centauri were great but I had to run out after half an hour to get my train. When I changed at Sittingbourne I saw some pissed up Pikey teenager who could barely stand try to offer three grown men out for a fight (and they looked like the could have had the little twat an all) but the idiot was saved by a member of staff escorting him off the platform. Took the train to Strood and got a taxi home.
happy holid
wonderful tattoo