Steve came round mine, then we got the bus to Rochester, called Mills to make sure he was getting the right train and met him and his friend Dave on it. Got a bit lost on the way to the venue, mostly because of this
There was a queue when we got there but managed to find Viking Nick and pushed in. Got in just in time to see Witchsorrow. Went right up to the front and saluted Mr. Ruskell.
Shame they only had time to play two songs.
Serpentcult: Alright we were all thinking it, I'll just come out and say it, their singer is well fit. She sounded like a female King Diamond and she was wearing a Neurosis shirt which made her even more insanely hot to me, the band themselves are pretty good too, picked up their album.
Litmus: Didn't bother watching, went out and got some food. When I came back the big Polish bouncers were throwing out this little short dude I saw head banging out of time to Suerpentcult, the best part was him yelling racist abuse at the bouncers "YOU COME OVER HERE AND TAKE OUR JOBS, SPUNKING ALL OVER OUR ECONOMY" I'm not making that up he really did say spunking all over our economy, then he started yelling at the people smoking "THEY THROW ACID IN NEWBORN BABIES FACESACIDIN NEWBORN BABIES FACES" laughed me way up to the bar and told the others what happened.
Moss: Painfully slow, really liked them, wanted to buy a CD but they only had a shirt for sale, Mills told me he has two copies of their album on vinyl, promised me one.
Diagonal: Didn't like them when they played with Witchcraft so I just avoided them completely.
Gentlemans Pistols: One word: ROCK
Played a lot of new songs, looking forward to the next album.
Taint: They aren't bad, just don't like them, didn't bother watching them.
Grand Magus: Steve knows I hate anything with high pitched vocals so he kept doing falsetto screams into me ear along to their singer.
Electric Wizard: Some guy in a robe (we were debating whether it was Lee Dorian or the singer from Moss) came out and introduced them.
The opened with Witchcult Today, then did a pisstakingly long version of Satanic Rites Of Drugular then finished with Funeralopolis.
That was it, we waited seven hours and paid fifteen quid and they only played three fucking songs, that's five quid a song, they played more when me and Mills saw them support Cathedral. We left with Mills saying "Three fucking songs!" all the way up to Warren Street station. A thought occurred to me and I asked Mills if he thought that Jus had to work a fulltime job, because Electric Wizard don't play that often and they can't be making much off their record sales. We came to the conclusion that he'd have to have a job just to keep Liz in Denim, patches and blonde hair dye, not to mention himself in drugs and fast food. Went to Victoria, grabbed something to eat, got a train to Rochester where Steve's Mum gave us a lift home.

There was a queue when we got there but managed to find Viking Nick and pushed in. Got in just in time to see Witchsorrow. Went right up to the front and saluted Mr. Ruskell.

Shame they only had time to play two songs.
Serpentcult: Alright we were all thinking it, I'll just come out and say it, their singer is well fit. She sounded like a female King Diamond and she was wearing a Neurosis shirt which made her even more insanely hot to me, the band themselves are pretty good too, picked up their album.
Litmus: Didn't bother watching, went out and got some food. When I came back the big Polish bouncers were throwing out this little short dude I saw head banging out of time to Suerpentcult, the best part was him yelling racist abuse at the bouncers "YOU COME OVER HERE AND TAKE OUR JOBS, SPUNKING ALL OVER OUR ECONOMY" I'm not making that up he really did say spunking all over our economy, then he started yelling at the people smoking "THEY THROW ACID IN NEWBORN BABIES FACESACIDIN NEWBORN BABIES FACES" laughed me way up to the bar and told the others what happened.
Moss: Painfully slow, really liked them, wanted to buy a CD but they only had a shirt for sale, Mills told me he has two copies of their album on vinyl, promised me one.
Diagonal: Didn't like them when they played with Witchcraft so I just avoided them completely.
Gentlemans Pistols: One word: ROCK

Played a lot of new songs, looking forward to the next album.
Taint: They aren't bad, just don't like them, didn't bother watching them.
Grand Magus: Steve knows I hate anything with high pitched vocals so he kept doing falsetto screams into me ear along to their singer.
Electric Wizard: Some guy in a robe (we were debating whether it was Lee Dorian or the singer from Moss) came out and introduced them.

The opened with Witchcult Today, then did a pisstakingly long version of Satanic Rites Of Drugular then finished with Funeralopolis.

That was it, we waited seven hours and paid fifteen quid and they only played three fucking songs, that's five quid a song, they played more when me and Mills saw them support Cathedral. We left with Mills saying "Three fucking songs!" all the way up to Warren Street station. A thought occurred to me and I asked Mills if he thought that Jus had to work a fulltime job, because Electric Wizard don't play that often and they can't be making much off their record sales. We came to the conclusion that he'd have to have a job just to keep Liz in Denim, patches and blonde hair dye, not to mention himself in drugs and fast food. Went to Victoria, grabbed something to eat, got a train to Rochester where Steve's Mum gave us a lift home.