You know I don't mind that The Underworld keeps opening earlier and earlier theses days, but when the first band starts when the doors were originally meant to open irks me just a little.
Meandgoliath: I really wasn't expecting two skinny guys with beards to play Crust, they had little Post-Hardcore breakdowns in their songs (I can't help but think how much I hate the term Screamo, I've also heard it jokingly referred to as Emo Violence which I actually think sounds better). The bass player/co-vocalist had his back to the crowd and his mic stand next to the bass drum (kind of like how Ed Gein play), didn't have enough material and finished five minutes earlier than they should of.
Latitudes: Fuck me sideways are they heavy! There's a lot of bands around that sound like a poor mans Neurosis that I refuse to listen to because, well I'd rather just listen to Neurosis, but this band have got the mid-nineties Neurosis sound down to a fucking tee. I really can't get over how heavy they are, I meandamn
Humanfly: This is what I mean by a poor mans Neurosis, they play heavy enough sure, but there's a lot of Post-Rock wankage as well, add some of the worst vocals ever and I'm off to the bar for a bottle of water just to get some more change because I spent what I was saving for the taxi home on a Latitudes CD. Sam from Bossk comes out and sings on one song with them, they go over time and mercifully don't get to finish their set.
Bossk: One thing I won't miss about their shows is the fucking year it takes to set up their equipment.
That's actually less effects pedals than they used to have when they started playing in Chatham. They've done away with the neon blue lights they used to drape over their equipment but kept the incense and smoke machine (getting big gusts of it in my face just makes me think "you know, as shit as it was I actually miss Saturday Subs in a weird way"). Bossk are one of those bands whose music is as hard to articulate as your deepest emotions (after they played at the Tap N Tin with Capricorns my friend James Hayward turned round to me and said "I feel like they saved my life") and I did mange to take loads of good photos so I'll just let the images speak for themselves.
They explain that The Underworld is their favourite venue to play and that is why they chose to do their last show there, which in a way is cool because if they played in Ashford where they're from I'd have a cunt of a time getting home. For there last song they bring out the two original members who left, at the end they put down their instruments, hug and leave stage with final cacophony of noise echoing through the effects pedals, fuck I'll miss them, but now we have Tortuga and some of the others are talking to Sons Of Alpha Centauri about a possible collaboration, which will be cool if/when it happens.
Meandgoliath: I really wasn't expecting two skinny guys with beards to play Crust, they had little Post-Hardcore breakdowns in their songs (I can't help but think how much I hate the term Screamo, I've also heard it jokingly referred to as Emo Violence which I actually think sounds better). The bass player/co-vocalist had his back to the crowd and his mic stand next to the bass drum (kind of like how Ed Gein play), didn't have enough material and finished five minutes earlier than they should of.
Latitudes: Fuck me sideways are they heavy! There's a lot of bands around that sound like a poor mans Neurosis that I refuse to listen to because, well I'd rather just listen to Neurosis, but this band have got the mid-nineties Neurosis sound down to a fucking tee. I really can't get over how heavy they are, I meandamn
Humanfly: This is what I mean by a poor mans Neurosis, they play heavy enough sure, but there's a lot of Post-Rock wankage as well, add some of the worst vocals ever and I'm off to the bar for a bottle of water just to get some more change because I spent what I was saving for the taxi home on a Latitudes CD. Sam from Bossk comes out and sings on one song with them, they go over time and mercifully don't get to finish their set.
Bossk: One thing I won't miss about their shows is the fucking year it takes to set up their equipment.

That's actually less effects pedals than they used to have when they started playing in Chatham. They've done away with the neon blue lights they used to drape over their equipment but kept the incense and smoke machine (getting big gusts of it in my face just makes me think "you know, as shit as it was I actually miss Saturday Subs in a weird way"). Bossk are one of those bands whose music is as hard to articulate as your deepest emotions (after they played at the Tap N Tin with Capricorns my friend James Hayward turned round to me and said "I feel like they saved my life") and I did mange to take loads of good photos so I'll just let the images speak for themselves.

They explain that The Underworld is their favourite venue to play and that is why they chose to do their last show there, which in a way is cool because if they played in Ashford where they're from I'd have a cunt of a time getting home. For there last song they bring out the two original members who left, at the end they put down their instruments, hug and leave stage with final cacophony of noise echoing through the effects pedals, fuck I'll miss them, but now we have Tortuga and some of the others are talking to Sons Of Alpha Centauri about a possible collaboration, which will be cool if/when it happens.