The bad news; my Nan died in hospital a couple of weeks ago. I visited her five days before, it was like she had a stroke, she could hardly speak or make eye contact, according to Mum she was speaking more than the other times she had been without me. On the day the hospital had called and told Mum that Nan was having difficulty breathing and looked like she was about to go. After spending several hours by her side Mum finally came home, we got the call at seven that she had died, Mum locked herself in the toilet and cried, Dad started calling the rest of the family to give the news and I left the house and just felt numb. The funeral is next Tuesday.
The good news; I've been offered a full time job with a company that's moving from London to Sittingbourne. They needed to hire a full staff and I just happened to be one of the best people they interviewed and it's basically the same job I was doing at Medway Council (which I quit after hearing I've got the job). I start once they've fixed up the office (which looked derelict when I visited) early next month.
Friday: Got asked to come in an hour later as Ray was running a little late. Now I knew that my elbow was going to hurt like fucking buggery but nothing prepared me for when Ray went over the veins on the inside of my elbow, I will gladly take a needle against bone before I do that again. Oh, and getting a tattoo while having a cold, can't recommend it, I've never been in such pain, but me being me, I'd probably do it again. On my way to the taxi rank I got flipped off by Chavs in a passing mini van (well brave, bruv) , a couple walking passed me got a can thrown at them from a passing car (glad I only got flipped off).

So to recap
Ten hours, fifteen minutes
The good news; I've been offered a full time job with a company that's moving from London to Sittingbourne. They needed to hire a full staff and I just happened to be one of the best people they interviewed and it's basically the same job I was doing at Medway Council (which I quit after hearing I've got the job). I start once they've fixed up the office (which looked derelict when I visited) early next month.
Friday: Got asked to come in an hour later as Ray was running a little late. Now I knew that my elbow was going to hurt like fucking buggery but nothing prepared me for when Ray went over the veins on the inside of my elbow, I will gladly take a needle against bone before I do that again. Oh, and getting a tattoo while having a cold, can't recommend it, I've never been in such pain, but me being me, I'd probably do it again. On my way to the taxi rank I got flipped off by Chavs in a passing mini van (well brave, bruv) , a couple walking passed me got a can thrown at them from a passing car (glad I only got flipped off).

So to recap
Ten hours, fifteen minutes
so sorry to hear about your loss. my respects to your family. good news on the job, eh. nice ink dude.