Haven't written anything in a while for good reason; a week before Christmas Mum got a virus which caused her to feel faint and fall down the stairs, thankfully she only spent a couple of days in hospital and just came out with a bruised hip and couldn't bend down for a few days, later that same week I caught the virus which had me throwing up all that Friday morning and couldn't go out that night. Because we had the virus Nan couldn't come over for Christmas (this could be her last and we didn't want to make her sick). In the wee small hours of Christmas morning we get a call saying Nan keeps pressing her helpline button, mum and Dad have to drive out to let the ambulance people into her house, she'd fallen but only had low blood pressure. New Year's Eve I went to the Tap with Chris and Zak, which was dull as fuck but at least I was spending New Year's with mates for the first time in two years. Some good news though, this month I start volunteering for Medway council, I'll be put on a three month contract, work for one department, then be put on another three month contract with another department and so on until I get a full time job, which could be soon, a few weeks ago I had an interview with a freight management company that went well, I could be called in for a second interview at the end of January. I saw Bossk at the Tap the Saturday before Christmas, they were great but I couldn't take pictures because they play in near darkness with a heavy duty smoke machine, they were supposed to be supported by one band that had two ex-members of November Coming fire and another with members of Trencher but they had to pull out as ones drummer had put out his back and the other had a punctured lung (fair enough), so we were left with one of the shit local Hardcore bands.
Wednesday: Got to Chatham before four, had Chips, bought the new Down album form Sounds Perfect, dicked around the Pentagon then went to Medway Tattoo & Piercing. Ray had to spray anesthetic on my arm a few time as he had top go over a lot of the same bits with different colours (also I didn't know that anesthetic comes in spray form), after the third time he put it on I could barely feel the needle connect with my skin and I felt sleepy. Ray finished half an hour before the session was over, he took pictures we discussed the next session (he reckons he can get it all finished in four hours). Booked the next session for April (four months wait, Ray's in high demand, which is partly my own fault for going on tattoo forums and talking him up so much plus that picture I sent to Bizarre that they put in the Body Art book)

So far
Five and a half hours
Wednesday: Got to Chatham before four, had Chips, bought the new Down album form Sounds Perfect, dicked around the Pentagon then went to Medway Tattoo & Piercing. Ray had to spray anesthetic on my arm a few time as he had top go over a lot of the same bits with different colours (also I didn't know that anesthetic comes in spray form), after the third time he put it on I could barely feel the needle connect with my skin and I felt sleepy. Ray finished half an hour before the session was over, he took pictures we discussed the next session (he reckons he can get it all finished in four hours). Booked the next session for April (four months wait, Ray's in high demand, which is partly my own fault for going on tattoo forums and talking him up so much plus that picture I sent to Bizarre that they put in the Body Art book)

So far
Five and a half hours