Monday: So this is my last chance to go record shopping in Camden, went to the second hand shop, got the new Joe Lally, the Rapeman CD and Fugazi's Furniture EP. Went up the street to look at the corpse of Fopp then had a look at the other second hand shop, they didn't have anything sorted into order, could find some gems there but I didn't have the patients to look through it all. Got something to eat at the Tai near Camden station then decided to go to All Ages as I haven't been there in a while and probably wont go back 'til next year. Found Fugazi's Instrument Soundtrack CD (and now my collection of Fugazi's studio output is complete), a couple of Brutal Knights seven inches and the Tragedy/ Totalitr split seven inch (I tried to get that a little while ago off eBay and didn't win). Went up to Kentish Town and had a couple of J2O's at the pub near the venue, finished reading Catcher In The Rye and made a start on The Book Of Mormon (I'm just interested in theology). Mills had given me his ticket for this as he couldn't go because Led Zeppelin rescheduled their show to that day, he just said "give it to somebody who needs it" I was tempted to walk past the crowd and imitate a tout "Spare ticket, giving it away for free, wont except any money for it, free ticket to anyone who isn't a tout" but there wasn't that many people there, so I stuck it in the frame of a poster on the side of the venue, two people walked behind me, I turned my back on it for a few minutes, when I turned back it was gone.
Earth: Surprised that they had a female drummer, I've always pictured them as a bunch of grizzled dudes, in fact most of them were quite young looking, but mostly with big beards. They were cool but their songs just kind of plodded along with no real structure to them.
Boris: I wasn't sure how this show would be, it could either be really good or really shit, now I know it's going to be fucking awesome because Sunn o))) and Boris are going to do their own separate sets before coming out together. Boris played their more Droney stuff to fit in with the other bands on the bill, I'm more into their Stoner Rock stuff but this is cool too. Some guy standing in front of me had some kind of epileptic fit and dropped to his knees, he managed to pick himself up and walk away. At the end of their set Atsuo get from behind the drum set and staged dived right on top of me, nearly got my nose broken, when some guys elbow went into my face. Atsuo left stage when he got back on it, leaving Takeshi and Wata to riff out for a while, eventually Takeshi left, then after a few more minutes Wata left. Fucking awesome, if they ever do their own tour over here I'm there.
Went over to their merch stall, Boris are the perfect band for a record collecting geek like me, whenever they release something that isn't on Southern Lord it's always limited to 1000 or so copies, they had a special edition of the Rainbow album limited to 500 copies, it came with a second LP of stuff that wasn't on the CD version, a DVD and a book, they were selling it for 122, the CD version is meant to be limited to 1000 and I got it for about 17, I'm not shelling out a stupid amount of money for that, they had a regular LP version of the album for 13 so I got that, they also had a Black Flag themed split ten inch with another band called Stupid Babies Go Mad that came with a DVD with live stuff of both bands for 14, I feel like I'll enjoy that. I may have to carry them 'til the end but it's worth it, this shit may not be around when I get my backpack.
Sunn o))): They came out all in robes apart from the dude who used to sing in Mayhem, who came dress as a weird cross between Jesus, Gandalf and Santa.
The bass was so low I could feel it rearrange my insides, I went for the earplugs in my wallet but found I had lost one of them. It was cool a weird to watch but I was still annoyed that their songs had no fucking structure whatsoever, they played one painfully long song and then left.
Sunn o))) & Boris: Why the fuck couldn't they have left Boris' gear onstage so they could start playing with Sunn o))) as soon as they finished. Unlike most All Tomorrows Parties shows they didn't play all the songs from Alter in order. They had a curtain up before they came on with all of them in robes including Jesse Sykes when they opened with The Sinking Belle, I took a few pictures then ran to the back to get my backpack out of the cloak room.
They played one of the long instrumental songs (Bloodswamp, I think), with Boris in tow they were actually something to watch now, not only because of Atsuo beating the shit out of the gong behind him but because there was now a drummer onstage the songs actually had STRUCTURE. They played Fried Eagle Mind (I know that because it's the only song Wata does vocals on), then did another long instrumental song, at which point I decided I had to leave to get my train.
The Japanese place was closing up, no food but I did manage to buy a bottle of water, went over the kebab shop over the road for chips in pita, Marks & Spencer's was still open but I fancied something hot. Got a text from Mills while I was on the train saying he was on it. Walked up and found him and his brother at the other end, swapped gigs stories 'till we got to Rochester (apparently he and Nick went up the day before to get their wristbands for Led Zeppelin and had to wait four hours and that's why he couldn't make it to Malkovich at the Tap that night). Got off at Rochester and walked home.
Earth: Surprised that they had a female drummer, I've always pictured them as a bunch of grizzled dudes, in fact most of them were quite young looking, but mostly with big beards. They were cool but their songs just kind of plodded along with no real structure to them.
Boris: I wasn't sure how this show would be, it could either be really good or really shit, now I know it's going to be fucking awesome because Sunn o))) and Boris are going to do their own separate sets before coming out together. Boris played their more Droney stuff to fit in with the other bands on the bill, I'm more into their Stoner Rock stuff but this is cool too. Some guy standing in front of me had some kind of epileptic fit and dropped to his knees, he managed to pick himself up and walk away. At the end of their set Atsuo get from behind the drum set and staged dived right on top of me, nearly got my nose broken, when some guys elbow went into my face. Atsuo left stage when he got back on it, leaving Takeshi and Wata to riff out for a while, eventually Takeshi left, then after a few more minutes Wata left. Fucking awesome, if they ever do their own tour over here I'm there.

Went over to their merch stall, Boris are the perfect band for a record collecting geek like me, whenever they release something that isn't on Southern Lord it's always limited to 1000 or so copies, they had a special edition of the Rainbow album limited to 500 copies, it came with a second LP of stuff that wasn't on the CD version, a DVD and a book, they were selling it for 122, the CD version is meant to be limited to 1000 and I got it for about 17, I'm not shelling out a stupid amount of money for that, they had a regular LP version of the album for 13 so I got that, they also had a Black Flag themed split ten inch with another band called Stupid Babies Go Mad that came with a DVD with live stuff of both bands for 14, I feel like I'll enjoy that. I may have to carry them 'til the end but it's worth it, this shit may not be around when I get my backpack.
Sunn o))): They came out all in robes apart from the dude who used to sing in Mayhem, who came dress as a weird cross between Jesus, Gandalf and Santa.

The bass was so low I could feel it rearrange my insides, I went for the earplugs in my wallet but found I had lost one of them. It was cool a weird to watch but I was still annoyed that their songs had no fucking structure whatsoever, they played one painfully long song and then left.
Sunn o))) & Boris: Why the fuck couldn't they have left Boris' gear onstage so they could start playing with Sunn o))) as soon as they finished. Unlike most All Tomorrows Parties shows they didn't play all the songs from Alter in order. They had a curtain up before they came on with all of them in robes including Jesse Sykes when they opened with The Sinking Belle, I took a few pictures then ran to the back to get my backpack out of the cloak room.

They played one of the long instrumental songs (Bloodswamp, I think), with Boris in tow they were actually something to watch now, not only because of Atsuo beating the shit out of the gong behind him but because there was now a drummer onstage the songs actually had STRUCTURE. They played Fried Eagle Mind (I know that because it's the only song Wata does vocals on), then did another long instrumental song, at which point I decided I had to leave to get my train.
The Japanese place was closing up, no food but I did manage to buy a bottle of water, went over the kebab shop over the road for chips in pita, Marks & Spencer's was still open but I fancied something hot. Got a text from Mills while I was on the train saying he was on it. Walked up and found him and his brother at the other end, swapped gigs stories 'till we got to Rochester (apparently he and Nick went up the day before to get their wristbands for Led Zeppelin and had to wait four hours and that's why he couldn't make it to Malkovich at the Tap that night). Got off at Rochester and walked home.