Thursday: Got the train to Canterbury from Chatham, took a wrong turn trying to find the same way I found Beercart Arms when I was last here but made it on time. After paying on the door I saw the members of Wired and Nadine go into the men's room to take a new photo for their MySpace. Had a chat for a while, watched his dodgy Goth band sound check they had a fat, middle-aged guy in a trench coat singing and a fat middle-aged woman in a low cut Goth outfit playing keyboards, I was trying hard not to laugh at them. Gabriel gave me his camera to take pictures while they played and showed me how to record a video on it. Pat and Liam's Mum was already there but later Steve's Mum came with her boyfriend the Gabriel's Dad came, everyone else was getting a lift back home with their parents so Steve now had enough space in his car to offer me a lift home. Watched the first band, think they were called Diatribe, they played Indie Rock with a female singer, they were alright but they seemed scarred to move and the only one who did any talking between songs was the bass player. Wired went on, they played good and the crowd that came for the other bands seemed to like them. I took pictures and filmed them for ten minutes on Gabriel's camera and managed to take a few on my phone too
They finish, the dodgy Goth band go on so most of them go to Steve's car for a joint, I go to the kebab shop round the corner and get chips. I come back to Steve's car and hang out for a bit, finish my chips and go off to try and find a bin. I come back a sit on the ashtray Liam left on the passenger seat, help clean it up by chucking fag ends on the pavement. They go back outside the pub to chat to friends, family and people in other bands, I go inside to get the fag ash off my fingers. I get most of it off in the men's room sink then go into one of the stall for a piss, the doors don't have locks so I have to hold it closed. Someone pushes on the door so I say "woah" to let them know someone's in there, a bouncer pushes his way in and gets me in a headlock from behind, the first thing I think of saying is "I was trying to take a piss, I'm sorry" he orders me to show him the contents of my right hand, I show him the piece of toilet paper I had ready to wipe the last drips of wee from my winky. He says "sorry, my mistake" before making me turn out my pockets, going through my wallet and cardboard box of gum for drugs then giving me a vigorous pat down, he checks the stall I was in for remnants of coke or whatever he's trained to look for, I go into the other stall to take my piss, when I come out he's gone. I come downstairs, find Steve with Nadine sitting where they were earlier and tell him what happened. We watch the last band sitting down, they play alright despite a couple of power outs (they still got the lions share of the door money as more people came to see them) but I was still kind of shocked (being put in a headlock by a guy twice your size does put a damper on your night). Everyone in Wired gets a fiver each, the promoter tells them he liked their set and would like to have them back on a bill with bands they'd be more suitable for. I help load out equipment, Steve follows Liam and Pat's Mum's car to the motorway. We have a chat on the way to Nadine's house then Steve drops me off at mine.

They finish, the dodgy Goth band go on so most of them go to Steve's car for a joint, I go to the kebab shop round the corner and get chips. I come back to Steve's car and hang out for a bit, finish my chips and go off to try and find a bin. I come back a sit on the ashtray Liam left on the passenger seat, help clean it up by chucking fag ends on the pavement. They go back outside the pub to chat to friends, family and people in other bands, I go inside to get the fag ash off my fingers. I get most of it off in the men's room sink then go into one of the stall for a piss, the doors don't have locks so I have to hold it closed. Someone pushes on the door so I say "woah" to let them know someone's in there, a bouncer pushes his way in and gets me in a headlock from behind, the first thing I think of saying is "I was trying to take a piss, I'm sorry" he orders me to show him the contents of my right hand, I show him the piece of toilet paper I had ready to wipe the last drips of wee from my winky. He says "sorry, my mistake" before making me turn out my pockets, going through my wallet and cardboard box of gum for drugs then giving me a vigorous pat down, he checks the stall I was in for remnants of coke or whatever he's trained to look for, I go into the other stall to take my piss, when I come out he's gone. I come downstairs, find Steve with Nadine sitting where they were earlier and tell him what happened. We watch the last band sitting down, they play alright despite a couple of power outs (they still got the lions share of the door money as more people came to see them) but I was still kind of shocked (being put in a headlock by a guy twice your size does put a damper on your night). Everyone in Wired gets a fiver each, the promoter tells them he liked their set and would like to have them back on a bill with bands they'd be more suitable for. I help load out equipment, Steve follows Liam and Pat's Mum's car to the motorway. We have a chat on the way to Nadine's house then Steve drops me off at mine.
Sweet zombie Jesus, some bouncers can be pricks. Why do they all seem to think that they're Arnie whenever they're given a job? Sorry to hear bout that happening, though technically you could get the guy done for assault if you so felt like it

I dunno if it's a good or a bad thing that some people are so enthusiastic about their work. I imagine in some lines of work (porn star, glass blower) that kind of vigour could be less than desirable.