Friday: Oh fuck, I'm so ill, parents fucked off early in the morning to France or Belgium for a weekend spend up and left me with fifty quid. Went down the Tap, ran into Steve and Liam, saw Zak and Rich back for the weekend from living in Ireland where he's moved to, asked him if he remembered Robert Gwilliams (said the name was familiar), told him he was a bigger bullshitter than him and apologised for calling him one all these years. Went to the Manor with Steve and Liam, Steve the bouncer saw me, looked pleased and got me to come inside their office, I foolishly thought they were going to ask me to DJ at least for Christmas, Steve actually got me to talk to one of the managers about me talking shit about the Tap messageboard (which I've been doing for well over a year, I really was surprised that they actually confronted me). I accused posting some of the stuff other people said about the manor in a recent thread by a guy in his thirties asking what it was like and I highlighted the fact that there are lots of underage kids but one thing I didn't say was "don't bother going" which is what was told I wrote (had to check I didn't later), I will admit it was stupid of me to type" they got so desperate I used to fucking DJ in the Rock Room for a few months (unpaid I should add, they screwed me and my friend Izy (who used to DJ in the Indie Room with Mash from The Ambience around the same time I was there) out of giving us money by making us "guest" DJs every time and just offering us drink tokens, partly I did it for the scene but mostly I did it just to annoy people with my taste in music)" I was told that I could face legal action from Learndirect, which doesn't bother me that much, sure they could prove I deterred people from going there but it would bring attention from the media that a place owned by Learndirect was serving alcohol to minors. Steve added that they knew my IP address (again, doesn't matter, I don't go on their new website) and that Steve knows where I live (ok, the threat of physical violence does sound scary, but that would give me the right to go after them for GBH), after being made to march passed the queue and being made to say to Steve and Liam I couldn't go in "do you want to tell them why" "because I talked shit about them on the Taps site" Steve advised me to make an apology via the Taps messageboard "consider it done" because in the end I did feel bad because Steve does know my Mum after all. Nearly went back to the tap when I remembered there was a band I wanted to see at the Command House, so I went there instead:
The Kick Kick Murder Squad: Not as good as the last time I saw them but the samples between songs were cool.
Seven Year Kismet: Like a cross between Lamb Of God and Cradle Of Filth, shit.
There was meant to be another band but they didn't show up, left got a cab home, straight onto the computer and wrote this on the Taps messageboard
Alright, an arse kissing apology is in order.
I've just been banned from the Manor and threatened with possible legal action from Learndirect. My bitterness towards the Manor just stems from the sudden cut off of my DJing without any explanation (I can thank Steve for at least being direct with me tonight which isn't easy to do with me what with my inability to interact properly with people due to my Autism), as Steve put it I was luckily to have the chance to DJ there and it's true "if you asked at the Tap they'd tell you to fuck off" as Steve put it. It is hypocritical of my to talk shit about the place when I went last week and to be fair to them it isn't as bad as I made it out to be (this is were the real arse kissing kicks in) at least it's cheaper than the Tap which I wouldn't know too much about as since I DJed there I got in for free (which I should credit Hayley for as I haven't DJed in over a year and I keep getting to quid out but she never charges me (I can kiss that goodbye if they ever let me in again) and I don't notice how cheap the drinks are as I stick to water and soft drinks all the time). This does suck because I was considering going more often as all my friends frequent there, but as Steve said if I don't enjoy it I really shouldn't go there. Once again I whole heartedly apologise to Steve, Hayley and that guy who Steve made me talk to tonight who's name I don't know.
Please, please don't sue me.
Changed my sig to
The opinions in this post are only that of Goatboy and do not accurately represent the Manor Club experience
For added comedy, went to bed about midnight for some desperately needed bed rest.
Saturday: Slept about four hours, due to my cold, stomach ache and generally feeling terrible that I fucked myself here, the one thing I decided through all my tossing and turning is that even if Steve excepts my apology and welcomes me back to the Manor, I won't be in a rush to get back, I am fucked off with them putting words in my mouth and also saying "you come here every week" in the last three months I've been there three time and one of those was last night, it will suck not spending Friday nights with my friends but there is always Saturday's. Walked to Rochester to pick up a parcel I missed yesterday. When I got to the traffic lights near Darnley Road I saw a blue car coming towards me with a dog being held up in the passenger seat I smiled at it and then noticed it was being held up by Hayley being driven be Steve, I thought they still had that red Mini Cooper with the Union Jack painted on the roof. Got to the post office and what I initially thought was records for me were a big pink box of flowers for Mum which I had to carry around while I was doing my food shopping in Chatham (thanks Mum). Felt really depressed so I listened to the self help CD they gave me at the Goals course (used to listen to it every week now I just listen to it when I'm really bummed), and tried to figure out how I can turn this around, besides not talking shit on local messageboards, then I figured it out: I focus way too much on negative stuff and I should do that less, I know this could work because while I was tossing and turning trying to get to sleep I was thinking about the good things from not going to the Manor; not having to talk to annoying drunk kids, to having to see Heifer (who was hanging around where Steve and Liam was an awful lot last week), not feeling awkward walking around, not having to listen to bad popular Metal and thinking all that was actually helping me drift off to sleep. Went down the Tap about six, ran into Steve, Liam and the rest of the 8 Ball entourage hung out with them for a while, getting the piss ripped out of me by Steve for last night (but I was expecting that) apparently the manor last night wasn't that great (surprise) but I did miss a fifteen year old girl throwing up over Steve's shoes which would have been funny. Mills came down and I hung out with him, talking bollocks while the bands sound checked, went in and watched the first band, didn't catch their name but I recognised that guy Boris who came up and talked to me in the Tap about a month ago sitting behind the drums, when I saw they had no bass player and two guitarists I got all excited and thought ooh they might be like Floor, but they came across as like an Indie version of Playing Enemy, which was ok but the vocals weren't that great.
8 Ball: Surprised me by being properly good, I was watching sitting down next to Manny (soundman extraordinaire) as I'd been made into their merch boy the night before, although I didn't really do any work, it was all Mills and their mate Gabriel walking up to people asking if they wanted to by a demo (a lot of people actually did). After the first song Steve went into this rant about "fuck what the Scandinavians and the Americans are doing this is a British form of music and we want to keep it that way" I thought they were going into a Skrewdriver cover. As promised Steve went into a guitar solo, linking two songs and actually pulled it off, their drummer tried doing a John Bonham drum solo, which the rest of the band sat down during to retune their instruments, I'm guessing most people thought they'd finished because half the pool room emptied. They played a few more songs (including a cove of Let There Be Rock by AC/DC). The guy with the dreadlocks who works behind the bar offered them a contract to play five gigs at the Tap, and if those went well they'd go into talks with them to release something on Tap N Tin Records (they'd be right at home with bands like Up C Down C and Sparrows).
Hung around with Mills, Steve and Manny for a while then Steve offered to give me a lift home. Discovered he had a new car, chatted on the way about what I thought about their music (I described them as Stoner Rock in a Fu Manchu sense), and told Steve again that he should check out MC5. Got home enjoyed making loud noises the last night before my parents came home and went to bed about one am.
The Kick Kick Murder Squad: Not as good as the last time I saw them but the samples between songs were cool.
Seven Year Kismet: Like a cross between Lamb Of God and Cradle Of Filth, shit.
There was meant to be another band but they didn't show up, left got a cab home, straight onto the computer and wrote this on the Taps messageboard
Alright, an arse kissing apology is in order.
I've just been banned from the Manor and threatened with possible legal action from Learndirect. My bitterness towards the Manor just stems from the sudden cut off of my DJing without any explanation (I can thank Steve for at least being direct with me tonight which isn't easy to do with me what with my inability to interact properly with people due to my Autism), as Steve put it I was luckily to have the chance to DJ there and it's true "if you asked at the Tap they'd tell you to fuck off" as Steve put it. It is hypocritical of my to talk shit about the place when I went last week and to be fair to them it isn't as bad as I made it out to be (this is were the real arse kissing kicks in) at least it's cheaper than the Tap which I wouldn't know too much about as since I DJed there I got in for free (which I should credit Hayley for as I haven't DJed in over a year and I keep getting to quid out but she never charges me (I can kiss that goodbye if they ever let me in again) and I don't notice how cheap the drinks are as I stick to water and soft drinks all the time). This does suck because I was considering going more often as all my friends frequent there, but as Steve said if I don't enjoy it I really shouldn't go there. Once again I whole heartedly apologise to Steve, Hayley and that guy who Steve made me talk to tonight who's name I don't know.
Please, please don't sue me.
Changed my sig to
The opinions in this post are only that of Goatboy and do not accurately represent the Manor Club experience
For added comedy, went to bed about midnight for some desperately needed bed rest.
Saturday: Slept about four hours, due to my cold, stomach ache and generally feeling terrible that I fucked myself here, the one thing I decided through all my tossing and turning is that even if Steve excepts my apology and welcomes me back to the Manor, I won't be in a rush to get back, I am fucked off with them putting words in my mouth and also saying "you come here every week" in the last three months I've been there three time and one of those was last night, it will suck not spending Friday nights with my friends but there is always Saturday's. Walked to Rochester to pick up a parcel I missed yesterday. When I got to the traffic lights near Darnley Road I saw a blue car coming towards me with a dog being held up in the passenger seat I smiled at it and then noticed it was being held up by Hayley being driven be Steve, I thought they still had that red Mini Cooper with the Union Jack painted on the roof. Got to the post office and what I initially thought was records for me were a big pink box of flowers for Mum which I had to carry around while I was doing my food shopping in Chatham (thanks Mum). Felt really depressed so I listened to the self help CD they gave me at the Goals course (used to listen to it every week now I just listen to it when I'm really bummed), and tried to figure out how I can turn this around, besides not talking shit on local messageboards, then I figured it out: I focus way too much on negative stuff and I should do that less, I know this could work because while I was tossing and turning trying to get to sleep I was thinking about the good things from not going to the Manor; not having to talk to annoying drunk kids, to having to see Heifer (who was hanging around where Steve and Liam was an awful lot last week), not feeling awkward walking around, not having to listen to bad popular Metal and thinking all that was actually helping me drift off to sleep. Went down the Tap about six, ran into Steve, Liam and the rest of the 8 Ball entourage hung out with them for a while, getting the piss ripped out of me by Steve for last night (but I was expecting that) apparently the manor last night wasn't that great (surprise) but I did miss a fifteen year old girl throwing up over Steve's shoes which would have been funny. Mills came down and I hung out with him, talking bollocks while the bands sound checked, went in and watched the first band, didn't catch their name but I recognised that guy Boris who came up and talked to me in the Tap about a month ago sitting behind the drums, when I saw they had no bass player and two guitarists I got all excited and thought ooh they might be like Floor, but they came across as like an Indie version of Playing Enemy, which was ok but the vocals weren't that great.
8 Ball: Surprised me by being properly good, I was watching sitting down next to Manny (soundman extraordinaire) as I'd been made into their merch boy the night before, although I didn't really do any work, it was all Mills and their mate Gabriel walking up to people asking if they wanted to by a demo (a lot of people actually did). After the first song Steve went into this rant about "fuck what the Scandinavians and the Americans are doing this is a British form of music and we want to keep it that way" I thought they were going into a Skrewdriver cover. As promised Steve went into a guitar solo, linking two songs and actually pulled it off, their drummer tried doing a John Bonham drum solo, which the rest of the band sat down during to retune their instruments, I'm guessing most people thought they'd finished because half the pool room emptied. They played a few more songs (including a cove of Let There Be Rock by AC/DC). The guy with the dreadlocks who works behind the bar offered them a contract to play five gigs at the Tap, and if those went well they'd go into talks with them to release something on Tap N Tin Records (they'd be right at home with bands like Up C Down C and Sparrows).
Hung around with Mills, Steve and Manny for a while then Steve offered to give me a lift home. Discovered he had a new car, chatted on the way about what I thought about their music (I described them as Stoner Rock in a Fu Manchu sense), and told Steve again that he should check out MC5. Got home enjoyed making loud noises the last night before my parents came home and went to bed about one am.