Friday: I hate this fucking job, I deal with the same four people everyday and the guy who works in the same part of the office as me takes his job way too fucking seriously, this week he's been scrutinising my work on the company Christmas cards. So far I've learnt I no longer want to do Admin because a) I'd rather work with people my own age and b) I'd rather work with people who are at least on the same wavelength as me. Today we had Roger's (the guy who works in the same part of the office as me) 60th birthday party, it was really fucking uncomfortable for me to be in a room full of people I didn't know, thankfully it clashed with my lunch brake so after we all sang Happy Birthday to Roger I excused myself and went to Sainsbury's then to the Work Prep coffee room so I would have to go back to the party to eat. When I got back the party was over. They let me go early as they couldn't find enough for me to do so I walked through the pissing, fucking rain to Aylesford train station. Came home to find the stuff I ordered from Relapse had arrived (Machetazo split 7"s with Abscess and Total Fucking Destruction, Nasum and Tragedy CDs plus a Relapse sampler with Mastodon's cover of Emerald by Thin Lizzy from the split 7" they did with American Heritage (score)). Listened to the music, the 7"s were just OK, but the heaviness of the CDs blew me away (like "OW, MY NUTS, that's heavy!"). Wished my parents a nice holiday as I probably wouldn't see them before they left the next day and started walking to the Tap. Originally planed just to pop in to see who was there before going to the Command House to see crappy local Pop Punk bands but ran into Ollie, then Chris came along, then I saw Steve, Liam and Zoey, which meant I actually had people to hang out with while Chris forced Ollie to go to the Manor with him. So I got ranted at by an already severely drunk Steve, talked to a couple of Zoeys fit mates (a girl called Bianca was using my shoulder as a pillow at one point). Around half ten Steve convinced all of us to leave so he could get a curry we walked from the Tap to Strood (at one point seeing a half naked Chav running into a doorway like some sprite) Zoey and Liam started walking back to his place because they decided they'd rather have sex than curry (their loss). Had Steve ranting at me about Communism all the way to Darnley Road, here are some highlights;
Steve: Lawnmowers would earn the same as Doctors.
Me: Even though they're inanimate objects?
Steve: Yep, they'd earn the same as doctors
Steve: What's with bands who were Hammers and sickles on their shirts, do they believe in Stalin?
Me: They probably believe in the ideals of Marx and Lenin
Steve: That's like wearing a shirt with a Swastika on your shirt because you believe in Nietzsche.
Got to the curry place just as they were closing but the guy said he'd do take away for us. We got our food went outside, Steve zipped his order under his jacket for the long walk back to his house, luckily for me the curry place was right at the bottom of my road. Came home ate my vegetable curry, watched My Name Is Earl then a sex program on Channel Five that had a segment about Suicide Girls then went to bed.
Saturday: Woke up at ten to seven (goddamn this new sleep pattern) heard my parents get their cab to the airport, got up and had a shower. Got the bus to Chatham, got my shopping then got the train to Strood and took a bus the rest of the way home. Ate lunch then walked to Rochester train station to go to Victoria. Went straight to Camden, saw a couple of people walking around with these signs.

Got 3's discography in a second hand shop then went to the World's End to get a ticket for Baroness and Torche next month, found out Capricorns are the opening band, bitchin'. Went into the Vegan Chinese place, filled in my little card and got told I'll get a free meal next time I came there (which wont be 'til next month so it will be interesting if they keep there word cause they gave me this card sometime like early spring this year). Went down to Soho, passed a German guy taking through a megaphone about Jesus on my way to Berwick, all I caught was "Believe in him to deliver you from sin or he'll kick your ass" went into Sister Ray got a Low album, the new Jurassic 5 and an Anticon sampler. Got in line outside the Mean Fiddler, a young black girl came up to me "What is this, a club?" "No" "A Pub?" "No" "What is it then?" "A music venue" "OK, I'm getting in line!" then skipped off round the corner, I later saw her and her friends get thrown out of the sex shop next to the Mean Fiddler. Doors open, put my bag in the cloak room and went straight to the middle of the front, which is where I managed to stay for most of the night.
Gallows: Fucking insane as per usual.

At one point Frank got off stage and started walking around the empty part of the dance floor.

Other highlights was him climbing up to the balcony and then walking threw the crowd to climb over the barrier and back onstage, for the last song they brought on their mate from another band and he just started play fighting with frank while they were singing. A note to Bring Me The Horizon, it's debatable whether that rumor that you took legal action to stop this band from playing with you after that time they blew you offstage is true or not but in any instance, you could learn from this band.
The Steal: "We look like the Care Bears compared to Gallows so were not even going to try competing with them" they played a great set and I got to sing on the mic a couple of times when the singer came to the front of the barrier.

Lifetime: I'm way more into Kid Dynamite and the main reason I went to see this band was that I reasoned I could get to see at least two guy's who used to be in them (I missed their other band Paint It Black to go to Reading after all) but they really impressed me, I only have a couple of their CDs at home so I couldn't sing along to the songs I didn't know but I got to sing into the mic for The Boy's No Good (being my favourite Lifetime song) when the singer dived into the audience and landed near the vicinity of my face which in itself made the whole gig worth it (plus getting to see two of my favourite English Hardcore bands before they came on). After half an hour later I got my bag from the cloak room to avoid the rush and picked up a Lifetime album I didn't already have then went back to watch the rest of their set

They finished but had to come back when everyone was chanting their name, I thought they weren't going to come back on, I started walking out but managed to watch their last few songs from the balcony.

After they finished Dan Yemin started high fiveing and shaking hands with people then jumped over the barrier and talked to anyone who came up to him, one girl standing next to me cooed "He's such a nice guy" to her friend.
Went to Victoria, got a fruit salad and a liter of Mandarin juice (it sounded interesting and tasted lush) from Marks & Spencer's and a black coffee while I waited for the train to arrive. Ate the fruit salad on the train and nursed to Mandarin juice, got annoyed by a whole class of school girls (on a Saturday night?) and read Paradise Lost. Got off at Chatham and into a taxi home with a geriatric looking driver who waved at a young looking prostitute who waved back when we pasted Fort Pitt school, I didn't say shit and tried not to notice. Got home and listened to the Anticon sampler and put the songs I liked onto my iPod, went to bed after two am and still woke up before seven (I hate my new sleep pattern).
Steve: Lawnmowers would earn the same as Doctors.
Me: Even though they're inanimate objects?
Steve: Yep, they'd earn the same as doctors
Steve: What's with bands who were Hammers and sickles on their shirts, do they believe in Stalin?
Me: They probably believe in the ideals of Marx and Lenin
Steve: That's like wearing a shirt with a Swastika on your shirt because you believe in Nietzsche.
Got to the curry place just as they were closing but the guy said he'd do take away for us. We got our food went outside, Steve zipped his order under his jacket for the long walk back to his house, luckily for me the curry place was right at the bottom of my road. Came home ate my vegetable curry, watched My Name Is Earl then a sex program on Channel Five that had a segment about Suicide Girls then went to bed.
Saturday: Woke up at ten to seven (goddamn this new sleep pattern) heard my parents get their cab to the airport, got up and had a shower. Got the bus to Chatham, got my shopping then got the train to Strood and took a bus the rest of the way home. Ate lunch then walked to Rochester train station to go to Victoria. Went straight to Camden, saw a couple of people walking around with these signs.

Got 3's discography in a second hand shop then went to the World's End to get a ticket for Baroness and Torche next month, found out Capricorns are the opening band, bitchin'. Went into the Vegan Chinese place, filled in my little card and got told I'll get a free meal next time I came there (which wont be 'til next month so it will be interesting if they keep there word cause they gave me this card sometime like early spring this year). Went down to Soho, passed a German guy taking through a megaphone about Jesus on my way to Berwick, all I caught was "Believe in him to deliver you from sin or he'll kick your ass" went into Sister Ray got a Low album, the new Jurassic 5 and an Anticon sampler. Got in line outside the Mean Fiddler, a young black girl came up to me "What is this, a club?" "No" "A Pub?" "No" "What is it then?" "A music venue" "OK, I'm getting in line!" then skipped off round the corner, I later saw her and her friends get thrown out of the sex shop next to the Mean Fiddler. Doors open, put my bag in the cloak room and went straight to the middle of the front, which is where I managed to stay for most of the night.
Gallows: Fucking insane as per usual.

At one point Frank got off stage and started walking around the empty part of the dance floor.

Other highlights was him climbing up to the balcony and then walking threw the crowd to climb over the barrier and back onstage, for the last song they brought on their mate from another band and he just started play fighting with frank while they were singing. A note to Bring Me The Horizon, it's debatable whether that rumor that you took legal action to stop this band from playing with you after that time they blew you offstage is true or not but in any instance, you could learn from this band.
The Steal: "We look like the Care Bears compared to Gallows so were not even going to try competing with them" they played a great set and I got to sing on the mic a couple of times when the singer came to the front of the barrier.

Lifetime: I'm way more into Kid Dynamite and the main reason I went to see this band was that I reasoned I could get to see at least two guy's who used to be in them (I missed their other band Paint It Black to go to Reading after all) but they really impressed me, I only have a couple of their CDs at home so I couldn't sing along to the songs I didn't know but I got to sing into the mic for The Boy's No Good (being my favourite Lifetime song) when the singer dived into the audience and landed near the vicinity of my face which in itself made the whole gig worth it (plus getting to see two of my favourite English Hardcore bands before they came on). After half an hour later I got my bag from the cloak room to avoid the rush and picked up a Lifetime album I didn't already have then went back to watch the rest of their set

They finished but had to come back when everyone was chanting their name, I thought they weren't going to come back on, I started walking out but managed to watch their last few songs from the balcony.

After they finished Dan Yemin started high fiveing and shaking hands with people then jumped over the barrier and talked to anyone who came up to him, one girl standing next to me cooed "He's such a nice guy" to her friend.
Went to Victoria, got a fruit salad and a liter of Mandarin juice (it sounded interesting and tasted lush) from Marks & Spencer's and a black coffee while I waited for the train to arrive. Ate the fruit salad on the train and nursed to Mandarin juice, got annoyed by a whole class of school girls (on a Saturday night?) and read Paradise Lost. Got off at Chatham and into a taxi home with a geriatric looking driver who waved at a young looking prostitute who waved back when we pasted Fort Pitt school, I didn't say shit and tried not to notice. Got home and listened to the Anticon sampler and put the songs I liked onto my iPod, went to bed after two am and still woke up before seven (I hate my new sleep pattern).