Wednesday: Went to the gym in the morning, came home, ate sandwiches, dicked around 'til two then headed to Rochester train station and straight onto a train to Victoria. Went to Berwick Street found the first albums by Downset and Civ (both REALLY fucking rare) both for under a tenner, then went to Sister Ray and got an early Low album then onto Virgin and got Bob Dlyan, Jimi Hendrix and the Pixies album in their three for fifteen sale. Went up to Camden for Vegan food and a ticket for Baroness and Torche but they weren't on sale yet, back down to Soho. Got in line outside the Mean Fiddler, there were two guys behind me drinking beer from an plastic carrier bag, one guy was worried if their friend didn't show up before they had enough time to save a beer for him so he offered me one, I said no, I have Straight Edge badges on my backpack, a belt buckle with three big X's on it and a Youth Of Today shirt with a drawing of a fist with an X on it, his mate saw all this and whispered to him "That guy's Straight Edge, he might have killed you!" There were PETA people walking up and down the line with petitions for the Queen to stop using real bear skin in ceremonies (which I've since found out aren't made from Bear skin at all, they're just called bear skin), as much as I think PETA are anti-human, self-contradicting cunts I thought it was a good cause and signed the petition. Doors open, I go straight for A Wilhelm Scream's merch table, they don't have the album I want but I see their merch guy writing a sign saying "DO YOU HAVE ANY WEED?" on a small scrap of paper. There was a PETA table handing out free DVDs of bands playing live (well, it promised on the cover it was bands playing live but actually turned out to be bands talking about why they went Vegan/Vegetarian, most entertainingly Benji from Good Charlotte revelled himself to be an utter retard ("people who wear fur are just like, a guy kicking a puppy down the street and if I saw that I'd totally say something and people who eat meat are just like . . . kicking a puppy down the street too" (I'm paraphrasing at best))) and the usual PETA propaganda to anyone saying they've already signed their petition, the girl also gave me a couple of stickers of a cartoon chick saying "I am not a nugget"
The first band whose name I can't remember: Crap, sounded like a cross between Thursday and Bullet For My Valentine, they had weird accents and I couldn't tell if they were German, Italian, Spanish or Welsh. The only good moment of their set was Tim from Rise Against running on stage and singing with them unannounced.
A Wilhelm Scream: Great, played all the songs off the one album I have that I hoped they would as well as the two songs I downloaded off the album I couldn't get tonight.
Rise Against: Tried taking picture but it was difficult with all the little teeny Punks pogoing around me tried to find a better vantage point but found myself in the mosh pit by accident, well I say mosh pit but it was so packed it kinda felt more like line dancing in a way (we all push in the direction, we all take steps back when we get pushed back) wound up having to fight my way out and found a place to stand by the other side of the stage. So guy with his shirt off who had just came over the barrier after crowd surfing walked past shaking his head like a dog sending his sweat everywhere, I got a good load in the face so I punched him in his kidney, some other guy was standing in front of me so when he turned around he thought that other guy did it, nothing happened and it would have sucked if he punched the guy and although it was really childish on my part it was still very funny. Oh yeah, the band, they played a set similar to Reading and although it was in a well packed venue they still managed to create an intimate environment with their performance (that could be were the Bad Religion comparisons come from). The last song they plaid (well last before they came out to do an encore) was Six Ways 'til Sunday which has always been my favourite Rise Against song since I got their first album after the first time they toured England with Sick Of It All. Tim came out later with an acoustic guitar and played Swing Life Away then the rest of the band came out and they plaid Bricks and Give It All. Some pictures that didn't come out too blurry.
The PETA people were handing out more I Am Not A Nugget stickers so I took another two and stuck one in a phone box next to the prostitute call cards and another on a MacDonald's poster going into Tottenham Court Road station (which gave me an idea of what to do with the other two when I walk past the MacDonald's in Strood). Got to Victoria and went to the Chinese place but saw they were out of Tofu and rice so I went into Marks & Spencer's (still open at this hour) and got a fruit salad. Got on my train, ate the fruit salad, heir was a drunk bloke talking loudly into his phone behind me, he seemed like he could kick off so I moved to another part of the train, started reading the book I brought with me when a drunk woman across the aisle from me threw up over the floor of the seat next to her, I finish the chapter I'm on and move to another part of the train. Get off in Chatham because the train didn't stop at Rochester, I had twenty minutes 'til the train going to Strood came in so I walked to the kebab shop and got a small portion of chips before the place shut. When I got to MacDonald's in Strood I saw police parked across the road, so I decide to save the stickers for another time.
Thursday: Walked around Rochester and Strood, bought socks, came home and listened to music.
Friday: Weird dream; I'm sitting in a tube station and start masturbating, lots of people notice but I pretend that I don't see them, more and more people gather round me and talk amongst themselves, I'm trying to bring myself to orgasm but it hard because I have an audience to perform to, the dream has no definite end to it. Walked around Rochester and saw this Chinese theatre troupe in Rochester Castle, two guys dressed as a dragon jumping from a set of platforms on poles, nearly took a picture but their routine came to an end and one guy just fell out of the costume. Went to Tescos in Strood, picked up some things and went home. Got the bus to Chatham then had to search for a decent newspaper, eventually finding one at Sainsbury's in the Pentagon. Read The Independent in the Tap for an hour and a half then tried phoning Chris and Mills, Chris had gone straight to the Manor and Mills was staying in. Found Liam and Zoey, Steveless as he had to go to his bosses party, talked to Liam and asked what was up with Steve last week, Steve had seriously quit smoking weed and was going through some personal shit. Hung around with them for a couple of hours and talked to random people, regretted wearing shorts to the Tap as Autumn was finally coming, felt kinda miserable and decided once and for all when I get enough money to move out I'm going to Maidstone because I fucking hate this area. Went for a little walk and lost track of Liam and Zoey, hung around on the top floor 'til twelve then decided I was miserable enough so I left to get chips and a taxi home. On my way to the taxi rank I passed this woman who asked me to sit down next to her, I was sure if she was a crack head, a Pikey, a prostitute or maybe all of the above so I walked off with her commanding me to come back and sit next to her.
Saturday: Went shopping, came home, ate, watched Family Guy episodes from Season 5 on Youtube all afternoon then walked to the Tap. Saw the crappest piece of graffiti near St. John hospital
Someone is tagging things with Born Again looking at it now I wish I got a piece of chalk and added st after Again. Met Mills, talked bollocks until ten, got a big bag of chips because I hadn't eaten much all day, got harassed by passing Pikeys for chips then got a taxi home.
Sunday: Went to the gym in the morning, came back, ate, listened to music, made Vegan burgers, showered then walked to Rochester. As soon as I walked into the Casino Rooms I ran straight into Mills who told me I was just in time to miss Reasonable Doubt (score), had a look at the distro and got Napalm Death's Leaders Not Followers ep for seven quid.
The Furious Horde: A laugh a minute.
Denounce: Great, the singer started their set by running around the empty floor space, later joined by their bass player. Later they both got back onstage with the singer alternating between singing onstage and in the audience, picked up their CD from the merch table afterwards.
'Til Thy Dying Day: I forgot how much they sound like Lamb Of God, and how much I hate Lamb Of God, it was well funny though as the singer was utterly pissed up and acting like a little rock star asking the sound guy to turn specific things up between every song, during the last song he just threw a hissy fit and stormed off stage before the band even finished the song.
The Inbreds: Now where getting drunk before playing would normally hinder a bands ability to perform live with The Inbreds it actually improves their performance. The singer was clutching a bottle of Jgermeister much like David Lee Roth hold a bottle of Jack Daniels, ranting incoherently between songs like Phil Anselmo and looking like Steve on Heroin. Before they played their last song the singer threw a box of Jgermeister parafunalia into the crowd (I got this weird flashing light that I attached to my back pocket).
Left the Casino Rooms, got called a Muppet by some passing Pikey on a bike. Walked to Strood got chips in pita in the kebab near the bridge, then walked to MacDonald's and stuck the remaining PETA stickers to their Drive-Thru signs before walking the rest of the way home.
The first band whose name I can't remember: Crap, sounded like a cross between Thursday and Bullet For My Valentine, they had weird accents and I couldn't tell if they were German, Italian, Spanish or Welsh. The only good moment of their set was Tim from Rise Against running on stage and singing with them unannounced.

A Wilhelm Scream: Great, played all the songs off the one album I have that I hoped they would as well as the two songs I downloaded off the album I couldn't get tonight.

Rise Against: Tried taking picture but it was difficult with all the little teeny Punks pogoing around me tried to find a better vantage point but found myself in the mosh pit by accident, well I say mosh pit but it was so packed it kinda felt more like line dancing in a way (we all push in the direction, we all take steps back when we get pushed back) wound up having to fight my way out and found a place to stand by the other side of the stage. So guy with his shirt off who had just came over the barrier after crowd surfing walked past shaking his head like a dog sending his sweat everywhere, I got a good load in the face so I punched him in his kidney, some other guy was standing in front of me so when he turned around he thought that other guy did it, nothing happened and it would have sucked if he punched the guy and although it was really childish on my part it was still very funny. Oh yeah, the band, they played a set similar to Reading and although it was in a well packed venue they still managed to create an intimate environment with their performance (that could be were the Bad Religion comparisons come from). The last song they plaid (well last before they came out to do an encore) was Six Ways 'til Sunday which has always been my favourite Rise Against song since I got their first album after the first time they toured England with Sick Of It All. Tim came out later with an acoustic guitar and played Swing Life Away then the rest of the band came out and they plaid Bricks and Give It All. Some pictures that didn't come out too blurry.

The PETA people were handing out more I Am Not A Nugget stickers so I took another two and stuck one in a phone box next to the prostitute call cards and another on a MacDonald's poster going into Tottenham Court Road station (which gave me an idea of what to do with the other two when I walk past the MacDonald's in Strood). Got to Victoria and went to the Chinese place but saw they were out of Tofu and rice so I went into Marks & Spencer's (still open at this hour) and got a fruit salad. Got on my train, ate the fruit salad, heir was a drunk bloke talking loudly into his phone behind me, he seemed like he could kick off so I moved to another part of the train, started reading the book I brought with me when a drunk woman across the aisle from me threw up over the floor of the seat next to her, I finish the chapter I'm on and move to another part of the train. Get off in Chatham because the train didn't stop at Rochester, I had twenty minutes 'til the train going to Strood came in so I walked to the kebab shop and got a small portion of chips before the place shut. When I got to MacDonald's in Strood I saw police parked across the road, so I decide to save the stickers for another time.
Thursday: Walked around Rochester and Strood, bought socks, came home and listened to music.
Friday: Weird dream; I'm sitting in a tube station and start masturbating, lots of people notice but I pretend that I don't see them, more and more people gather round me and talk amongst themselves, I'm trying to bring myself to orgasm but it hard because I have an audience to perform to, the dream has no definite end to it. Walked around Rochester and saw this Chinese theatre troupe in Rochester Castle, two guys dressed as a dragon jumping from a set of platforms on poles, nearly took a picture but their routine came to an end and one guy just fell out of the costume. Went to Tescos in Strood, picked up some things and went home. Got the bus to Chatham then had to search for a decent newspaper, eventually finding one at Sainsbury's in the Pentagon. Read The Independent in the Tap for an hour and a half then tried phoning Chris and Mills, Chris had gone straight to the Manor and Mills was staying in. Found Liam and Zoey, Steveless as he had to go to his bosses party, talked to Liam and asked what was up with Steve last week, Steve had seriously quit smoking weed and was going through some personal shit. Hung around with them for a couple of hours and talked to random people, regretted wearing shorts to the Tap as Autumn was finally coming, felt kinda miserable and decided once and for all when I get enough money to move out I'm going to Maidstone because I fucking hate this area. Went for a little walk and lost track of Liam and Zoey, hung around on the top floor 'til twelve then decided I was miserable enough so I left to get chips and a taxi home. On my way to the taxi rank I passed this woman who asked me to sit down next to her, I was sure if she was a crack head, a Pikey, a prostitute or maybe all of the above so I walked off with her commanding me to come back and sit next to her.
Saturday: Went shopping, came home, ate, watched Family Guy episodes from Season 5 on Youtube all afternoon then walked to the Tap. Saw the crappest piece of graffiti near St. John hospital

Someone is tagging things with Born Again looking at it now I wish I got a piece of chalk and added st after Again. Met Mills, talked bollocks until ten, got a big bag of chips because I hadn't eaten much all day, got harassed by passing Pikeys for chips then got a taxi home.
Sunday: Went to the gym in the morning, came back, ate, listened to music, made Vegan burgers, showered then walked to Rochester. As soon as I walked into the Casino Rooms I ran straight into Mills who told me I was just in time to miss Reasonable Doubt (score), had a look at the distro and got Napalm Death's Leaders Not Followers ep for seven quid.
The Furious Horde: A laugh a minute.
Denounce: Great, the singer started their set by running around the empty floor space, later joined by their bass player. Later they both got back onstage with the singer alternating between singing onstage and in the audience, picked up their CD from the merch table afterwards.

'Til Thy Dying Day: I forgot how much they sound like Lamb Of God, and how much I hate Lamb Of God, it was well funny though as the singer was utterly pissed up and acting like a little rock star asking the sound guy to turn specific things up between every song, during the last song he just threw a hissy fit and stormed off stage before the band even finished the song.
The Inbreds: Now where getting drunk before playing would normally hinder a bands ability to perform live with The Inbreds it actually improves their performance. The singer was clutching a bottle of Jgermeister much like David Lee Roth hold a bottle of Jack Daniels, ranting incoherently between songs like Phil Anselmo and looking like Steve on Heroin. Before they played their last song the singer threw a box of Jgermeister parafunalia into the crowd (I got this weird flashing light that I attached to my back pocket).

Left the Casino Rooms, got called a Muppet by some passing Pikey on a bike. Walked to Strood got chips in pita in the kebab near the bridge, then walked to MacDonald's and stuck the remaining PETA stickers to their Drive-Thru signs before walking the rest of the way home.