Thursday: Celtic Frost and Jello Biafra CDs came through the post along with my new shoes I ordered from, inside was this cool note

Went to the gym, had a great work out, an old man fell over in he spa and had to be taken away in an ambulance, it was kinda a shock to look up from the weights see medics in the gym. On the way back home I saw this cat with a black mark under its nose that looks a bit like a Hitler tash was I tried to take a picture of once but it ran away. Well I walked past it and turned around and it was fallowing me, hunched to the ground like it was going to pounce on me, I kept walking away and it kept fallowing me, so I got my phone camera out and started chasing it until it went under a fence, that may sound cruel coming from a guy so into animal rights, but in my defense the cat started it. Got home ate, listened to most of the CDs (the Jello Biafra one I couldnt quiet get all the way through as it was three CDs at an half and a quarter each) then left my house for Rochester station. Ran into Katie along the way and she made me give her a hug. Got the train to Victoria, went straight to Oxford street, saw this in HMV

Not stereotyping Gay people in anyway. Went to Virgin, there was a band doing an instore on the basement floor, I went to the stairs and saw it was Shith, sorry, Sikth

No wait I do mean Shith. Went up to Camden and got something to eat at the Vegan Chinese place, again I say this every time but the people working there are well nice. Got the train to Chalk Farm Road and went to the cheap Food & Wine shop, got myself some orange juice. Had a look at the front of the Barfly, not a lot of people there so I went for a wander around Camden market, came back to find a couple of teenage girls putting on Zombie makeup and spoke to an Italian guy who spoke very little English asking what kind of bands were on tonight. Doors opened, went up to the bar and got a bottle of water, there was a male bartender and a female who were having an argument that I was asked to settle by the male bartender is it pronounced Vag-in-al belch or vag-i-nal belch? all I could get out was um . . .yeah. . .the first one doors to see the bands open
D-Rail: All Ive ever heard about them are that theyre good, nothing about what they sound like, just good. And they were, my first impression was old With Honor only with more beatdowns.
Gallows: Fucking insane shit, the singer was running around the stage getting the mic chord tangled or lost and kept having to grab other mics from stands.

at one point he dedicated a song to his mum and his brothers for being brilliant and got his little brother who was standing at the front of the stage to sing as well as his older brother who has become their second, live guitarist

I sang along to the songs I remembered enough words to, highlights were getting to scream YOU ALWAYS WERE A FUCKING PRICK! right into the mic during Will Someone Please Shoot That Fucking Snake and at the end of Orchestra Of Wolves the singer just handed the mic to the crowd and everyone just took turns to scream THE HARDEST THING YOULL EVER LEARN IS JUST TO LOVE AND BE LOVED IN RETURN, screamed myself horse.
Send More Paramedics: Some old favourites, some new stuff, sang on the mic a bunch of times (highlight during Cannibal I got to scream MY THIRST FOR BLOOD WILL NEVER DIE into the mic)

during one of the new songs the singer from Gallows came up, uninvited and sang with them, I tried to take a picture but Bhellmouth kicked my phone out of my hand when he dived into the crowd, thankfully I found it on the floor and it wasnt damaged, took one more picture

then put it back in my pocket and left it there. They finished by playing Zombie Vs. Shark, Zombie Crew and Brains. It was a hard choice between them and Gallows who was better.
Before I left I went to the merch table to get both of D-Rails CDs, I asked the merch guy how much for both he says twelve quid mate . . .No wait, I meant twenty I give him a twenty and motion to leave when he stops me Wait, I meant ten and hands me make a tenner. I go out and find the Food & Wine place is still open, I go in and get another bottle of orange juice then head up to Chalk Farm station. I get to Victoria, go up to the Chinese place only to discover they have packed up the hot food, I get a bottle of water and head over the road to the Kebab to get a portion of chips in pita, I get my train to Chatham then get a cab home.
Friday: Wake up way too early, I actually fainted while I was sitting on the toilet and came too on the floor with a dull ache in my head (well I learned that if I strain and feel faint then I really shouldnt be on the toilet, but enough about my bowls). The guy at my course at Aylesford I described as Richard Burrell on speed wasnt far off the mark, I over heard from one of the people running the course that he has a tendency to lie, so all that stuff about him getting on loads of birds was utter bollocks, I suspected something when he told me he had a son that died of a brain tumor over the weekend and made it sound like nothing at all, and when he was talking about hacking into his schools computer system, and the stuff about helping out his brother from having the Australian Mafia(?!?!?) coming after him. I had him sit opposite me on the train and just tried not to encourage him to tell me any stories whatsoever (having a paper in front of you does help). Today was job search, we had some other people who have been on the course longer with us, one of which being a middle aged woman with mental health problems (who was surprisingly nice and likable). Left early and managed to avoid Rob (Richard Burrell II) on the train home be hiding from him at Aylesford station before getting on the train, cunt managed to find me when we got off at Strood though. Listen to D-Rail and the rest of the Jello Biafra album, ate, shower then headed out. Got to the Tap, Ollie and that were already there, waited around with them but got fucked off with the level of noise so I went for a walk outside and called Chris who was stuck at a bus stop. Mills showed up so I hung about with him and talked bollocks. I explained my current anti-corporate thing Ive gotten into and talked about an idea of going up to the coke machines at Bluewater and sticking Avery labels over the option buttons or better yet one over the coin slot with Out Of Order on it then it escalated in way that I cant go into here because if I pull it off it will wind up being the best pranks Ive ever pulled. Chris came back from the Manor, Mills called him a fag, we sat down and had a chat for a while then Mills went home. Hung around with Chris and the others on the Top floor then went to the kebab for chips in pita then went up to the taxi bay.
Saturday: Caught my next door neighbors kid smoking a joint in the alley way going behind our road while I was walking to Chatham. Got my shopping and went up to Chatham train station and got harassed by some Pikey lady with a black eye for change so she could get a train ticket, I saw her on the same platform later and just jumped on a Victoria train to get away from her, got off at Rochester, waited for my train when the next Victoria train came through and she got off right in front of where I was sitting. Came home, dicked around the house until ten to seven then headed out to get a bus to Chatham. Got to Tap and read Sartre until Mills got there, talked bollocks for a while, annoying Indie bloke came up and chatted to us (well just to Mills really, I was trying to ignore the twat) until his friends showed up and left us alone. Watched Mother Trucker who kinda reminded me of Pelican but not in a good way, went home early and got a cheap taxi home.

Went to the gym, had a great work out, an old man fell over in he spa and had to be taken away in an ambulance, it was kinda a shock to look up from the weights see medics in the gym. On the way back home I saw this cat with a black mark under its nose that looks a bit like a Hitler tash was I tried to take a picture of once but it ran away. Well I walked past it and turned around and it was fallowing me, hunched to the ground like it was going to pounce on me, I kept walking away and it kept fallowing me, so I got my phone camera out and started chasing it until it went under a fence, that may sound cruel coming from a guy so into animal rights, but in my defense the cat started it. Got home ate, listened to most of the CDs (the Jello Biafra one I couldnt quiet get all the way through as it was three CDs at an half and a quarter each) then left my house for Rochester station. Ran into Katie along the way and she made me give her a hug. Got the train to Victoria, went straight to Oxford street, saw this in HMV

Not stereotyping Gay people in anyway. Went to Virgin, there was a band doing an instore on the basement floor, I went to the stairs and saw it was Shith, sorry, Sikth

No wait I do mean Shith. Went up to Camden and got something to eat at the Vegan Chinese place, again I say this every time but the people working there are well nice. Got the train to Chalk Farm Road and went to the cheap Food & Wine shop, got myself some orange juice. Had a look at the front of the Barfly, not a lot of people there so I went for a wander around Camden market, came back to find a couple of teenage girls putting on Zombie makeup and spoke to an Italian guy who spoke very little English asking what kind of bands were on tonight. Doors opened, went up to the bar and got a bottle of water, there was a male bartender and a female who were having an argument that I was asked to settle by the male bartender is it pronounced Vag-in-al belch or vag-i-nal belch? all I could get out was um . . .yeah. . .the first one doors to see the bands open
D-Rail: All Ive ever heard about them are that theyre good, nothing about what they sound like, just good. And they were, my first impression was old With Honor only with more beatdowns.
Gallows: Fucking insane shit, the singer was running around the stage getting the mic chord tangled or lost and kept having to grab other mics from stands.

at one point he dedicated a song to his mum and his brothers for being brilliant and got his little brother who was standing at the front of the stage to sing as well as his older brother who has become their second, live guitarist

I sang along to the songs I remembered enough words to, highlights were getting to scream YOU ALWAYS WERE A FUCKING PRICK! right into the mic during Will Someone Please Shoot That Fucking Snake and at the end of Orchestra Of Wolves the singer just handed the mic to the crowd and everyone just took turns to scream THE HARDEST THING YOULL EVER LEARN IS JUST TO LOVE AND BE LOVED IN RETURN, screamed myself horse.
Send More Paramedics: Some old favourites, some new stuff, sang on the mic a bunch of times (highlight during Cannibal I got to scream MY THIRST FOR BLOOD WILL NEVER DIE into the mic)

during one of the new songs the singer from Gallows came up, uninvited and sang with them, I tried to take a picture but Bhellmouth kicked my phone out of my hand when he dived into the crowd, thankfully I found it on the floor and it wasnt damaged, took one more picture

then put it back in my pocket and left it there. They finished by playing Zombie Vs. Shark, Zombie Crew and Brains. It was a hard choice between them and Gallows who was better.
Before I left I went to the merch table to get both of D-Rails CDs, I asked the merch guy how much for both he says twelve quid mate . . .No wait, I meant twenty I give him a twenty and motion to leave when he stops me Wait, I meant ten and hands me make a tenner. I go out and find the Food & Wine place is still open, I go in and get another bottle of orange juice then head up to Chalk Farm station. I get to Victoria, go up to the Chinese place only to discover they have packed up the hot food, I get a bottle of water and head over the road to the Kebab to get a portion of chips in pita, I get my train to Chatham then get a cab home.
Friday: Wake up way too early, I actually fainted while I was sitting on the toilet and came too on the floor with a dull ache in my head (well I learned that if I strain and feel faint then I really shouldnt be on the toilet, but enough about my bowls). The guy at my course at Aylesford I described as Richard Burrell on speed wasnt far off the mark, I over heard from one of the people running the course that he has a tendency to lie, so all that stuff about him getting on loads of birds was utter bollocks, I suspected something when he told me he had a son that died of a brain tumor over the weekend and made it sound like nothing at all, and when he was talking about hacking into his schools computer system, and the stuff about helping out his brother from having the Australian Mafia(?!?!?) coming after him. I had him sit opposite me on the train and just tried not to encourage him to tell me any stories whatsoever (having a paper in front of you does help). Today was job search, we had some other people who have been on the course longer with us, one of which being a middle aged woman with mental health problems (who was surprisingly nice and likable). Left early and managed to avoid Rob (Richard Burrell II) on the train home be hiding from him at Aylesford station before getting on the train, cunt managed to find me when we got off at Strood though. Listen to D-Rail and the rest of the Jello Biafra album, ate, shower then headed out. Got to the Tap, Ollie and that were already there, waited around with them but got fucked off with the level of noise so I went for a walk outside and called Chris who was stuck at a bus stop. Mills showed up so I hung about with him and talked bollocks. I explained my current anti-corporate thing Ive gotten into and talked about an idea of going up to the coke machines at Bluewater and sticking Avery labels over the option buttons or better yet one over the coin slot with Out Of Order on it then it escalated in way that I cant go into here because if I pull it off it will wind up being the best pranks Ive ever pulled. Chris came back from the Manor, Mills called him a fag, we sat down and had a chat for a while then Mills went home. Hung around with Chris and the others on the Top floor then went to the kebab for chips in pita then went up to the taxi bay.
Saturday: Caught my next door neighbors kid smoking a joint in the alley way going behind our road while I was walking to Chatham. Got my shopping and went up to Chatham train station and got harassed by some Pikey lady with a black eye for change so she could get a train ticket, I saw her on the same platform later and just jumped on a Victoria train to get away from her, got off at Rochester, waited for my train when the next Victoria train came through and she got off right in front of where I was sitting. Came home, dicked around the house until ten to seven then headed out to get a bus to Chatham. Got to Tap and read Sartre until Mills got there, talked bollocks for a while, annoying Indie bloke came up and chatted to us (well just to Mills really, I was trying to ignore the twat) until his friends showed up and left us alone. Watched Mother Trucker who kinda reminded me of Pelican but not in a good way, went home early and got a cheap taxi home.